Freja Ekstrøm Nilou,
Nanna Bjørnbak Christoffersen,
Olaug Synnøve Lian,
Ann Dorrit Guassora,
Marie Broholm-Jørgensen
Conceptualizing negotiation in the clinical encounter – A scoping review using principles from critical interpretive synthesis
Patient Education and Counseling 2024
Trine Cæcilie Bræstrup Andersen,
Olaug S Lian
“But when I come home…”: How patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain account for their absent pain during naturally occurring clinical consultations
Kaja Kvaale,
Oddgeir Arne Synnes,
Olaug Synnøve Lian,
Hilde Bondevik
“That bastard chose me”: the use of metaphor in women’s cancer blogs
Qualitative Research in Medicine & Healthcare 2024
Olaug S Lian,
Sarah Nettleton,
Huw R. Grange,
Christopher Dowrick
‘It feels like my metabolism has shut down’. Negotiating interactional roles and epistemic positions in a primary care consultation
Olaug S Lian,
Sarah Joan Nettleton,
Huw Robert Grange,
Christopher Dowrick
‘My cousin said to me..’ Patients’ use of third-party references to facilitate shared decision-making during naturally occurring primary care consultations
Olaug S. Lian,
Sarah Joan Nettleton,
Huw Robert Grange,
Christopher Dowrick
‘I’d best take out life insurance, then.’ Conceptualisations of risk and uncertainty in primary care consultations, and implications for shared decision-making
Trine Cæcilie Bræstrup Andersen,
Maja Wilhelmsen,
Olaug Synnøve Lian
‘The MRI-scan says it is completely normal’: Reassurance attempts in clinical encounters among patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain
Kaja Kvaale,
Olaug S. Lian,
Hilde Bondevik
‘Beyond my Control’: Dealing with the Existential Uncertainty of Cancer in Online Texts
Illness, Crisis and Loss 2022
Huw R. Grange,
Olaug S. Lian
"Doors started to appear:" A methodological framework for analyzing visuo-verbal data drawing on Roland Barthes's classification of text-image relations
International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM) 2022
Guri Norddal,
Åge Wifstad,
Olaug S Lian
‘It’s like getting your car checked’: the social construction of diabetes risk among participants in a population study
Hans Petter Fundingsrud,
Olaug S Lian
Geografiske ulikheter i tilbudet av polikliniske tjenester til barn og unge ved norske sykehus - et kulturperspektiv
Olaug S Lian,
Sarah Nettleton,
Huw R. Grange,
Christopher Dowrick
“I’m not the doctor; I’m just the patient”: Patient agency and shared decision-making in naturally occurring primary care consultations
Olaug S Lian,
Sarah Nettleton,
Åge Wifstad,
Christopher Dowrick
Negotiating uncertainty in clinical encounters: A narrative exploration of naturally occurring primary care consultations
Olaug S Lian,
Sarah Nettleton,
Åge Wifstad,
Christopher Dowrick
Modes of Interaction in Naturally Occurring Medical Encounters with General Practitioners: The ´One in a Million´ Study
Olaug S Lian
Contested chronic conditions fused with medical uncertainty: gendered perspectives
Olaug S Lian,
Catherine Robson
Socially constructed and structurally conditioned conflicts in territories of medical uncertainty
Catherine Robson,
Lorna Myers,
Chrisma Pretorius,
Olaug S Lian,
Marcus Reuber
Health related quality of life of people with non-epileptic seizures: The role of socio-demographic characteristics and stigma
Olaug S Lian,
Catherine Robson,
Hilde Bondevik
Women With Long-Term Exhaustion in Fictional Literature: A Comparative Approach
Olaug S Lian,
Catherine Robson
”It´s incredible how much I´ve had to fight.” Negotiating medical uncertainty in clinical encounters.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 2017
Anne-Sofie Sand,
Nina Emaus,
Olaug S Lian
Motivation and obstacles for weight management among young women - a qualitative study with a public health focus - the Tromsø study: Fit Futures
Catherine Robson,
Olaug S Lian
“Blaming, shaming, humiliation”: Stigmatising medical interactions among people with non-epileptic seizures.
Anne-Sofie Sand,
Anne-Sofie Furberg,
Olaug S Lian,
Christopher Sivert Nielsen,
Gunn Pettersen,
Anne Winther
et al.:
Cross-sectional study of the differences between measured, perceived and desired body size and their relations with self-perceived health in young adults: The Tromsø Study - Fit Futures 2
Anne Helen Hansen,
Olaug S Lian
Experiences of general practitioner continuity among women with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: a cross-sectional study
BMC Health Services Research 14. Nov 2016
Olaug S Lian,
Jan Grue
Generating a Social Movement Online Community through an Online Discourse: The Case of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
Anne Helen Hansen,
Olaug S Lian
How do women with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis rate quality and coordination of health care services? A cross-sectional study
Olaug S Lian,
Frances Rapport
Life according to ME: Caught in the ebb-tide
Catherine Robson,
Olaug S Lian
“Are you saying she’s mentally ill then?” Explaining medically unexplained seizures in clinical encounters
Olaug S Lian,
Geir F Lorem
“I do not really belong out there anymore”: Sense of being and belonging among people With medically unexplained long-term fatigue
Olaug S Lian,
Hilde Bondevik
Medical constructions of long-term exhaustion, past and present
Olaug S Lian,
Sarah Nettleton
United we stand: Framing myalgic encephalomyelitis in a virtual symbolic community?
Anne-Sofie Sand,
Nina Emaus,
Olaug S Lian
Overweight and obesity in young adult women: A matter of
health or appearance? The Tromsø study: Fit futures
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 22. Oct 2015
Olaug S Lian,
Anne Helen Hansen
Factors facilitating patient satisfaction among women with medically unexplained long-term fatigue: A relational perspective
Olaug S Lian
Samfunn og sykdom. Bokanmeldelse av "Medicinsk sociologi: sociale faktorers betydning for befolkningens helbred", redigert av Rikke Lund, Charlotte Juul Nilsson, Ulla Christensen og Lars Iversen.
Olaug S Lian
Ny ME-veileder innebærer en kursendring i behandlingen av kroniske utmattelsestilstander
Sarah Graham,
Olaug S Lian
Women are still branded ‘hysterical’ because of chronic illnesses which are under-researched and under-funded
Olaug S Lian,
Dowrick Christopher
(Co-)construction of illness narratives in medical encounters characterised by uncertainty
Olaug S Lian
Contextualising health narratives as situated action.
Olaug S Lian
Sosio-logiske helseulikheter i breddeformat.
Nina Strand,
Olaug S Lian
Sykdommen vi ikke kan snakke om
Olaug S Lian,
Maria Pettrém
Nå kan sorg være en sykdom
Olaug S Lian
Biomedical hegemony: a critical perspective on the cultural imperialism of modern biomedical perspectives on human life.
Olaug S Lian
Gendered perspectives on contested chronic conditions.
Olaug S Lian
”I do not really belong out there anymore.” Sense of being and belonging among people with medically unexplained long-term fatigue.
Lisbeth Nilsen,
Olaug S Lian
ME-debatten: Mener legene bør starte dialogen
Olaug S Lian
Når etikken stopper forskningen
Olaug S Lian
Far og sønn. Bokanmeldelse av Aksel Fugelli: Per
Glimt av min far, Oslo: Cappelen Damm 2014.
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2015
Olaug S Lian,
Beate Sletvold Øistad
ME: Mannssjukdommen som vart kvinnesjukdom
Olaug S Lian
“United we stand.” The discursive framing of online negotiations of ME in a virtual symbolic community.
Olaug S Lian,
Catherine Robson
Negotiating medically unexplained seizures (PNES) in clinical encounters.