Andreea-Gabriela Auer,
Willem Godert Maria van der Bilt,
Anders Schomacker,
Jostein Bakke,
Eivind W. N. Støren,
Joseph Buckby
et al.:
Hydroclimate intensification likely aided glacier survival on Svalbard in the Early Holocene
Communications Earth & Environment 2025
Anders Schomacker,
Helena Alexanderson,
Wesley Randall Farnsworth,
Mark F.A. Furze,
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Nina Kirchner
et al.:
Weichselian–Holocene glacial history of the Sjuøyane archipelago, northern Svalbard
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Elizabeth K. Thomas,
Wesley R. Farnsworth,
Owen C. Cowling,
Lis Allaart,
Skafti Brynjólfsson
et al.:
Seasonal precipitation variability on Svalbard inferred from Holocene sedimentary leaf wax δ2H
Mads Dømgaard,
Anders Schomacker,
Elisabeth Isaksson,
Romain Millan,
Flora Huiban,
Amaury Dehecq
et al.:
Early aerial expedition photos reveal 85 years of glacier growth and stability in East Antarctica
Wesley Randall Farnsworth,
Ólafur Ingólfsson,
Skafti Brynjólfsson,
Lis Allaart,
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Kurt H. Kjær
et al.:
Persistence of Holocene ice cap in northeast Svalbard aided by glacio-isostatic rebound
Quaternary Science Reviews 2024
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Elizabeth K. Thomas,
Anders Schomacker
Arctic and sub-Arctic lake water δ2H and δ18O along a coastal-inland transect: Implications for interpreting water isotope proxy records
Wesley Randall Farnsworth,
Ólafur Ingólfsson,
Erik S. Mannerfelt,
Maarit H. Kalliokoski,
Esther Ruth Gudmundsdottir,
Michael J. Retelle
et al.:
Vedde Ash constrains Younger Dryas glacier re-advance and rapid glacio-isostatic rebound on Svalbard
Quaternary Science Advances 2022
Kurt H. Kjær,
Anders A. Bjørk,
Kristian K. Kjeldsen,
Eric S. Hansen,
Camilla S. Andresen,
Marie-Louise Siggaard-Andersen
et al.:
Glacier response to the Little Ice Age during the Neoglacial cooling in Greenland
Inger Greve Alsos,
Youri Lammers,
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Marie Føreid Merkel,
Emma Marie Bender,
Alexandra Rouillard
et al.:
Ancient sedimentary DNA shows rapid post-glacial colonisation of Iceland followed by relatively stable vegetation until the Norse settlement (Landnám) AD 870
Quaternary Science Reviews 2021
Georgia M. Hole,
Thomas Rawson,
Wesley Randall Farnsworth,
Anders Schomacker,
Ólafur Ingólfsson,
Marc Macias-Fauria
A Driftwood-Based Record of Arctic Sea Ice During the Last 500 Years From Northern Svalbard Reveals Sea Ice Dynamics in the Arctic Ocean and Arctic Peripheral Seas
Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Oceans 2021
Ole Bennike,
Bent Vad Odgaard,
Heather Moorhouse,
Suzanne McGowan,
Marie-Louise Siggaard-Andersen,
Benjamin Turner
et al.:
Early historical forest clearance caused major degradation of water quality at Lake Væng, Denmark
Svend Funder,
Anita H. L. Sørensen,
Nicolaj K. Larsen,
Anders A. Bjørk,
Jason P. Briner,
Jesper Olsen
et al.:
Younger Dryas ice margin retreat in Greenland: new evidence from southwestern Greenland
Lis Allaart,
Anders Schomacker,
Lena M. Håkansson,
Wesley R. Farnsworth,
Skafti Brynjólfsson,
Andreas Grumstad
et al.:
Geomorphology and surficial geology of the Femmilsjøen area, northern Spitsbergen
Matthew J. Warbritton,
Neal R. Iverson,
France Lagroix,
Anders Schomacker
Strain patterns in glacitectonically thrusted sediments and conditions during thrusting
Journal of Structural Geology 2020
Bernd Etzelmüller,
Henry Patton,
Anders Schomacker,
Justyna Czekirda,
Luc Maurice Ramuntcho Girod,
Alun Lloyd Hubbard
et al.:
