Hans Pasterkamp,
Hasse Melbye
Machines Are Learning Chest Auscultation. Will They Also Become Our Teachers?
Carl Llor,
Andreas Plate,
Lars Bjerrum,
Ivan Gentile,
Hasse Melbye,
Annamaria Staiano
et al.:
C-reactive protein point-of-care testing in primary care—broader implementation needed to combat antimicrobial resistance
Frontiers in Public Health 2024
Per Niklas Benzler Waaler,
Hasse Melbye,
Henrik Schirmer,
Markus Kreutzer Johnsen,
Tom Dønnem,
Johan Fredrik Ravn
et al.:
Algorithm for predicting valvular heart disease from heart sounds in an unselected cohort
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 2023
Oliver Van Hecke,
Lars Bjerrum,
Ivan Gentile,
Rogier Hopstaken,
Hasse Melbye,
Andreas Plate
et al.:
Guidance on C-reactive protein point-of-care testing and complementary strategies to improve antibiotic prescribing for adults with lower respiratory tract infections in primary care
Ivan Gentile,
Nicola Schiano Moriello,
Rogier Hopstaken,
Carl Llor,
Hasse Melbye,
Oliver Senn
The Role of CRP POC Testing in the Fight against Antibiotic Overuse in European Primary Care: Recommendations from a European Expert Panel
Anne Herefoss Davidsen,
Stian Andersen,
Peder Andreas Halvorsen,
Henrik Schirmer,
Eirik Reierth,
Hasse Melbye
Diagnostic accuracy of heart auscultation for detecting valve disease:
a systematic review
Annamaria Staiano,
Lars Bjerrum,
Carl Llor,
Hasse Melbye,
Rogier Hopstaken,
Ivan Gentile
et al.:
C-reactive protein point-of-care testing and complementary strategies to improve antibiotic stewardship in children with acute respiratory infections in primary care
Frontiers in Pediatrics 2023
Christin Löffler,
Attila Altiner,
Sandra Blumenthal,
Pascale Bruno,
An De Sutter,
Bart J. De Vos
et al.:
Challenges and opportunities for general practice specific CME in Europe – a narrative review of seven countries
David Gillespie,
Nick Francis,
Haroon Ahmed,
Kerenza Hood,
Carl Llor,
Patrick White
et al.:
Associations with Post-Consultation Health-Status in Primary Care Managed Acute Exacerbation of COPD
The International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2022
Stian Andersen,
Anne Herefoss Davidsen,
Henrik Schirmer,
Hasse Melbye,
Marcus Spigt,
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis
Interrater and intrarater agreement on heart murmurs
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care 2022
David Gillespie,
Christopher C. Butler,
Janine Bates,
Kerenza Hood,
Hasse Melbye,
Rhiannon Phillips
et al.:
Associations with antibiotic prescribing for acute exacerbation of COPD in primary care: Secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial
British Journal of General Practice 2021
Hasse Melbye,
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
Cristina Jacome,
Hans Pasterkamp
Inspiratory crackles-early and late-revisited: identifying COPD by crackle characteristics
BMJ Open Respiratory Research 2021
Sarah Cook,
Anne Elise Eggen,
Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock,
S Malyutina,
M Shapkina,
Alexander V Kudryavtsev
et al.:
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Population Studies in Russia and Norway: Comparison of Prevalence, Awareness and Management.
The International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2021
Hasse Melbye,
Jon Helgeland,
Øystein Karlstad,
Inger Ariansen,
Arnulf Langhammer,
Torbjørn Wisløff
et al.:
Is the disease burden from COPD in Norway falling off? A study of time trends in three different data sources
The International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2020
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
Ingrid Johansen Storvoll,
Sophie Vanbelle,
Hasse Melbye
The use of spectrograms improves the classification of wheezes and crackles in an educational setting
Scientific Reports 21. May 2020
Nick A. Francis,
David Gillespie,
M. Wootton,
Patrick White,
Janine Bates,
J. Richards
et al.:
Clinical Features and C-Reactive Protein as Predictors of Bacterial Exacerbations of COPD.
International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction 2020
Nick Francis,
David Gillespie,
Patrick White,
Janine Bates,
Rachel Lowe,
Bernadette Sewell
et al.:
C-reactive protein point-of-care testing for safely reducing antibiotics for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: The PACE RCT
Health Technology Assessment 2020
Rhiannon Phillips,
H. Stanton,
A. Singh-Mehta,
David Gillespie,
Janine Bates,
Micaela Gal
et al.:
C-reactive protein-guided antibiotic prescribing for COPD exacerbations: A qualitative evaluation
British Journal of General Practice 2020
Trond Børvik,
Line Evensen,
Vania Maris Morelli,
Hasse Melbye,
Sigrid Kufaas Brækkan,
John-Bjarne Hansen
Impact of respiratory symptoms and oxygen saturation on the risk of incident venous thromboembolism-the Tromsø study.
Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis (RPTH) 2020
Lisa M. E. Dohmen,
Marcus Spigt,
Hasse Melbye
The effect of atmospheric pressure on oxygen saturation and dyspnea: the Tromsø study
International journal of biometeorology 2020
Hasse Melbye,
Michael Stylidis,
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
Maria Averina,
Henrik Schirmer
Prediction of chronic heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a general population: the Tromsø study
Paul Little,
Beth Stuart,
Nick A. Francis,
Elaine Douglas,
Sarah Tonkin-Crine,
Sibyl Anthierens
et al.:
Antibiotic prescribing for acute respiratory tract infections 12 months after communication and CRP training: A randomized trial
Annals of Family Medicine 2019
Cristina Jacome,
Johan Ravn,
Einar Holsbø,
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
Hasse Melbye,
Lars Ailo Bongo
Convolutional Neural Network for Breathing Phase Detection in Lung Sounds
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
Cristina Jacome,
Anne Herefoss Davidsen,
Raimonda Einarsen,
Sophie Vanbelle,
Hans Pasterkamp
et al.:
Prevalence and clinical associations of wheezes and crackles in the general population: The Troms? study
Christopher C. Butler,
David Gillespie,
Patrick White,
Janine Bates,
Rachel Lowe,
Emma Thomas-Jones
et al.:
C-reactive protein testing to guide antibiotic prescribing for COPD exacerbations
New England Journal of Medicine 2019
Trond Børvik,
Sigrid Kufaas Brækkan,
Line Evensen,
Ellen Elisabeth Brodin,
Vania Maris Morelli,
Hasse Melbye
et al.:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary Disease and risk of mortality in patients with venous thromboembolism - the Tromsø Study
Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2019
Lene Gjelseth Dalbak,
Henrik Schirmer,
Jørund Straand,
Ibrahimu Mdala,
Ole Geir Solberg,
Hasse Melbye
Impaired left ventricular filling is associated with decreased pulse oximetry values
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 2018
Hasse Melbye
Springer 2018
Cristina Isabel Oliveira Jácome,
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
Åshild Myrnes Uhre,
Hans Pasterkamp,
Hasse Melbye
Adventitious and Normal Lung Sounds in the General Population: Comparison of Standardized and Spontaneous Breathing
Respiratory care 2018
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
Sophie Vanbelle,
Peder Andreas Halvorsen,
Nick Francis,
Jochem W L Cals,
Elena A Andreeva
et al.:
International perception of lung sounds: a comparison of classification across some European borders
BMJ Open Respiratory Research 2017
Morten Grønnesby,
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
Einar Holsbø,
Hasse Melbye,
Lars Ailo Bongo
Machine Learning Based Crackle Detection
Hasse Melbye,
Arnulf Langhammer,
Jon Helgeland
Changes in smoking and lung function between 2001 and 2016
Peder Andreas Halvorsen,
Mette Bech Risør,
Hasse Melbye
The Stethoscope 2030: Towards Personalized Diagnostics With Digital Auscultation
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
Cristina Jacome,
Hans Pasterkamp,
Hasse Melbye
Prevalence of adventitious lung sounds in a large population sample
European Respiratory Journal 2018
Cristina Jacome,
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
Åshild Myrnes Uhre,
Hans Pasterkamp,
Hasse Melbye
Presence of adventitious lung sounds (LS) differ between spontaneous and standardized breathing
European Respiratory Journal 2018
Cristina Jacome,
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
Åshild Myrnes Uhre,
Hans Pasterkamp,
Hasse Melbye
Presence of adventitious lung sounds (LS) differ between spontaneous and standardized breathing
Hasse Melbye
The value of lung sounds in the assessment of patients with respiratory conditionsand. Introduction & Recommended Terminology for Lung Sounds
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
Cristina Jacome,
Hans Pasterkamp,
Hasse Melbye
Prevalence of adventitious lung sounds in a large population sample
Arnulf Langhammer,
Suzanne Crowley,
Sjur Hummerfeldt,
Hasse Melbye,
Torbjørn Nag,
Øistein Svanes
På tide med nye referanseverdier og grenseverdier for spirometri
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2018
C Jacome,
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
A Marques,
Hasse Melbye
Lung sounds intensity: can we rely on recordings at spontaneous airflow?
M Grønnesby,
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
E Holsbø,
Hasse Melbye,
LA Bongo
Machine learning based crackles detection
J. Ravn,
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
M Grønnesby,
Hasse Melbye,
LA Bongo
Detection of wheezes and breathing phases using deep convolutional neural networks
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
C Jacome,
H Pasterkamp,
Hasse Melbye
Sub-classification of wheezes and crackles is not helpful when lung auscultation is used for detecting decreased lung function in adults
C Jacome,
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
H Pasterkamp,
Hasse Melbye
The influence of adventitious sounds and artifacts on the frequency and intensity of normal respiratory sounds
C Jacome,
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
H Pasterkamp,
Hasse Melbye
Lung sounds intensity: is there a difference between spontaneous and target airflow?
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
C Jacome,
Hans Pasterkamp,
Hasse Melbye
Crackles and wheezes in 4038 adults aged 40 years or more – an epidemiological study with lung sound recordings – The Tromsø Study
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
C Jacome,
H Pasterkamp,
Hasse Melbye
Prevalence and associations of wheezes and crackles in a general adult population - the Tromsø 7 study
Juan Carlos Aviles Solis,
C Jacome,
H Pasterkamp,
Hasse Melbye
Improved classification of lung sounds by medical students when spectrograms are displayed
CT Heidelberg,
Hasse Melbye,
M Sandsund
Respiratory health status among Norwegian fish production workers on board fishing trawlers