Malin Gullsvåg,
Yoshihiro Itaguchi,
Claudia Rodríguez-Aranda
Breathing signatures of semantic and phonemic verbal fluency and their impact on test performance in a sample of young Norwegian adults
Malin Gullsvåg,
Claudia Rodríguez-Aranda
Effects of verbal tasks with varying difficulty on real-time respiratory airflow during speech generation in healthy young adults
Olena Vasylenko,
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Knut Waterloo,
Claudia Rodríguez-Aranda
Reduction in manual asymmetry and decline in fine manual dexterity in right-handed older adults with mild cognitive impairment
Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition 2022
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Olena Vasylenko,
Knut Waterloo,
Claudia Rodríguez-Aranda
Assessing a Sensory-Motor-Cognition Triad in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment With Dichotic Listening While Walking: A Dual-Task Paradigm
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 12. Nov 2021
Yoshihiro Itaguchi,
Susana Angelica Castro Chavira,
Knut Waterloo,
Stein Harald Johnsen,
Claudia Rodríguez-Aranda
Evaluation of error production in animal fluency and its relationship to frontal tracts in normal aging and mild Alzheimer's disease: A combined LDA and time-course analysis investigation
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2021
Inger Utne,
Borghild Løyland,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Hege Lund Rasmussen,
Ann Helen Torstveit,
Steven M. Paul
et al.:
Age-related differences in self-report and objective measures of cognitive function in older patients prior to chemotherapy
Susana Angelica Castro-Chavira,
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Olena Vasylenko,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Effects of dichotic listening on gait domains of healthy older adults during dual-tasking: An exploratory observational study
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Susana Angelica Castro Chavira,
Ragna Espenes,
Fernando A. Barrios,
Knut Waterloo,
Torgil Riise Vangberg
The role of moderating variables on BOLD fMRI response during semantic verbal fluency and finger tapping in active and educated healthy seniors
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2020
Misba Riaz,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Olena Vasylenko,
Susana Angelica Castro Chavira,
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Knut Waterloo
et al.:
What does hand motor function tell us about our aging brain in association with WMH?
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 2020
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Olena Vasylenko,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Dichotic listening while walking: A dual-task paradigm examining gait asymmetries in healthy older and younger adults
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 2020
Susana Angelica Castro Chavira,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Olena Vasylenko,
Knut Waterloo,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
White matter correlates of gait perturbations resulting from spontaneous and lateralized attention in healthy older adults: A dual-task study
Experimental Gerontology 2019
Olena Vasylenko,
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Manual dexterity in young and healthy older adults. 2. Association with cognitive abilities
Developmental Psychobiology 2018
Olena Vasylenko,
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Manual dexterity in young and healthy older adults. 1. Age- and gender-related differences in unimanual and bimanual performance
Developmental Psychobiology 2018
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Olena Vasylenko,
Johan Jacob Espenes,
Knut Waterloo,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
The impact of age-related hearing loss and lateralized auditory attention on spatiotemporal parameters of gait during dual-tasking among community dwelling older adults
Experimental Gerontology 2018
Leslie Marion Decker,
Fabien Cignetti,
Nathaniel Hunt,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Potter Jane,
Nicholas Stergiou
et al.:
Effects of aging on the relationship between cognitive demand and step variability during dual-task walking.
Inger Utne,
Ellen Karine Grov,
Linn Elise Kjerland,
Mette Rønning,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Hege Lund Rasmussen
et al.:
Oversettelse og kulturell tilpasning av Attentional Function Index (AFI)
Sykepleien Forskning 22. Dec 2017
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Matthias Mittner,
Lena Vasilenko
Association between executive functions, working memory, and manual dexterity in young and healthy older adults: An exploratory study
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Knut Waterloo,
Stein Harald Johnsen,
Odd Petter Eldevik,
Sigurd Sparr,
Gry Charlotte Wikran
et al.:
Neuroanatomical correlates of verbal fluency in early Alzheimer's disease and normal aging.
Brain and Language 2016
Jan H Rosenvinge,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Gyldendal Akademisk 2011
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Mona Lovise Kvalsvik Jakobsen
Differential Contribution of Cognitive and Psychomotor Functions to the Age-Related Slowing of Speech Production
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2011
Malin Gullsvåg,
Claudia Rodríguez-Aranda
Real-time assessment of respiratory parameters during speech production in verbal tasks with varying degree of cognitive load
Olena Vasylenko,
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Knut Waterloo,
Claudia Rodríguez-Aranda
Kinematic assessment of manual dexterity in mild cognitive impairment and normal aging: A cross-sectional and longitudinal investigation
Claudia Rodríguez-Aranda,
Anders j Ågmo
Intervju på radioprogram: "Radio UAQ 89.5 FM Universidad, programa Sinapsis"
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Hva skjer innen demensforskningen?
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Susana A Castro-Chavira,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Olena Vasylenko,
Knut Waterloo,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Link of white matter tract integrity and dual-task costs on gait
parameters in Mild Cognitive Impairment and normal aging
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Susana A Castro-Chavira,
Torgil Vangberg,
Olena Vasylenko,
Knut Waterloo,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Association of White Matter Integrity and Dual-task Effects
in Gait in a Sample of Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Praksis med eldre for profesjonsstudiet i psykologi i den kommunale helsetjenesten.
Tidsskriftet aldring og helse 2018
Leslie M. Decker,
Fabien Cignetti,
Nathaniel Hunt,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Jane F. Potter,
Nicholas Stergiou
et al.:
Erratum to: Effects of aging on the relationship between cognitive demand and step variability during dual-task walking (AGE, (2016), 38, 4, (363-375), 10.1007/s11357-016-9941-y)
Susana Angelica Castro Chavira,
Torgil Riise Vangberg,
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Olena Vasylenko,
Knut Waterloo,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Association of white matter integrity and gait speed during dual-tasking among community-dwelling elderly adults
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Matilde Klaussen,
Knut Waterloo,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Changes in Attentional Control and Gait in MCI and Healthy Elderly during Dichotic Listening in Dual-Tasking
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Den spreke eldrebølgen
29. Apr 2016
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Matthias Mittner,
Vilde K. Byre,
Amie Evjen,
Knut Waterloo,
Olena Vasylenko
et al.:
How does age-related hearing loss affect dual-task execution in cognitively healthy older adults?
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Praksisstudier innen eldreomsorg for psykologistudenter ved UiT
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Knut Waterloo,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Interplay of auditory attention and gait in MCI and normal aging: A dual-task study
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Eldre psykologi og praksis med eldre ved institutt for psykologi, UiT
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Dedifferentiation of Cognitive and Motor Functions in Aging
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Ragna Espenes,
Marit Moe Holthe,
Knut Waterloo,
Torgil Riise Vangberg
Brain activation patterns during semantic verbal fluency in active and educated healthy seniors: A covert fMRI study
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Mari Lise Eriksen
Addressing the link between age-related cognitive decline and fine motor dexterity in healthy elderly
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Ann Helen Holmen,
Guro Strand Thorbjørnsen,
Stein Harald Johnsen,
Knut Waterloo
Time course analysis of verbal fluency processing in mild AD patients: Storage loss, or retrieval slowing?
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
How many animals can you name?
03. Oct 2013
Torgil Vangberg,
Knut Waterloo,
Petter Eldevik,
Stein Harald Johnsen,
Sigurd Sparr,
Gry Charlotte Wikran
et al.:
MMSE score is associated with white matter integrity in early Alzheimer’s disease
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda
Effects of walking on dichotic listening performance among young healthy adults
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Knut Waterloo,
Odd Petter Eldevik,
Marta Maria Gorecka,
Torgil Vangberg
The relationship between verbal fluency performance and white matter integrity in healthy aging individuals
Torgil Vangberg,
Knut Waterloo,
Petter Eldevik,
Stein Harald Johnsen,
Sigurd Sparr,
Gry Wikran
et al.:
Association between specific deficits on verbal processing and white matter integrity in mild Alzheimer’s disease
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Mona Jakobsen
Contribution of cognitive and psychomotor mechanisms to the age-related slowing of verbal processing
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Leslie Decker,
Sara Myers,
Nick Stergiou
Evaluering av forholdet mellom gange og cognitive funksjoner: En modell for å studere fall
Leslie Decker,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Sara Myers,
Nick Stergiou
Verbal fluency tasks affect gait variability and asymmetry
Leslie Decker,
Sara Myers,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Jane Potter,
Nick Stergiou
Task difficulty affects gait variability during dual task in healthy young and older adults
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Ruth Elisabeth Bakken- Arnesen,
Caroline Jota,
Odd Petter Eldevik,
Stein Harald Johnsen,
Sigurd Sparr
et al.:
Can psychomotor decline on speech production in mild Alzheimer’s disease be due to reduced cerebellar gray matter?
Jennifer Yentes,
Leslie Decker,
Sara Myers,
Claudia Rodriguez-Aranda,
Jane Potter,
Nick Stergiou
Aging and dual task alter amount and structure of lower limb kinematic variability during gait