Pragyan Banerjee,
Shivam Milind Akarte,
Prakhar Kumar,
Muhammad Shamsuzzaman,
Ankit Butola,
Krishna Agarwal
et al.:
High-resolution imaging in acoustic microscopy using deep learning
Machine Learning: Science and Technology 2024
Anuj Saxena,
Azeem Ahmad,
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Hong Mao,
Anand Kumar,
Anowarul Habib
et al.:
Single-shot quantitative differential phase contrast microscope using a single calcite beam displacer
Rishant Pal,
Shubham Kumar Gupta,
Azeem Ahmad,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
Block-matching and 3D filtering-based denoising of acoustic images obtained through point contact excitation and detection method
Shivam Ojha,
Komal Agarwal,
Amit Shelke,
Anowarul Habib
Quantification of impedance and mechanical properties of Zeonor using scanning acoustic microscopy
Komal Agarwal,
Shivam Ojha,
Roy Ambli Dalmo,
Tore Seternes,
Amit Shelke,
Frank Melandsø
et al.:
Uncertainty analysis of Altantic salmon fish scale's acoustic impedance using 30 MHz C-Scan measurements
Shivam Ojha,
Naveen Jangid,
Amit Shelke,
Anowarul Habib
Probabilistic impact localization in composites using wavelet scattering transform and multi-output Gaussian process regression
Ayush Somani,
Pragyan Banerjee,
Manu Rastogi,
Anowarul Habib,
Krishna Agarwal,
Dilip Kumar Prasad
Image Inpainting With Hypergraphs for Resolution Improvement in Scanning Acoustic Microscopy
IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) 2023
Shubham Kumar Gupta,
Anowarul Habib,
Prakhar Kumar,
Frank Melandsø,
Azeem Ahmad
Automated tilt compensation in acoustic microscopy
Shubham Kumar Gupta,
Rishant Pal,
Azeem Ahmad,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
Image denoising in acoustic microscopy using block-matching and 4D filter
Pragyan Banerjee,
Sibasish Mishra,
Nitin Yadav,
Krishna Agarwal,
Frank Melandsø,
Dilip Kumar Prasad
et al.:
Image inpainting in acoustic microscopy
Nur M.-M. Kalimullah,
Amit Shelke,
Anowarul Habib
A probabilistic framework for source localization in anisotropic composite using transfer learning based multi-fidelity physics informed neural network (mfPINN)
Mechanical systems and signal processing 2023
Nur M.M. Kalimullah,
Kaushik Shukla,
Amit Shelke,
Anowarul Habib
Stiffness tensor estimation of anisotropic crystal using point contact method and unscented Kalman filter
Nur M M Kalimullah,
Amit Shelke,
Anowarul Habib
A deep learning approach for anomaly identification in PZT sensors using point contact method
Smart materials and structures (Print) 2023
Anuj Saxena,
Azeem Ahmad,
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Anowarul Habib,
Satish Kumar Dubey,
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
et al.:
Dynamic quantitative phase imaging using calcite crystal-based temporally stable interferometer
Journal of Modern Optics 2023
Prakhar Kumar,
Nitin Yadav,
Muhammad Shamsuzzaman,
Krishna Agarwal,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
Numerical method for tilt compensation in scanning acoustic microscopy
Azeem Ahmad,
Anowarul Habib,
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia
Unbalanced low coherence interference microscopy
Optics and lasers in engineering 2022
Kaushik Shukla,
Azeem Ahmad,
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
Finite element simulation of transmission and reflection of acoustic waves in the ultrasonic transducer
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) 2022
Himanshu Singh,
Arif Ahmed Sekh,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
Ultrasonic image denoising using machine learning in point contact excitation and detection method
Sayantani Bhattacharya,
Nitin Yadav,
Azeem Ahmad,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
Multiple Damage Detection in PZT Sensor Using Dual Point Contact Method
Nur MM Kalimullah,
Amit Shelke,
Anowarul Habib
Multiresolution Dynamic Mode Decomposition (mrDMD) of Elastic Waves for Damage Localisation in Piezoelectric Ceramic
Abhishek Ranjan,
Chengxiang Peng,
Sanat Wagle,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
High-frequency acoustic imaging using adhesive-free polymer transducer
Azeem Ahmad,
Vishesh Dubey,
Nikhil Jayakumar,
Anowarul Habib,
Ankit Butola,
Mona Nystad
et al.:
High-throughput spatial sensitive quantitative phase microscopy using low spatial and high temporal coherent illumination
Azeem Ahmad,
Vishesh Kumar Dubey,
Nikhil Jayakumar,
Anowarul Habib,
Ankit Butola,
Mona Nystad
et al.:
High throughput spatially sensitive single-shot quantitative phase microscopy.
arXiv 2020
Ankit Butola,
Daria Popova,
Dilip K. Prasad,
Azeem Ahmad,
Anowarul Habib,
Jean-Claude Tinguely
et al.:
High spatially sensitive quantitative phase imaging assisted with deep neural network for classification of human spermatozoa under stressed condition
Scientific Reports 04. Aug 2020
Vikram Agarwal,
Amit Shelke,
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia,
Frank Melandsø,
T Kundu,
Anowarul Habib
Damage localization in piezo-ceramic using ultrasonic waves excited by dual point contact excitation and detection scheme
Anowarul Habib,
Sanat Wagle,
Adit Decharat,
Frank Melandsø
Evaluation of adhesive-free focused high-frequency PVDF copolymer transducers fabricated on spherical cavities
Smart materials and structures (Print) 2020
Gaurav Tripathi,
Anowarul Habib,
Krishna Agarwal,
Dilip K. Prasad
Classification of Micro-Damage in Piezoelectric Ceramics Using Machine Learning of Ultrasound Signals
Lavish Pamwani,
Anowarul Habib,
Frank Melandsø,
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia,
Amit Shelke
Single-input and multiple-output surface acoustic wave sensing for damage quantification in piezoelectric sensors
Anowarul Habib,
Amit Shelke,
U Amjad,
Ullrich Pietsch,
S Banerjee
Nonlocal damage mechanics for quantification of health for piezoelectric sensor
Anowarul Habib,
Sanat Wagle,
Adit Decharat,
Frank Melandsø
Numerical and experimental evaluation of high-frequency unfocused polymer transducer arrays
Adit Decharat,
Sanat Wagle,
Anowarul Habib,
Svein Ketil Jacobsen,
Frank Melandsø
High frequency copolymer ultrasonic transducer array of size-effective elements
Smart materials and structures (Print) 2018
Anowarul Habib,
Juha Vierinen,
Md Ashraful Islam,
Inigo Zubiavrre Martinez,
Frank Melandsø
In Vitro Volume Imaging of Articular Cartilage Using Chirp-Coded High Frequency Ultrasound
Proceedings - IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 2018
Syed Asim Hussain Rizvi,
Shubham Kumar Gupta,
Sanket Goel,
Azeem Ahmad,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
Logical Magic in Acoustic Microscopy
Debdarshee Das Mohapatra,
Sanket Goel,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
Numerical Investigation of Homogeneous Samples in
Photoacoustic Microscopy
Anowarul Habib
Virtual Mobility Experience and Challanges
Komal Agarwal,
Anowarul Habib,
Frank Melandsø
Potential Role of Materials Science for Advancements in Acoustic Microscopy
Shubham Kumar Gupta,
Azeem Ahmad,
Prakahar Kumar,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
Image denoising in acoustic field microscopy
Varun Bhardwaj,
Kaushik Shukla,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
Wave propagation in anisotropic crystal using point
contact excitation and detection method
Komal Agarwal,
Nur MM Kalimullah,
Syed Asim Hussain Rizvi,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
Visualization of ultrasonic waves in piezoelectric
Himanshu Singh,
Kaushik Shukla,
Azeem Ahmad,
Prakhar Kumar,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
Deep Learning-based Digital Refocusing in Acoustic Microscope
Komal Agarwal,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
Potential Role of Material Science for Advancements in Opto-Acoustic Microscopy
Komal Agarwal,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
Materials Science in Photo/Acoustic Transducers
Anowarul Habib
High Resolution Extended Depth of Focus in
Acoustic Imaging
Anowarul Habib
Extended Depth of Focus Acoustic Imaging
Abhishek Ranjan,
Antonin Patricio James,
Anowarul Habib,
Azeem Ahmad,
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia,
Frank Melandsø
Photoacoustic Imaging of Microparticles
Harshit Maharwar,
Krishna Agarwal,
Dilip K. Prasad,
Frank Melandsø,
Anowarul Habib
Subsurface defect imaging in PZT ceramics using dual point contact excitation and detection
Anowarul Habib,
Sanat Wagle,
Frank Melandsø
Adhesive free PVDF copolymer focused transducers for high frequency acoustic imaging
Abhishek Ranjan,
Chengxiang Peng,
Sanat Wagle,
Anowarul Habib,
Frank Melandsø
Investigation of high frequency transducers and coded signals suitable for cartilage volume imaging
Anowarul Habib,
Vikram Agarwal,
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia,
Frank Melandsø,
Amit Shelke
Dual point contact imaging of scattered ultrasonic waves in piezoelectric materials
Vikram Agarwal,
Anowarul Habib,
Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia,
Frank Melandsø,
Amit Shelke
Numerical modelling of dual point contact induced ultrasonic waves in PZT ceramics