Siv Ellen Kraft
Cathedralizing Nature, Ecologizing Sacred Grounds:
A Case Study from Sápmi on the Norwegian Side
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture (JSRNC) 2025
Siv Ellen Kraft
Global Indigeneity on the Move: The World Drum – Afterlives, Drift Matter, and Object Agency
Siv Ellen Kraft
Spiritual Activism. Saving Mother Earth in Sápmi
Siv Ellen Kraft
Indigenous religion(s) – in the making and on the move: Sámi activism from Alta to Standing Rock
Greg Johnson,
Siv Ellen Kraft
Standing Rock Religion(s): Ceremonies, Social Media, and Music Videos
Tiina Äikäs,
Trude A. Fonneland,
Suzie Thomas,
Wesa Perttola,
Siv Ellen Kraft
"Traces of our ancient religion". Meaning-making and Shamanism at Sami Offering Places at the Isogaisa Festival, Northern Norway
Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2018
Siv Ellen Kraft
Bad, banal and basic. New Age in the Norwegian News Press and Entertainment Media
Equinox Publishing 2017
Greg Johnson,
Siv Ellen Kraft
Standing on the sacred: Ceremony, discourse, and resistance in the fight against the black snake
Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture (JSRNC) 2017
Siv Ellen Kraft
U.N. Discourses on Indigenous Religion
Brill Academic Publishers 2017
Greg Johnson,
Siv Ellen Kraft
Brill Academic Publishers 2017
Ingvild S. Gilhus,
Siv Ellen Kraft
Equinox Publishing 2017
Siv Ellen Kraft
Indigenous religion(s) in Sápmi: Reclaiming sacred grounds
Siv Ellen Kraft,
Bjørn Ola Tafjord,
Arkotong Longkumer,
Gregory D. Alles,
Gregory Bruce Johnson
Indigenous Religion(s): Local Grounds, Global Networks
Siv Ellen Kraft,
Greg Johnson
Handbook of Indigenous Religion(s)
Brill Academic Publishers 2017
Ingvild S. Gilhus,
Siv Ellen Kraft,
James R Lewis
New Age in Norway
Equinox Publishing 2017
Siv Ellen Kraft
Keynote. Wildcard religion: Nature-based conflicts and activism in Sápmi
Siv Ellen Kraft
Keynote: Reclaiming Sacred Grounds - Indigenous Religion(s) in Sápmi
Siv Ellen Kraft
key note lecture: Dark green religion – afterlife modes: examples from Sápmi
Siv Ellen Kraft
Mellom tilblivelse, tilbakekomst og kontinuitet –
urfolksreligion i Sápmi
Siv Ellen Kraft
oppretter trossamfunn for å bevare hellige fjell
29. Nov 2023
Siv Ellen Kraft
Samisk religion
Siv Ellen Kraft
Key note: Past matters, present concerns: Cathedralizing nature in Sápmi
Siv Ellen Kraft
Katedralisering: om hellige fjell, vindmøller og økologisering i Sápmi
Siv Ellen Kraft,
Ingvild Sælid Gilhus,
Olle Sundström
Ny norsk doktoravhandling:
Contextualising Descriptions of Noaidevuohta: Saami Ritual Specialists in Texts Written until 1871, Konsta Kaikkonen, Universitetet i Bergen
DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur 2022
Siv Ellen Kraft
Key note: Green and grounded: the afterlives of indigenous religion(s) in Sápmi
Siv Ellen Kraft
Green and grounded: The afterlives of indigenous reigions in Sápmi
Siv Ellen Kraft
Lea asahan sami osko-ja eallinoaidnosearvvi
19. Feb 2021
Siv Ellen Kraft
Key note lecture: Protecting Mother Earth: Indigenous religion(s) on protest scenes
Siv Ellen Kraft
Sjamanisme som samisk kulturarv
Ottar 2018
Siv Ellen Kraft,
Gregory Bruce Johnson
Indigenous protective occupation and emergent networks of spirited refusal
Siv Ellen Kraft,
Gregory Bruce Johnson
Protective Occupation, Emergent Networks, Rituals of
Solidarity: Comparing Alta (Sápmi), Mauna Kea (Hawai`i), and Standing Rock (North Dakota)
Siv Ellen Kraft
Roundtable-discussion on Indigenous fieldwork methods
Siv Ellen Kraft
The Study of Contemporary Indigenous Religion(s)
Siv Ellen Kraft,
Trude A. Fonneland
Bjørn Ola Tafjord,
Siv Ellen Kraft
Co-production of knowledge, from the local to the global
Siv Ellen Kraft
"Forgiveness is my bow, my prayers are my arrows". Protestene ved Standings Rock
Siv Ellen Kraft
Samtiden. Tidsskrift for politikk, litteratur og samfunnsspørsmål 2016
Siv Ellen Kraft
Strid i heilagt land
06. Nov 2016
Siv Ellen Kraft
The Heritagization of Sami Shamanism. Performance, Art and Indigeneity
Siv Ellen Kraft
Living Simultaneity. On religion among semi-secular Swedes (Ann af Bureén)
Chaos - Skandinavisk tidsskrift for religionshistoriske studier 2016
Siv Ellen Kraft,
Anne Britt Flemmen
Kjære leser
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 2016
Siv Ellen Kraft
(key note). "Indigenous knowledge in the making. Pan-Indigenous religion at Standing Rock"
Siv Ellen Kraft
Fourth Annual Hutton Lectures Symposium begins
09. Dec 2016
Siv Ellen Kraft,
Anne Britt Flemmen
Kjære leser!
Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning 2016
Siv Ellen Kraft,
Gregory Bruce Johnson
Visiting professors draw similarity between the Sami and Naga people
23. Dec 2016
Siv Ellen Kraft
det snakkes om åndelig krigføring ved Standing Rock
10. Nov 2016
Siv Ellen Kraft
Nyhetsinnslag om Standing Rock
19. Oct 2016
Siv Ellen Kraft
Standing Rock: religion, indigeneity and environmentalism
Siv Ellen Kraft,
Greg Johnson
De kjemper mot "den sorte slangen
NRK Säpmi 19. Oct 2016
Siv Ellen Kraft,
Greg Johnson
Innslag i nyhetssending om Standing Rock
13. Oct 2016