Icelandic permafrost dynamics since the Last Glacial Maximum – model results and geomorphological implications
Quaternary Science Reviews 2020
Lis Allaart,
Juliane Müller,
Anders Schomacker,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Lena Håkansson,
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman
et al.:
Late Quaternary glacier and sea-ice history of northern Wijdefjorden, Svalbard
Linn Margrethe Høeg Voldstad,
Inger Greve Alsos,
Wesley Randall Farnsworth,
Peter D. Heintzman,
Lena Håkansson,
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman
et al.:
A complete Holocene lake sediment ancient DNA record reveals long-standing high Arctic plant diversity hotspot in northern Svalbard
Quaternary Science Reviews 2020
Lis Allaart,
Anders Schomacker,
Nicolaj K. Larsen,
Egon Nørmark,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Wesley R. Farnsworth
et al.:
Glacial history of the Åsgardfonna Ice Cap, NE Spitsbergen, since the last glaciation
Quaternary Science Reviews 2020
Joost Martijn van Genuchten,
Guillaume Lamarche-Gagnon,
Anders Schomacker,
Jonathan Robert Hawkings
Investigating Carbon, Nutrient and Methane Dynamics in Proglacial Lakes: Study Design and Objectives for the Southwestern Greenland Campaign
Erik Sturkell,
Anders Schomacker
NordVulk 1974-2024
Geologiskt forum : Geologiska Föreningens populärvetenskapliga tidskrift 2024
Anders Schomacker,
Erik Sturkell
NordVulk 1974-2024
Geonytt 2024
Anders Schomacker,
Helena Alexanderson,
Wesley Randall Farnsworth,
Mark F.A. Furze,
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Nina Kirchner
et al.:
Weichselian-Holocene glacial history of the Sjuøyane archipelago, northern Svalbard
Carl Erik Olof Sturkell,
Kristján Jónasson,
Anders Schomacker
Norræna eldfjallastöðin 1974–2024 – Eftirmæli
Anders Schomacker,
Erik Sturkell,
Jakob Kløve Keiding
NordVulk 1974-2024
Geologisk Tidsskrift 2024
Marie Bulinova,
Anders Schomacker,
Giuliana Panieri,
Alexandra Rouillard
Methane Flux in Sediments of Small Arctic and Subarctic Lakes
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Elizabeth K. Thomas,
Anders Schomacker
Using lakes as isotopic precipitation gauges to constrain inflow seasonality and evaporative enrichment
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Elizabeth K. Thomas,
Anders Schomacker,
Wesley R. Farnsworth,
Owen C. Cowling,
Lis Allaart
et al.:
Holocene precipitation seasonality along a climatic gradient from western Spitsbergen to Nordaustlandet, Svalbard
Marie Bulinová,
Alexandra Rouillard,
Giuliana Panieri,
Anders Schomacker
The influence of hydrology on methane production in sediments of subarctic lakes
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Anders Schomacker,
Elizabeth K. Thomas,
Lena Håkansson
Holocene precipitation seasonality on Svalbard and in Northern Fennoscandia reconstructed using organic geochemical and stable isotope proxies
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
Alexandra Rouillard,
Mikkel W. Pedersen,
Yucheng Wang,
Marie-Louise Siggaard-Andersen,
Kristian K. Kjeldsen,
Carsten Mejer-Jacob
et al.:
The role of climate and foodweb dynamics in Holocene microbial processing of CH4 in Arctic lakes
Anders Schomacker,
Alexandra Rouillard,
Marie Bulinová,
Inger Greve Alsos,
Andrew Hodson,
Kurt H. Kjær
PolarCH4ives: Reconstructing long-term methane cycling from Arctic lakes
Mads Dømgaard,
Flora Huiban,
Anders Schomacker,
Jeremie Mouginot,
Anders A. Bjørk
Dynamics of East Antarctic glaciers from 1937-2017 analyzed using historical aerial expedition images
EGU General Assembly 2022
Flora Huiban,
Mads Dømgaard,
Luc Girod,
Roman Millan,
Amaury Dehecq,
Jeremie Mouginot
