Bilde av Vespestad, May Kristin
Bilde av Vespestad, May Kristin
Gávpeallaskuvla UiT Hárstták +4777058365

May Kristin Vespestad

  • May Kristin Vespestad, Christy Hehir, Kati Koivunen :
    How moral disengagement links to destination marketing organisations’ moral muteness in their sustainability communications
    Journal of Sustainable Tourism 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Babymoon Tourism: Co-Creating Well-Being for Traveling Mothers
    Journal of Travel Research 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Anne Clancy :
    Exploring the use of content analysis methodology in consumer research
    Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 2020 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Odd Birger Hansen :
    Verdifulle turismeopplevelser - verdi for hvem?
    Praktisk økonomi & finans 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kjersti Karijord Smørvik, May Kristin Vespestad :
    Bridging marketing and higher education: resource integration, co-creation and student learning
    Journal of Marketing for Higher Education 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Thomas Gressnes :
    Tourists’ willingness to pay for nature-based tourism experiences
    Tourism Analysis 2020 DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Odd Birger Hansen :
    Shaping Climbers’ Experiencescapes: The Influence of History on the Climbing Experience
    Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Frank Lindberg, Lena Mossberg :
    Value in tourist experiences: How nature-based experiential styles influence value in climbing
    Tourist Studies 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Kjersti Karijord Smørvik :
    Co-Creation as a Tool to Overcome Cross-Cultural Differences in Educational Experiences?
    Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Anne Clancy :
    Service dominant logic and primary care services
    International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 2018 DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Mehmet Mehmetoglu :
    The interrelationship between personality traits and psychological constraints on adventure activity participation
    Advances in Hospitality And Leisure 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Frank Lindberg :
    Naturbaserte turistopplevelser: En gjennomgang av ulike perspektiver.
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2015
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Mehmet Mehmetoglu :
    Gender Differences in Vacation Behavior
    Tourism Review International 2015 DOI
  • Anastasia Mariussen, Cathrine von Ibenfeldt, May Kristin Vespestad :
    The typology and role of online information sources in destination image formation: An Eye-Tracking study
    International Journal of Digital Accounting Research 2014 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Frank Lindberg :
    Understanding nature-based tourist experiences: an ontological analysis
    Current Issues in Tourism 2011 DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Mehmet Mehmetoglu :
    The relationship between tourist nationality, cultural orientation and nature-based tourism experiences
    European Journal of Tourism Research 2010
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Tour operators' insight into the Russian nature-based experience market
    European Journal of Tourism Research 2010
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Promoting Norway abroad: a content analysis of photographic messages of nature-based tourism experiences
    Tourism, Culture & Communication 2010 DOI
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    The automated tourism and hospitality company of the future. (Chpt 6) In Ivanov, S & Webster, C. Future Tourrism in a Robonomic World
    Channel View Publications 2024
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Kjersti Karijord Smørvik :
    Co-Creation Experiences and Higher Education
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Kjersti Karijord Smørvik :
    Byens rolle i opplevelsessamfunnet
    Nordlys 30. May 2023
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Elsa Anita Solstad :
    Hva er en forsker og hva kan vi egentlig forske på?
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Arctic Nature: from object to the art of experiencing
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Opplevelsesdesign: Samskaping mellom masterstudenter ved Handelshøgskolen og Clarion Hotel The Edge
    BFE Backstage 2021 DATA
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Sustainability labelling: exploring the sustainability of tourism branding
  • Kjersti Karijord Smørvik, May Kristin Vespestad :
    Co-creation experiences: A new practice in higher education?
  • Kjersti Karijord Smørvik, May Kristin Vespestad :
    Opplevelse i sentrum
    Harstad Tidende 08. Nov 2019
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Kjersti Karijord Smørvik :
    Black Friday - best å bare tilby billigst eller bedre å bli best?
    Nordlys 22. Nov 2019
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Samarbeid på tvers i Nord
    28. Sep 2019
  • Kjersti Karijord Smørvik, May Kristin Vespestad :
    09. Dec 2019
  • Kjersti Karijord Smørvik, May Kristin Vespestad :
    Opplevelsesøkonomi - vår nye vekstnæring?
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Kjersti Karijord Smørvik :
    Co-creating cross-border learning experiences
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Empowered by experiences - An experience economy perspective
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Kjersti Karijord Smørvik :
    Co-creation as a tool to overcome cross-cultural differences in educational experiences?
  • Kjersti Karijord Smørvik, May Kristin Vespestad :
    Co-creating cross-boarder learning experiences
    Lumen 2017 FULLTEKST
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Thesis writing and Research Methodology
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Tourism Mangement and research
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Thomas Gressnes :
    Samfunnsøkonomi og administrasjonsfag - markedstilpasning, strategi og markedsføring
    Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2016
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    "Introduction to Tourism Management"
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Topic: "Tourism Management"
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Research Methodology
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Online informations sources in destination image formation
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Spennende doktorgradsprosuksjon i Bodø
    Magma forskning og viten 2011 FULLTEKST
  • May Kristin Vespestad, Dorthe Eide, Frode Fjelldal-Soelberg :
    VRI Gjesteundersøkelse 2010. En studie av gjestenes tilfredshet, oppfatninger og opplevelser på Helgelandskysten.
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    "Tourism experiences in an international context"
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    "Tourism Management"
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Nature-based Tourism in Norway
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    "Nature-based experiences in the High North"
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    How to operationalize the concept of culture in relation to tourism experiences - Reseach methodological considerations
    Working paper 2008
  • May Kristin Vespestad :
    Ekstremferie fosser fram
    Nationen 16. Jul 2008

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →