Josefine Mareile Halbig,
T.K. Pedersen,
Ellen Berit Nordal,
M. Twilt,
P. Stoustrup
Agreement between child- and parent-reported orofacial symptoms in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 2024
Lena Elisabet Cetrelli,
Anette Lundestad,
Elisabeth Grut Gil,
Johannes Maria Fischer,
Josefine Mareile Halbig,
Paula Hanna Therese Frid
et al.:
Serum and salivary inflammatory biomarkers in juvenile idiopathic arthritis—an explorative cross-sectional study
Josefine Mareile Halbig,
Birgitta Jönsson,
Elisabeth Grut Gil,
Anne-Kristine N Åstrøm,
Veronika Gjertsen Rypdal,
Paula Hanna Therese Frid
et al.:
Oral health-related quality of life, impaired physical health and orofacial pain in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis – a prospective multicenter cohort study
Josefine Mareile Halbig,
Birgitta Jönsson,
Elisabeth Grut Gil,
Anne-Kristine N Åstrøm,
Veronika Gjertsen Rypdal,
Paula Hanna Therese Frid
et al.:
Oral health related quality of life, impaired physical health and orofacial pain in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis
BMC Oral Health 2023
Johannes Maria Fischer,
Josefine Mareile Halbig,
Thomas Angell Augdal,
Oskar W Angenete,
Peter Stoustrup,
Kasper Dahl Kristensen
et al.:
Observer agreement of imaging measurements used for evaluation of dentofacial deformity in juvenile idiopathic arthritis
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 02. Aug 2022
Elisabeth Grut Gil,
Anne-Kristine N Åstrøm,
Stein Atle Lie,
Marite Rygg,
Johannes Fischer,
Annika Rosén
et al.:
Dental plaque and gingival bleeding in adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and controls: a multilevel analysis
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2022
Peter Stoustrup,
Cory M. Resnick,
Shelly Abramowicz,
Thomas K. Pedersen,
Ambra Michelotti,
Annelise Küseler
et al.:
Management of Orofacial Manifestations of Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Interdisciplinary Consensus-Based Recommendations
Arthritis & Rheumatology 2022
Lena Elisabet Cetrelli,
Athanasia Bletsa,
Anette Lundestad,
Elisabeth Grut Gil,
Johannes Maria Fischer,
Josefine Mareile Halbig
et al.:
Vitamin D, oral health, and disease characteristics in juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a multicenter cross-sectional study
Elisabeth Grut Gil,
Marit Slåttelid Skeie,
Josefine Mareile Halbig,
Birgitta Jönsson,
Stein Atle Lie,
Marite Rygg
et al.:
Oral health-related quality of life in 4-16-year-olds with and without juvenile idiopathic arthritis
BMC Oral Health 06. Sep 2022
Elisabeth Grut Gil,
Anne-Kristine N Åstrøm,
Stein Atle Lie,
Marite Rygg,
Johannes Fischer,
Annika Rosén
et al.:
Dental caries in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and controls: a multilevel analysis
Paula Frid,
Divyashri Baraniya,
Josefine Mareile Halbig,
Veronika Gjertsen Rypdal,
Nils Thomas Songstad,
Annika Rosén
et al.:
Salivary Oral Microbiome of Children With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Norwegian Cross-Sectional Study
Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 2020
Johannes Maria Fischer,
Marit Slåttelid Skeie,
Karen Rosendahl,
Karin Tylleskär,
Stein Atle Lie,
Xie-Qi Shi
et al.:
Prevalence of temporomandibular disorder in children and adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis – a Norwegian cross- sectional multicentre study
BMC Oral Health 13. Oct 2020
Paula Frid,
Thomas Angell Augdal,
Tore Arne Larheim,
Josefine Mareile Halbig,
Veronika Gjertsen Rypdal,
Nils Thomas Songstad
et al.:
Efficacy and safety of intraarticular corticosteroid injections in adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis in the temporomandibular joint: A Norwegian 2-year prospective multicenter pilot study
Pediatric Rheumatology 01. Oct 2020
Peter Stoustrup,
Cory M Resnick,
Thomas Klit Pedersen,
Shelly Abramowicz,
Ambra Michelotti,
Annelise Küseler
et al.:
Standardizing Terminology and Assessment for Orofacial Conditions in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: International, Multidisciplinary Consensus-based Recommendations.
Journal of Rheumatology 2019
Elisabeth Grut Gil,
Marit Slåttelid Skeie,
Keijo Luukko,
Athanasia Bletsa,
Annika Rosén,
Johannes Maria Fischer
et al.:
Oral Health Related Quality of Life in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Lena Elisabet Cetrelli,
Elisabeth Grut Gil,
Anette Lundestad,
Paula Frid,
Josefine Mareile Halbig,
Johannes Maria Fischer
et al.:
Serum Vitamin D and Caries in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis.
Johannes Maria Fischer,
Larissa von Wangenheim Marti,
Elisabeth Grut Gil,
Marit Slåttelid Skeie,
Lena Elisabet Cetrelli,
Josefine Mareile Halbig
et al.:
Prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorder in Children and Adolescents with Juvenile Idiopathic arthritis - Preliminary Data from a Norwegian Multicenter Study
Elisabeth Grut Gil,
Johanes Fisher,
Larissa von Wahenhein Marti,
Karin Tylleskär,
Keijo Luukko,
Lena Elisabet Cetrelli
et al.:
Dental Caries in Children With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis - Preliminary results
Johannes Maria Fischer,
Larissa von Wangenheim Marti,
Elisabeth Grut Gil,
Marit Slåttelid Skeie,
Karin Tylleskär,
Lena Elisabet Cetrelli
et al.:
Prevalence of TMD in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis(JIA)- a preliminary report from a multicenter study.