Laura Victoria Schulte-Werning,
Bhupender Singh,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Rolf Einar Engstad,
Ann-Mari Holsæter
Antimicrobial liposomes-in-nanofiber wound dressings prepared by a green and sustainable wire-electrospinning set-up
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2024
Jonathan Hira,
Bhupender Singh,
Tirthankar Halder,
Anel Mahmutovic,
Clément Ajayi,
Arif Ahmed Sekh
et al.:
Single-cell phenotypic profiling and backtracing exposes and predicts clinically relevant subpopulations in isogenic Staphylococcus aureus communities
Bishnu Joshi,
Bhupender Singh,
Aftab Nadeem,
Fatemeh Askarian,
Sun Nyunt Wai,
Mona Johannessen
et al.:
Transcriptome profiling of staphylococcus aureus associated extracellular vesicles reveals presence of small RNA-cargo
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 13. Jan 2021
Laura Schulte Werning,
Anjanah Murugaiah,
Bhupender Singh,
Mona Johannessen,
Rolf Einar Engstad,
Natasa Skalko-Basnet
et al.:
Multifunctional Nanofibrous Dressing with Antimicrobial and Anti-Inflammatory Properties Prepared by Needle-Free Electrospinning
Fabrizio Clarelli,
Adam Palmer,
Bhupender Singh,
Merete Storflor,
Silje Lauksund,
Ted Cohen
et al.:
Drug-target binding quantitatively predicts optimal antibiotic dose levels in quinolones
PLoS Computational Biology 2020
Mitesh Dongre,
Bhupender Singh,
Kyaw Min Aung,
Per Larsson,
Regina Miftakhova,
Karina Persson
et al.:
Flagella-mediated secretion of a novel Vibrio cholerae cytotoxin affecting both vertebrate and invertebrate hosts
Communications Biology 2018
Krister Wiklund,
Hanqing Zhang,
Tim Stangner,
Bhupender Singh,
Esther Bullitt,
Magnus Andersson
A drag force interpolation model for capsule-shaped cells in fluid flows near a surface
Microbiology (Reading) 2018
Bhupender Singh
Bacterial breakthrough: Found the bacterial needle in the haystack
Bhupender Singh
Gjennombrudd i bakterieforskning: Fant bakterienåla i høystakken
Christian Stephan Lentz,
Jonathan Hira,
Bhupender Singh
Gjennombrudd i bakterieforskning: Fant bakterienåla i høystakken.
Christian Stephan Lentz,
Jonathan Hira,
Bhupender Singh
Håper nyutviklet metode skal motvirke uforklarlig svikt i antibiotika-behandling
Anna-Luisa Warnke,
Bhupender Singh,
Christian Stephan Lentz,
Marius Myreng Haugland
Synthesis of fluorescently labeled aminoglycoside antibiotics
Jonathan Hira,
Bhupender Singh,
Clément Ajayi,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Christian Stephan Lentz
Sorting out their differences – High-throughput phenotypic profiling of single cells and subpopulations within isogenic bacterial pathogen cell populations
Jonathan Hira,
Bhupender Singh,
Theresa Maria Wagner,
Kristin Hegstad,
Mona Susan Johannessen,
Christian Stephan Lentz
A high-throughput platform for phenotypic profiling of bacteria coupled to single cell-derived growth analysis
Christian Lentz,
Theresa Wagner,
Bhupender Singh,
Md Jalal Uddin,
Gaute Hovde Bø,
Jeanette Grunnvåg
et al.:
Standen "Bli med...som mikrobejeger" på Forskningstorget i Trømso, Forskningsdagene.
Fabrizio Clarelli,
Bhupender Singh,
Adam Palmer,
Sören Abel,
Ted Cohen,
Pia Abel zur Wiesch
Quantitatively predicting antibiotic susceptibility from
biochemical parameters: implications for antibiotic
development and preventing resistance
Fabrizio Clarelli,
Ted Cohen,
Sören Abel,
Bhupender Singh,
Adam Palmer,
Leonid Chindelevitch
et al.:
How molecular mechanisms of resistance affect resistance evolution
Fabrizio Clarelli,
Bhupender Singh,
Ted Cohen,
Adam Palmer,
Leonid Chindelevitch,
Sören Abel
et al.:
Using models to understand how molecular mechanisms of resistance affect the risk of acquired drug resistance during treatment
Aaron Nicholas Gillman,
Bhupender Singh,
Sören Abel
Population Dynamics of V. cholerae
Fabrizio Clarelli,
Leonid Chindelevitch,
Bhupender Singh,
Ted Cohen,
Sören Abel,
Pia Abel zur Wiesch
Using models to understand how molecular mechanisms of resistance affect the risk of acquired drug resistance during treatment