et al.:
Expanding glacier time series of Antarctica and Greenland using Soviet Era KFA-1000 satellite images
EGU General Assembly 2022
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Elizabeth K. Thomas,
Anders Schomacker,
Wesley Randall Farnsworth,
Owen C. Cowling,
Lis Allaart
et al.:
Seasonal distribution of precipitation on Svalbard modulated by regional ocean surface conditions and sea ice during the Holocene
Anders Schomacker,
Helena Alexanderson,
Wesley R. Farnsworth,
Mark F.A. Furze,
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Nina Kirchner
et al.:
Late Quaternary glacial and environmental history of the Sjuøyane archipelago, Svalbard
Alexandra Rouillard,
Marie Bulínová,
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Carolina Olid,
Cristian Gudasz,
Johan Rydberg
et al.:
PolarCH4ives: Metagenomic and geochemical arCH4ives from Abisko lakes
Inger Greve Alsos,
Youri Lammers,
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Marie Føreid Merkel,
Emma Marie Bender,
Alexandra Rouillard
et al.:
Ancient sedimentary DNA shows rapid post-glacial colonization of Iceland followed by relatively stable vegetation until Landnám
Anastasia Poliakova,
Lena Håkansson,
Anders Schomacker,
Inger Greve Alsos
How well do different proxies work in the Arctic? Study case: Tenndammen Lake, Svalbard
Anastasia Poliakova,
Anders Schomacker,
David Sanderson,
Antony Brown,
Inger Greve Alsos
Spheroidal carbonaceous particles record reflects a history of coal combustion and helps to establish event-based stratigraphy for the High Arctic lake Tenndammen, Svalbard
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Elizabeth K. Thomas,
Anders Schomacker
Lake water isotope gradients in arctic and subarctic Fennoscandia: implications for precipitation isotope proxy reconstructions
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Anders Schomacker,
Naima El Bani Altuna,
Christine Tømmervik Kollsgård,
Solvei Stenslie,
Ellery Brydon Daines
Geology Day 2020
Flora Huiban,
Mads Dømgaard,
Luc Girod,
Romain Millan,
Amaury Dehecq,
Jeremie Mouginot
et al.:
New High-Resolution Insights of Antarctica and Greenland from 1970s Soviet Satellite Archives
Mads Dømgaard,
Flora Huiban,
Jeremie Mouginot,
Anders Schomacker,
Anders A. Bjørk
Extending the time series of Antarctic glaciers using historical aerial expedition images
Jostein Bakke,
Anders Schomacker
Framtidas geovitarar må vere digitale i heile sektoren 2021
Lis Allaart,
Anders Schomacker,
Matthias Forwick,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Wesley R. Farnsworth,
Michael J. Retelle
et al.:
Holocene environmental history of lake Femmilsjøen, northern Svalbard
Inger Greve Alsos,
Anne Elisabeth Bjune,
Kari Anne Bråthen,
Charlotte Clarke,
Mary E. Edwards,
Dorothee Ehrich
et al.:
The use of ancient DNA in palaeoecological studies
Anastasia Poliakova,
Lena Håkansson,
Anders Schomacker,
Antony Brown,
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Inger Greve Alsos
Multi-proxy study on ancient plant DNA, geochemical profiles, macro- and microfossils established event-based chronology for the High Arctic lake Tenndammen, Svalbard
Anastasia Poliakova,
Lena Håkansson,
Anders Schomacker,
Antony Brown,
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman,
Inger Greve Alsos
Multi-proxy study based on sedaDNA, pollen and plant macrofossils detects high proportion of Svalbard flora over the past 700 years
Anastasia Poliakova,
Anders Schomacker,
Antony Brown,
Inger Greve Alsos
Palaeoecological studies in Svalbard: multiproxy approach and analytics.
Anders Schomacker
Isens svar på Formel 1
Geo365 2020