Frank Siebler

  • Jesús López Megías, Pia-Renée Thon, Frank Siebler, Gerd Bohner :
    Attitudes Toward Prostitution in Norway, Spain, and Germany: Association With the Legal Context and Susceptibility to Persuasion
    Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Øystein Robertsen, Marit Nøst Hegseth, Solveig Føreland, Frank Siebler, Martin Eisemann, Hans Christian Bones Vangberg :
    The effect of a knowledge-based intervention on the use of respirators in the Norwegian smelter industry
    Frontiers in Psychology 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anja Nastasja Robstad, Thomas Westergren, Frank Siebler, Ulrika Söderhamn, Liv Fegran :
    Intensive care nurses' implicit and explicit attitudes and their behavioural intentions toward obese intensive care patients
    Journal of Advanced Nursing 2019 DOI
  • Anja Nastasja Robstad, Frank Siebler, Ulrika Söderhamn, Thomas Westergren, Liv Fegran :
    Design and psychometric testing of instruments to measure qualified intensive care nurses' attitudes toward obese intensive care patients
    Research in Nursing and Health 2018 DOI
  • Øystein Robertsen, Frank Siebler, Martin Eisemann, Marit Nøst Hegseth, Solveig Føreland, Hans Christian Bones Vangberg :
    Predictors of respiratory protective equipment use in the Norwegian smelter industry: The role of the Theory of Planned Behavior, safety climate and work experience in understanding protective behavior.
    Frontiers in Psychology 2018 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Laila Marianne Martinussen, Mikael Julius Sømhovd, Mette Møller, Frank Siebler :
    A go/no-go approach to uncovering implicit attitudes towards safe and risky driving
    Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 2015 DOI
  • David Sirlopú, Roberto Gonzalez, Gerd Bohner, Frank Siebler, Andres Millar, Gabriela Ordóñez et al.:
    Actitudes implícitas y explícitas hacia personas con síndrome de Down: un estudio en colegios con y sin programas de integración de Chile. [Implicit and explicit attitudes toward people with Down syndrome: A study in schools with and without integration programmes in Chile.]
    Revista de Psicología Social 2012 DOI
  • David Sirlopú, Roberto Gonzalez, Gerd Bohner, Frank Siebler, Andres Millar, Gabriela Ordóñez et al.:
    Implicit and explicit attitudes toward people with Down syndrome: A study in schools with and without integration programmes in Chile
    Revista de Psicología Social 2012 DOI
  • Frank Siebler, Hildegunn Nordtug :
    Redusere fordommer mellom grupper
    Gyldendal Akademisk 2011
  • Frank Siebler, Hildegunn Nordtug :
    Gyldendal Akademisk 2011
  • Dag Nordahl, Frank Siebler, Linn Kathrin Karlsen Ilstad :
    Bedrer ubevisst tenkning kvaliteten på komplekse beslutninger?
    Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet) 2011
  • Frank Siebler, Roberto González, Gabriela Ordóñez, Gerd Bohner, Andrés Haye, David Sirlopú et al.:
    The Category-Focus Implicit Association Test
    Social Psychology 2010 ARKIV / DOI
  • Andrés Haye, Roberto Gonzaléz, Gabriela Ordóñez, Gerd Bohner, Frank Siebler, David Sirlopú et al.:
    System-perpetuating asymmetries between explicit and implicit intergroup attitudes among indigenous and non-indigenous Chileans
    Asian Journal of Social Psychology 2010 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nina Vanselow, Gerd Bohner, Marc Becher, Frank Siebler :
    Die NSB-Skala: Vorstellung und Validierung eines deutschsprachigen Instruments zur Erfassung der Neigung zu sexueller Belästigung [The NSB scale: Presentation and validation of a German-language instrument for assessing the likelihood to sexually harass]
    Diagnostica 2010 DOI
  • Gerd Bohner, Afroditi Pina, G. Tendayi Viki, Frank Siebler :
    Using social norms to reduce men's rape proclivity: Perceived rape myth acceptance of out-groups may be more influential than that of in-groups
    Psychology, Crime and Law 2010 ARKIV / DOI
  • Gerd Bohner, Friederike Eyssel, Afroditi Pina, Frank Siebler, Tendayi Viki :
    Rape myth acceptance: Cognitive, affective and behavioural effects of beliefs that blame the victim and exonerate the perpetrator
    Willan Publishing 2009
  • Hanna Solvang Myrvoll, Ingebjørg Bjørnenak Nilsen, Frank Siebler :
    Does gender matter? Responsiveness to authority positions in the Norwegian Armed Forces.
