Bilde av Rexer, Theresa
Photo: UiT
Bilde av Rexer, Theresa
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Theresa Rexer

  • Andreas Kvammen, Juha-Pekka Vierinen, Devin Ray Huyghebaert, Theresa Rexer, Andres Spicher, Björn Johan Gustavsson et al.:
    NOIRE-Net–a convolutional neural network for automatic classification and scaling of high-latitude ionograms
    Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Theresa Rexer, Thomas Leyser, Björn Johan Gustavsson, Michael T. Rietveld :
    Conditions for Topside Ion Line Enhancements
    Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Thomas B Leyser, Björn Johan Gustavsson, Theresa Rexer, Michael T Rietveld :
    Electron heating by HF pumping of high-latitude ionospheric F-region plasma near magnetic zenith
    Annales Geophysicae 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Andreas Kvammen, Björn Johan Gustavsson, Tima Sergienko, Urban Brändström, Michael T Rietveld, Theresa Rexer et al.:
    The 3‐D Distribution of Artificial Aurora Induced by HF Radio Waves in the Ionosphere
    Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Theresa Rexer, Björn Johan Gustavsson, Thomas Leyser, Michael T Rietveld, Tim Yeoman, Tom Grydeland :
    First Observations of Recurring HF-Enhanced Topside Ion Line Spectra Near the Fourth Gyroharmonic
    Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Space Physics 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nikolai Østgaard, Jone Peter Reistad, Paul Tenfjord, Karl Magnus Laundal, Theresa Rexer, Stein Haaland et al.:
    The asymmetric geospace as displayed during the geomagnetic storm on 17 August 2001
    Annales Geophysicae 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Andres Spicher, Theresa Rexer, Andreas Kvammen, Mahith Madhanakumar, M. Zettergren, Kjellmar Oksavik et al.:
    Characterization and Assessment of Structuring Connected to Auroral Dynamics using EISCAT_3D (CASCADE): A brief overview
  • Andreas Kvammen, Juha-Pekka Vierinen, Devin Ray Huyghebaert, Theresa Rexer, Andres Spicher, Björn Johan Gustavsson et al.:
    NOIRE-Net - A convolutional neural network for automatic classification and scaling of high-latitude ionograms
  • Andreas Kvammen, Andres Spicher, Matthew David Zettergren, Devin Ray Huyghebaert, Theresa Rexer, Björn Johan Gustavsson et al.:
    Conditions for the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the Polar Ionosphere
  • Andreas Kvammen, Andres Spicher, Matthew David Zettergren, Devin Ray Huyghebaert, Theresa Rexer, Björn Johan Gustavsson et al.:
    Formation and evolution of the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the Arctic Ionosphere
  • Andres Spicher, Juha-Pekka Vierinen, Theresa Rexer, Ingemar Häggstrøm, Devin Ray Huyghebaert, Björn Johan Gustavsson et al.:
    On the characteristics of meso-scale ionospheric dynamics based on EISCAT radar low-elevation experiments
  • Andres Spicher, Andreas Kvammen, Matthew David Zettergren, John W. Bonnell, Lasse Clausen, Kshitija Deshpande et al.:
    Understanding the creation of ionospheric F-region turbulence and its spatio-temporal evolution using GNSS scintillations, auxiliary instruments and modeling
  • Andreas Kvammen, Andres Spicher, Matthew D. Zettergren, Devin Ray Huyghebaert, Theresa Rexer, Björn Johan Gustavsson et al.:
    Conditions for the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability in the Polar Ionosphere
  • Theresa Rexer, Andres Spicher, Andreas Kvammen, Juha Vierinen :
    Characteristics of polar ionospheric plasma density irregularities with multi-point measurements
  • Theresa Rexer, Andres Spicher, Juha Vierinen, Andreas Kvammen :
    Exploring Characteristics of Turbulent Density Fluctuations in the Arctic Ionosphere with Multi-Point Measurements
  • Theresa Rexer, Björn Johan Gustavsson, Tom Grydeland, Mike T Rietveld, Thomas B Leyser, Urban Brändström :
    Observations of systematically recurring topside ionline enhancements during HF modification experiments near electron gyroharmonic frequencies
  • Theresa Rexer, Björn Johan Gustavsson, Thomas Leyser, Timothy Yeoman, Tom Grydeland :
    Topside enhancements during HF modification experiments across the fourth gyro harmonic
  • Theresa Rexer, Björn Johan Gustavsson, Thomas B Leyser, Tom Grydeland, Mike T Rietveld, Urban Brändström et al.:
    Topside enhancements of the ionline in response to high-power HF-radio wave pumping at high latitudes
  • Nikolai Østgaard, Jone Peter Reistad, Paul Tenfjord, Karl Magnus Laundal, Theresa Rexer, Stein Haaland et al.:
    The asymmetric geospace - the most common state of the system
  • Theresa Rexer, Björn Johan Gustavsson, Tom Grydeland, Mike T Rietveld, Thomas B Leyser, Urban Brändström et al.:
    ISR observations of topside ionline enhancements during a high-power HF-radio wave modification experiment at high latitudes

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