Arne Johan Norheim,
Vinjar Fønnebø,
John Petter Lindeland,
Terje Varpe,
Trine Stub,
Catarina Bigset
et al.:
Reflexology for acute rhinosinusitis – Results from a blinded, early-phase comparative trial
Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing 2022
John Hughes,
Peter Fisher,
Stephane Espinosa,
Benno Brinkhaus,
Vinjar Fønnebø,
Elio Rossi
et al.:
Traditionally trained acupuncturists’ views on the World Health Organization traditional medicine ICD-11 codes: A Europe wide mixed methods study
European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2019
Solveig Wiesener,
Anita Salamonsen,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Which risk understandings can be derived from the current disharmonized regulation of complementary and alternative medicine in Europe?
Chun-Li Lu,
Xue-han Lui,
Trine Stub,
Agnete Egilsdatter Kristoffersen,
Shi-bing Liang,
Xiao Wang
et al.:
Complementary and alternative medicine for treatment of atopic eczema in children under 14 years old: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 26. Sep 2018
Agnete Egilsdatter Kristoffersen,
Trine Stub,
Frauke Musial,
Vinjar Fønnebø,
Ola Lillenes,
Arne Johan Norheim
Prevalence and reasons for intentional use of complementary and alternative medicine as an adjunct to future visits to a medical doctor for chronic disease
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2018
Vinjar Fønnebø,
Anita Salamonsen
Alternativ behandling
Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2017
Elin Anita Fadum,
Vinjar Fønnebø,
Einar Kristian Borud
Presence of minor and major mental health impairment in adolescence and death from suicide and unintentional injuries/accidents in men: a national longitudinal cohort study
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2016
Gro Karine Rosvold Berntsen,
Barbara Deede Gammon,
Aslak Steinsbekk,
Anita Salamonsen,
Nina Foss,
Cornelia Ruland
et al.:
How do we deal with multiple goals for care within an individual patient trajectory? A document content analysis of health service research papers on goals for care
Vinjar Fønnebø
Hva når pasienten spør om alternativ behandling?
Onkonytt 06. Aug 2015
Vinjar Fønnebø
Practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine should value their strengths
Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies (FACT) 2015
Renate Jacobsen,
Vinjar Fønnebø,
Nina Foss,
Agnete Egilsdatter Kristoffersen
Use of complementary and alternative medicine within Norwegian hospitals
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015
F Fischer,
G Lewith,
CM Witt,
K Linde,
K Ammon,
F Cardini
et al.:
A research roadmap for complementary and alternative medicine - What we need to know by 2020
Forschende Komplementärmedizin 2014
Adrian White,
Heather Boon,
Terje Alræk,
George Lewith,
Jian Ping Liu,
Arne Johan Norheim
et al.:
Reducing the risk of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM):Challenges and priorities
Ola Lillenes,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Kap. 7.9: Alternativ behandling ved MS
Xue-Han Liu,
Chun-Li Lu,
Li-qiong Wang,
Ya-xi Shang,
Trine Stub,
Agnete Egilsdatter Kristoffersen
et al.:
Beneficial Effect and safety of homeopathic therapy for upper respiratory tract infection in children: a systematic review
Chun-Li Lu,
Xue-Han Liu,
Trine Stub,
Agnete Egilsdatter Kristoffersen,
Shi-Bing Liang,
Xiao Wang
et al.:
Correction: Complementary and alternative medicine for treatment of atopic eczema in children under 14 years old: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2018) 18 (260) DOI: 10.1186/s12906-018-2306-6)
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2019
Sidsel Jøranlid,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Odd var alvorlig hjertesyk:
-Kosttilskudd fikk meg på bena igjen
02. Oct 2017
Frode Andresen,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Bruk av alternativ behandling i Norge
05. Sep 2017
Anne Bergseng,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Advarer mot kosttilskudd
13. Sep 2017
Solveig Wiesener,
Anita Salamonsen,
Trine Stub,
Vinjar Fønnebø
The broken link - Combining conventional and complementary medicine in a safe health care delivery chain.
Solveig Wiesener,
Anita Salamonsen,
Trine Stub,
Vinjar Fønnebø
The broken link! Combining conventional and complementary medicine in a safe health care delivery chain
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2017
Solveig Wiesener,
Vinjar Fønnebø,
Region South East Asia World health Organization
Core and Reference Indicators for Monitoring Traditional and Complementary Medicine in South-East Asia
John Hughes,
Peter Fisher,
Nenad Kostansjek,
Stephane Espinosa,
Benno Brinkhaus,
Vinjar Fønnebø
et al.:
Europe-wide feasibility study of World Health Organisation traditional medicine ICD-11 codes
European Journal of Integrative Medicine 2016
Elin Anita Fadum,
Vinjar Fønnebø,
Einar Kristian Borud
Mental health impairment and death from suicide and unintentional injuries/accidents in males. A longitudinal national cohort study.
Camilla Wernersen,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Pasientskade akupunktur
24. Nov 2016
Marie Moen Kingsrød,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Ekspertenes dom: Virker akupunktur? Artikkel i VG 2.2.16
02. Feb 2016
Elias Bakken Johansen,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Mener healing har en «beviselig effekt
29. Apr 2016
Martin Ellingsen,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Man ber ikke kreftpasienter om betale for å delta i forskning
29. Oct 2016
Bente Wemundstad,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Brobygging i helsevesenet
16. Nov 2016
Kristin Jonassen Nordby,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Flere norske klinikker tilbyr kopping til barn
01. Sep 2016
Marie Moen Kingsrød,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Overlege er biskopens hemmelige eksorsisme-hjelper
07. May 2016
Marie Moen Kingsrød,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Virker akupunktur?
02. Feb 2016
Martin Ellingsen,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Man ber ikke kreftpasienter om betale for å delta i forskning
29. Oct 2016
Camilla Wernersen,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Forsker: – Alternativbransjen må rydde i eget bo
24. Nov 2016
Bente Wemundstad,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Brobygging i helsevesenet
09. Nov 2016
Barbara Baumgarten-Austrheim,
Anita Salamonsen,
Vinjar Fønnebø
CFS/ME-pasienters erfaring med Lightning process
Elin Anita Fadum,
Vinjar Fønnebø,
Einar Kristian Borud
Mental Health Impairment at Conscription – Predictor for Suicide and Injury Death?
Arne Johan Norheim,
Vinjar Fønnebø,
Anita Salamonsen
Eksepsjonelt sykdomsforløp ved bruk av alternativ behandling?
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2016
Vinjar Fønnebø
Where is the unbiased information?
Forschende Komplementärmedizin 2015
Barbara Baumgarten-Austrheim,
Anita Salamonsen,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Rapport til Helsedirektoratet: Gjennomgang av diagnosekriterier for pasienter med kronisk utmattelsessyndrom/myalgisk encefalopati (CFS/ME).
Evaluering av pasientrapporterte positive og negative forløp knyttet til bruk av Lightning Process (LP) blant pasienter med kronisk utmattelsessyndrom/myalgisk encefalopati (CFS/ME)
Vinjar Fønnebø
Hva viser egentlig den australske rapporten om homøopati?
Dagens medisin 16. Mar 2015
Vinjar Fønnebø
Alternativ behandling – pasientene på ville veier?
Sunnhetsbladet 2015
Marie Kingsrød Moen,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Matintoleranse-testene: Stiller diagnose - tilbyr egne produkter
02. Jul 2015
Vinjar Fønnebø
Fønnebø om ubrukelige testresultater ved matintoleranse -
Naturterapeuten. Tidsskrift for naturmedisin 26. Oct 2015
Agnete Egilsdatter Kristoffersen,
Arne Johan Norheim,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Felix Fischer,
George Lewith,
Claudia M. Witt,
Klaus Linde,
Klaus von Ammon,
Francesco Cardini
et al.:
High prevalence but limited evidence in complementary and alternative medicine: Guidelines for future research
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014
Vinjar Fønnebø
V. Fønnebø svarer:
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2014
Vinjar Fønnebø
Mammografiscreening bør avvikles
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2014
Egil Pettersen,
Vinjar Fønnebø
28. Feb 2013
Solveig Wiesener,
G.S. Braut,
Vinjar Fønnebø
Disharmonized regulation of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in Europe - Implications for patient safety