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2021 FULLTEKST
  • Kai Erik Brandt, Frank Siebler :
    Subliminal priming og betinging av kunstige stereotyper
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2019
  • Amalie Martinussen, Frank Siebler :
    Lesbiske og homofiles implisitte og eksplisitte holdninger til egen gruppe [Implicit and explicit ingroup attitudes towards gays and lesbians]
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
  • Anniken Lian Johansen, Signhild Lindahl, Frank Siebler :
    Et samfunn i endring; holder vi følge? Eksplisitte og implisitte holdninger mot homofile og lesbiske. [The society is changing; but what about us? Explicit and implicit attitudes towards gays and lesbians.]
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
  • Frank Siebler :
    Intensive-care nurses’ implicit and explicit attitudes towards obese patients: Results from a nationwide survey in Norway.
  • Frank Siebler :
    Measurement of implicit cognition: An introduction to methodology
  • Roman Linne, Ronja Böge, Frank Siebler, Tina Glaser, Gerd Bohner :
    Implicit attitude change generalizes more strongly to primed (vs. nonprimed) related objects.
  • Jesús Megías, Pia-Renée Thon, Frank Siebler, Gerd Bohner :
    Attitudes toward prostitution: Cultural norms affect evaluation and message effectiveness.
  • Frank Siebler :
    Teaching and Research
  • Ingrid Haugen Røli, Frank Siebler :
    Implisitte og eksplisitte holdninger mot eldre arbeidere
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017
  • Hildegunn Nordtug, Frank Siebler :
    Physical activity and exercise: The role of implicit attitude, intention, and affect
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
  • Igor Jakobsen, Frank Siebler :
    The Acceptance of Modern Myths About Sexual Aggression Scale: A validation of a Norwegian translation.
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
  • Frank Siebler :
    Multidimensional scaling: Introduction.
  • Frank Siebler :
    Connectionist modeling: Introduction, and relations to the LAC model (Part 1).
  • Frank Siebler :
    Connectionist modeling: Introduction, and relations to the LAC model (Part 2).
  • Frank Siebler :
    Muslims, Swedes, the Sami, LGBT people, and us: Norwegian students' intergroup attitudes.
  • Frank Siebler :
    Muslims, Swedes, the Sami, LGBT people, and us: Norwegian students' intergroup attitudes.
  • Trine Fredriksen, Elise Gurandsrud, Frank Siebler, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang :
    Når massemedia slår DSM-V: Lekfolks beslutninger omkring kliniske lidelser
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2014 FULLTEKST
  • Aida Babaii, Frank Siebler, Sarah E. Martiny :
    Ironic effects of suppressing specific and non-specific demography-related thoughts in job candidate evaluations
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2014 FULLTEKST
  • Mona Kirkeby, Frank Siebler :
    Å tenke eller ikke å tenke? Bevisst eller ubevisst tenkning ved beslutningstaking.
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2014 FULLTEKST
  • Frank Siebler :
    Springer 2014 DOI
  • Laila M. Martinussen, Mikael Julius Sømhovd, Mette Møller, Frank Siebler :
    Implicit attitudes towards risky and safe driving
  • Frank Siebler :
    Popular science versus the population
  • Torgeir Kjøllesdal, Frank Siebler :
    Predikerer implisitte og eksplisitte holdninger atferdsintensjon mot kvinnelig befal i Forsvaret?
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2012 FULLTEKST
  • Kine Kjelstrup Andreassen, Frank Siebler :
    Eksplisitte og implisitte holdninger mot homofile og lesbiske.
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2012 FULLTEKST
  • Therese Lindgård, Dag Nordahl, Frank Siebler :
    Utforskning av en ny metode for presentasjon av subliminale stimuli og dens effekt på holdninger.
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2012 FULLTEKST
  • Frank Siebler, Igor Jakobsen :
    Attitudes towards the Sami: First outline of a planned project
  • Kjærsti Thorsteinsen, Frank Siebler :
    Prior intentions to switch mediate the link between attitudes and spontaneous switching behavior for own-provider attitudes, but not for other-provider attitudes
  • Frank Siebler, Dag Nordahl, Linn Kathrin K. Ilstad :
    Teorien om ubevisst tenkning: Ikke så ille
    Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet) 2011
  • Maja Sojtaric, Frank Siebler :
    Får frem det verste
    01. Jan 2010 FULLTEKST
  • Frank Siebler :
    Implicit social cognition: Measurement and change
  • Jón Karl Stefánsson, Frank Siebler :
    The effects of perceived dominance in persuasion.
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2010 FULLTEKST
  • Hildegunn Nordtug, Frank Siebler :
    An implicit association test for measuring attitudes towards physical activity
  • Mikael Julius Sømhovd, Frank Siebler :
    The Effect of Formal Education on Implicit Social Evaluation of Immigrants.
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2009 FULLTEKST

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →