Anders j Ågmo,
Ellen Laan
Sexual Incentive Motivation and Sexual Behavior: The Role of Consent
Annual Review of Psychology 2024
Anders j Ågmo
Androgen receptors and sociosexual behaviors in mammals: The limits of generalization
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 2024
Priscille Touraille,
Anders j Ågmo
Sex Differences in Sexual Motivation in Humans and Other Mammals: The Role of Conscious and Unconscious Processes
Enrique Hernández-Arteaga,
Anders j Ågmo
Seminatural environments for rodent behavioral testing: a representative design improving animal welfare and enhancing replicability
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 2023
Xi Chu,
Anders j Ågmo
Evaluation of Sexual Behavior in Laboratory vs Seminatural Conditions
Elisa Ventura-Aquino,
Anders j Ågmo
The elusive concept of sexual motivation: can it be anchored in the nervous system?
Frontiers in Neuroscience 2023
Elisa Ventura-Aquino,
Anders j Ågmo
Because sex matters: The case of female sexual response
Anders j Ågmo
Neuroendocrinology of sexual behavior
International journal of impotence research 2022
Anders j Ågmo,
Ellen Laan
The Sexual Incentive Motivation Model and Its Clinical Applications
Journal of Sex Research 2022
Anders j Ågmo,
Ellen Laan
Sexual incentive motivation, sexual behavior, and general arousal: Do rats and humans tell the same story?
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 2022
Jyrki Lehtimäki,
Elisa Ventura-aquino,
Xi Chu,
Raul G. Paredes,
Anders Ågmo
Sexual Incentive Motivation and Copulatory Behavior in Male Rats Treated With the Adrenergic α2-Adrenoceptor Agonists Tasipimidine and Fadolmidine: Implications for Treatment of Premature Ejaculation
Journal of Sexual Medicine 2021
Xi Chu,
Eelke Snoeren,
Per Södersten,
Anders j Ågmo
Sexual incentive motivation and male and female copulatory behavior in female rats given androgen from postnatal day 20
Physiology and Behavior 2021
Indrek Heinla,
Xi Chu,
Anders j Ågmo,
Eelke Snoeren
Rat ultrasonic vocalizations and novelty-induced social and non-social investigation behavior in a seminatural environment
Olivia Le Moene,
Mayra Liliana Ramirez-Renteria,
Anders j Ågmo
Male and female immediate fear reaction to white noise in a semi-natural environment: A detailed behavioural analysis of the role of sex and oestrogen receptors
Journal of Neuroendocrinology (JNE) 2020
Olivia Le Moene,
Enrique Hernandez-Arteaga,
Xi Chu,
Anders j Ågmo
Rapid changes in sociosexual behaviors around transition to and from behavioral estrus, in female rats housed in a seminatural environment
Enrique Hernández-Arteaga,
Marisela Hernández-González,
Herlinda Bonilla-Jaime,
Miguel Angel Guevara,
Anders j Ågmo
Pubertal stress decreases sexual motivation and supresses the relation between cerebral theta rhythms and testosterone levels in adult male rats
Xi Chu,
Anders j Ågmo
Behavioral response is absent under the mating competition in rats (Rattus norvegicus)
Physiology and Behavior 15. Mar 2019
Olivia Le Moene,
Anders j Ågmo
Responses to positive and aversive stimuli in estrous female rats housed in a seminatural environment: Effects of yohimbine and chlordiazepoxide
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 2019
Olivia Le Moene,
Mihaela Stavarache,
Sonoko Ogawa,
Sergei Musatov,
Anders j Ågmo
Estrogen receptors α and β in the central amygdala and the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus: Sociosexual behaviors, fear and arousal in female rats during emotionally challenging events
Behavioural Brain Research 2019
Olivia Le Moene,
Anders j Ågmo
Modeling Human Sexual Motivation in Rodents: Some Caveats
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 2019
Olivia Le Moene,
Anders j Ågmo
Behavioral responses to emotional challenges in female rats living in a seminatural environment: The role of estrogen receptors
Olivia Le Moene,
Anders j Ågmo
The neuroendocrinology of sexual attraction
Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology (FIN) 2018
Anders j Ågmo
The Neurobiology of Sexual Behavior and Sexual Attraction
John Wiley & Sons 2018
Mariko Nakata,
Anders j Ågmo,
Shoko Satoshi,
Sonoko Ogawa
The role of estrogen receptor β (ERβ) in the establishment of hierarchical social relationships in male mice
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 2018
Xi Chu,
Eelke Snoeren,
Anders j Ågmo
Functions of Vocalization in Sociosexual Behaviors in Rats (Rattus norvegicus) in a Seminatural Environment
Journal of Comparative Psychology 2017
Anders j Ågmo,
Knut Larsson
Neuroendocrine and behavioral role of the medial preoptic area in rabbits: Recollections of collaboration with Carlos Beyer
Claudia Amezcua-Gutiérrez,
Marina Ruiz-Díaz,
Marisela Hernández-González,
Miguel Angel Guevara,
Anders j Ågmo,
Araceli Sanz-Martin
Effect of sexual arousal on cortical coupling during performance of the Tower of Hanoi task in young men
Journal of Sex Research 2017
Anders j Ågmo,
Eelke Snoeren
A cooperative function for multisensory stimuli in the induction of approach behavior of a potential mate
Olivia Le Moene,
Anders j Ågmo
Olfactory behavior in laboratory animals
Xi Chu,
Anders j Ågmo
Studies of sociosexual interactions in rats in an externally valid procedure: are they relevant for understanding human sexual behavior?
International Journal of Psychological Research 2016
Xi Chu,
Anders j Ågmo
The adrenergic α2-receptor, sexual incentive motivation and copulatory behavior in the male rat
Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 2016
Ana Ribeiro,
Anders j Ågmo,
Sergei Musatov,
Donald W. Pfaff
Silencing Estrogen Receptor-alpha with siRNA in the Intact Rodent Brain
Anders j Ågmo,
M Yuabov,
Donald W. Pfaff
Hormonal contributions to arousal and motivation
Porfirio Gómora-Arrati,
Guadalupe Dominguez,
Anders j Ågmo
GABA receptors in the medial preoptic area modulate the onset of oestradiol-induced maternal behaviour in hysterectomised-ovariectomised, pregnant rats
Journal of Neuroendocrinology (JNE) 2016
Xi Chu,
Anders j Ågmo
Sociosexual behaviors during the transition from non-receptivity to receptivity in rats housed in a seminatural environment
Behavioural Processes 2015
Xi Chu,
Fay A. Guarraci,
Anders j Ågmo
Sociosexual behaviors and reproductive success of rats (Rattus norvegicus) in a seminatural environment
Physiology and Behavior 2015
Eelke Snoeren,
E Antonio-Cabrera,
Thierry Jean P Spiteri,
S Musatov,
S Ogawa,
DW Pfaff
et al.:
Role of Oestrogen α Receptors in Sociosexual Behaviour in Female Rats Housed in a Seminatural Environment
Journal of Neuroendocrinology (JNE) 2015
Anders j Ågmo,
Eelke Snoeren
Silent or Vocalizing Rats Copulate in a Similar
Anders j Ågmo
Circuitos centrales relevantes para la conducta sexual
Anders j Ågmo
Motivación sexual: ¿Hay diferencias entre machos y hembras?
Anders j Ågmo
Una nueva visión sobre la interacción sexual en ratas y otras especies.
Claudia Rodríguez-Aranda,
Anders j Ågmo
Intervju på radioprogram: "Radio UAQ 89.5 FM Universidad, programa Sinapsis"
Anders j Ågmo
Tienen los estudios psicobiologicos, en animales no humanos, alguna relevancia para la conducta humana? El caso de la conducta sexual.
Olivia Le Moene,
Malin Kvalheim,
Anders j Ågmo
Réaction à un stimulus auditif aversif dans un environnement seminaturel chez des rattes traitées avec de la yohimbine ou du chlordiazépoxide
Xi Chu,
Anders j Ågmo
The sound of silence - The role of vocalizations in sociosexual behaviors and mate choice in groups of rats (Rattus Norvegicus) in a seminatural environment
Olivia Le Moene,
Anders j Ågmo
The role of estrogen receptors in response to positive emotional stimuli in rats observed in a seminatural environment
Olivia Solène Le Moëne,
Anders j Ågmo
Estrogen receptors and positive emotional stimuli in a seminatural environment
Olivia Le Moene,
Anders j Ågmo
Socio-sexual behaviors in ovariectomized rats housed in a seminatural environment and treated with the estrogen receptor α agonist propylpyrazoletriol (PPT) or the estrogen receptor β agonist diarylpropionitrile (DPN).
Eelke Snoeren,
Edwards Antonio-Cabrera,
Benedicte Emilie Langseth-Eide,
Thierry Spitera,
Sergei Musatov,
Sonoko Ogawa
et al.:
The role of estrogen alpha receptors in sociosexual behavior in female rats housed in a seminatural environment.
Eelke Snoeren,
Anders j Ågmo
The incentive value of multisensory stimuli in male rats.