Bilde av Thrane, Gyrd
Bilde av Thrane, Gyrd
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Gyrd Thrane

  • Geske Luzum, Gyrd Thrane, Stina Aam, Rannveig Sakshaug Eldholm, Ramune Grambaite, Ragnhild Munthe-Kaas et al.:
    A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Post-stroke Fatigue. The Nor-COAST study
    Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Margrethe Müller, Tove Aminda Hanssen, David Johansen, Øyvind Jakobsen, John Erling Pedersen, Inger-Lise Aamot Aksetøy et al.:
    Validity of a smartwatch for detecting atrial fibrillation in patients after heart valve surgery: a prospective observational study
    Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Henriette Michalsen, André Henriksen, Gunn Pettersen, Gunnar Hartvigsen, Silje C. Wangberg, Gyrd Thrane et al.:
    Using mobile health to encourage physical activity in individuals with intellectual disability: a pilot mixed methods feasibility study
    Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Geske Luzum, Mari Gunnes, Stian Lydersen, Ingvild Tina Saltvedt, Xiang chun Tan, Anne Pernille Mæhle Thingstad et al.:
    Physical Activity Behavior and Its Association With Global Cognitive Function Three Months After Stroke: The Nor-COAST Study
    Physical Therapy 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Elisabeth Weinschenk, Maria Freim Nordhus, Ragnhild B. Håkstad, Margrethe Müller, Gyrd Thrane :
    Hjertepasienters opplevelse av fysisk aktivitet og trening: En kvalitativ metasyntese
    Fysioterapeuten 2022 ARKIV
  • Ole-Andreas Nilsen, Nina Emaus, Tore Christoffersen, Anne Winther, Elin Evensen, Gyrd Thrane et al.:
    The influence of snuff and smoking on bone accretion in late adolescence : the Tromsø study, Fit Futures
    Archives of Osteoporosis 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Gyrd Thrane, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen, Margit Alt Murphy :
    Upper limb kinematics during the first year after stroke: the stroke arm longitudinal study at the University of Gothenburg (SALGOT)
    Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Henriette Michalsen, Silje C Wangberg, Gunnar Hartvigsen, Maria Letizia Jaccheri, Miroslav Muzny, André Henriksen et al.:
    Physical Activity With Tailored mHealth Support for Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
    JMIR Research Protocols 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Guri Anita Heiberg, Oddgeir Friborg, Synne Garder Pedersen, Gyrd Thrane, Henriette Holm Stabell, Jørgen Feldbæk Nielsen et al.:
    Post-stroke health-related quality of life at 3 and 12 months and predictors of change in a Danish and Arctic Norwegian Region
    Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Synne Garder Pedersen, Oddgeir Friborg, Guri Anita Heiberg, Cathrine Arntzen, Gyrd Thrane, Audny Anke :
    Stroke-Specific Quality of Life one-year post-stroke in two Scandinavian country-regions with different organisation of rehabilitation services: a prospective study
    Disability and Rehabilitation 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Elin Damsgård, Gyrd Thrane, Nils Fleten, Johan Bagge, Tore Sørlie, Audny Anke et al.:
    Persistent pain associated with socioeconomic and personal factors in a Sami and Non-Sami population in Norway: an analysis of SAMINOR 2 survey data
    International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2020 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Ole-Andreas Nilsen, Luai A. Ahmed, Anne Winther, Tore Christoffersen, Gyrd Thrane, Elin Evensen et al.:
    Body weight and body mass index influence bone mineral density in late adolescence in a two -year follow -up study. The Tromsø Study: Fit Futures
    JBMR Plus 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Roland Stock, Gyrd Thrane, Torunn Askim, Audny Anke, Paul Jarle Mork :
    Development of grip strength during the first year after stroke
    Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anja M. Davis Norbye, Rune Midgard, Gyrd Thrane :
    Spasticity, gait, and balance in patients with multiple sclerosis: A cross‐sectional study
    Physiotherapy Research International 2019 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Gyrd Thrane, Margit Alt Murphy, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen :
    Recovery of kinematic arm function in well-performing people with subacute stroke: A longitudinal cohort study
    Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Roland Stock, Gyrd Thrane, Audny Anke, Ragna Ingeborg Gjone, Torunn Askim :
    Early versus late-applied constraint-induced movement therapy: A multisite, randomized controlled trial with a 12-month follow-up
    Physiotherapy Research International 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Gyrd Thrane, Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen, Hanna C Persson, Arve Isak Opheim, Margit Alt Murphy :
    Kinematic upper extremity performance in people with near or fully recovered sensorimotor function after stroke.
    Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 16. Apr 2018 DOI
  • Gyrd Thrane, Torunn Askim, Roland Stock, Bent Indredavik, Ragna Ingeborg Gjone, Anne Spendrup Erichsen et al.:
    Efficacy of Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy in Early Stroke Rehabilitation: A Randomized Controlled Multisite Trial
    Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 2015 DOI
  • Roland Stock, Gyrd Thrane, Torunn Askim, Gunn Marte Karlsen, Eli Langørgen, Anne Spendrup Erichsen et al.:
    Norwegian constraint-induced therapy multisite trial: Adherence to treatment protocol applied early after stroke
    Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 24. Aug 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Iris Helene Borch, Gyrd Thrane, Eline Thornquist :
    Modified constraint-induced movement therapy early after stroke: Participants’ experiences
    European Journal of Physiotherapy 28. Aug 2015 DOI
  • Gyrd Thrane, Oddgeir Friborg, Audny Anke, Bent Indredavik :
    A meta-analysis of constraint-induced movement therapy after stroke
    Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Gyrd Thrane, Nina Emaus, Torunn Askim, Audny Anke :
    Arm use in patients with subacute stroke monitored by accelerometry: Association with motor impairment and influence on self-dependence
    Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2011 ARKIV / DOI
  • Elin Damsgård, Gyrd Thrane, Audny Anke, Terese Fors, Cecilie Røe :
    Activity-related pain in patients with chronic musculoskeletal disorders
    Disability and Rehabilitation 2010 DOI
  • Gyrd Thrane, Ragnar M Joakimsen, Eline Thornquist :
    The association between timed up and go test and history of falls: The Tromsø Study
    BMC Geriatrics 2007 DOI
  • Henriette Michalsen, Silje C Wangberg, Gunnar Hartvigsen, André Henriksen, Gunn Pettersen, Maria Letizia Jaccheri et al.:
    mHealth Support to Stimulate Physical Activity in Individuals With Intellectual Disability: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Pilot Study
    JMIR Research Protocols 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Henriette Michalsen, Silje C Wangberg, Gunnar Hartvigsen, Maria Letizia Jaccheri, André Henriksen, Monica Isabel Benedikte Olsen et al.:
    E-health, Physical Activity and Intellectual Disability – Protocol for a Pilot Study
  • Henriette Michalsen, Silje C. Wangberg, Gunnar Hartvigsen, Maria Letizia Jaccheri, André Henriksen, Monica Isabel Benedikte Olsen et al.:
    E-health, physical activity and intellectual disability – protocol for a pilot study
    Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 2021 DOI
  • Elin Damsgård, Gyrd Thrane, Nils Fleten, Johan Bagge, Audny Anke, Tore Sørlie et al.:
    Persistent Pain in a Sami and Non-Sami Population. A SAMINOR study
  • Mari Thoresen Løkholm, Marianne Berg Halvorsen, Marte Christine Ørbo, Synne Garder Pedersen, Guri Anita Heiberg, Gyrd Thrane et al.:
  • Roland Stock, Torunn Askim, Gyrd Thrane, Audny Anke, Paul Jarle Mork :
    Grip strength after stroke: Rate of force development and sustained maximal grip strength
  • Roland Stock, Gyrd Thrane, Audny Anke, Torunn Askim :
    The long-term effect of early versus delayed applied Constraint-induced movement therapy on arm-use in stroke patients
  • Roland Stock, Gyrd Thrane, Audny Anke, Torunn Askim :
  • Roland Stock, Gyrd Thrane, Torunn Askim, Gunn Karlsen, Eli Langørgen, Anne Spendrup Erichsen et al.:
    Feasibility of Constraint-induced Movement Therapy in sub-acute stroke patients: Results from Norwegian Constraint-induced Therapy Multisite Trial (NORCIMT)
  • Gyrd Thrane, Stein Harald Johnsen, Audny Anke :
    Sub-acute motor function as a determinant of discharge place, residence, and life satisfaction 3 months post-stroke
  • Gyrd Thrane, Stein Harald Johnsen, Audny Anke :
    Arm use in patients with subacute stroke monitored by accelerometry: The association of motor impairment and the influence on self-dependence
  • Gyrd Thrane, Trond Wiesener :
    Motor control theory and clinical practice in chronic neck patients
    2008 OMTALE
  • Gyrd Thrane :
    Forslag FOU-plan for Fysioterapeututdanningen ved Høgskolen i Tromsø
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2007
  • Gyrd Thrane, Trond Wiesener :
    Behandling av pasienter med uspesifikke nakkesmerter gjennom påvirkning av motorisk kontroll
    2007 OMTALE
  • Elin Damsgård, Gyrd Thrane, Audny Anke, Terese Fors, Cecilie Røe :
    The relationship between fear of movement/8re)injury and increased pain during exercise and activities of daily life
  • Eline Thornquist, Gyrd Thrane, Ragnar Joakimsen :
    The Tromsø study: The association between "Timed up and go test" and history of falls
    2005 OMTALE
  • Gyrd Thrane :
    "Timed up and go test." Validitet i forhold til helserelaterte funksjonsproblemer og fall
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2004

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