Athanasios Kournoutis,
Trond Lamark,
Terje Johansen,
Yakubu Princely Abudu
WDR83/MORG1 inhibits RRAG GTPase-MTORC1 signaling to facilitate basal autophagy
Yakubu Princely Abudu,
Athanasios Kournoutis,
Hanne Britt Brenne,
Trond Lamark,
Terje Johansen
MORG1 limits mTORC1 signaling by inhibiting Rag GTPases
Vladimir V. Rogov,
Ioannis P. Nezis,
P Tsapras,
Hong Zhang,
Yasin Dagdas,
Nobuo N Noda
et al.:
Atg8 family proteins, LIR/AIM motifs and other interaction modes
Nikoline Lander Rasmussen,
Jianwen Zhou,
Hallvard Lauritz Olsvik,
Stéphanie Kaeser-Pebernard,
Trond Lamark,
Joern Dengjel
et al.:
The inflammation repressor TNIP1/ABIN-1 is degraded by autophagy following TBK1 phosphorylation of its LIR
Hallvard Lauritz Olsvik,
Terje Johansen
AlphaFold-multimer predicts ATG8 protein binding motifs crucial for autophagy research
Viola Nahse-Kumpf,
Camilla Raiborg,
Kia Wee Tan,
Sissel Mørk,
Maria Lyngaas Torgersen,
Eva Wenzel
et al.:
ATPase activity of DFCP1 controls selective autophagy
Jianwen Zhou,
Nikoline Lander Rasmussen,
Hallvard Lauritz Olsvik,
Vyacheslav Akimov,
Zehan Hu,
Gry Evjen
et al.:
TBK1 phosphorylation activates LIR-dependent degradation of the inflammation repressor TNIP1
Journal of Cell Biology 2023
Athanasios Kournoutis,
Terje Johansen
LC3B is a cofactor for LMX1B-mediated transcription of autophagy genes in dopaminergic neurons
Journal of Cell Biology 2023
Jingyue Jia,
Fulong Wang,
Zambarlal Babanrao Bhujabal,
Ryan Peters,
Michal Mudd,
Thabata Duque
et al.:
Membrane Atg8ylation, stress granule formation, and MTOR regulation during lysosomal damage
Juncal Garcia Garcia,
Anne Kristin McLaren Berge,
Katrine Stange Overå,
Kenneth Bowitz Larsen,
Zambarlal Babanrao Bhujabal,
Andreas Brech
et al.:
TRIM27 is an autophagy substrate facilitating mitochondria clustering and mitophagy via phosphorylated TBK1
Nikoline Lander Rasmussen,
Athanasios Kournoutis,
Trond Lamark,
Terje Johansen
NBR1: The archetypal selective autophagy receptor
Journal of Cell Biology 2022
Jingyue Jia,
Fulong Wang,
Zambarlal Babanrao Bhujabal,
Ryan Peters,
Michal Mudd,
Thabata Duque
et al.:
Stress granules and mTOR are regulated by membrane atg8ylation during lysosomal damage
Journal of Cell Biology 2022
Martina Wirth,
Stephane Mouilleron,
Wenxin Zhang,
Eva Sjøttem,
Yakubu Princely Abudu,
Ashish Jain
et al.:
Phosphorylation of the LIR Domain of SCOC Modulates ATG8 Binding Affinity and Specificity
Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB) 2021
Thaddaeus Mutugi Nthiga,
Birendra Kumar Shrestha,
Jack-Ansgar Bruun,
Kenneth Bowitz Larsen,
Trond Lamark,
Terje Johansen
Regulation of Golgi turnover by CALCOCO1-mediated selective autophagy
Journal of Cell Biology 2021
Daniel J. Klionsky,
Amal Kamal Abdel-Aziz,
Sara Abdelfatah,
Mahmoud Khaled Abdellatif,
Asghar Abdoli,
Yakubu Princely Abudu
et al.:
Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)
Yakubu Princely Abudu,
Stephane Mouilleron,
Sharon A Tooze,
Trond Lamark,
Terje Johansen
SAMM50 is a receptor for basal piecemeal mitophagy and acts with SQSTM1/p62 in OXPHOS-induced mitophagy
Yakubu Princely Abudu,
Birendra Kumar Shrestha,
Wenxin Zhang,
Anthimi Palara,
Hanne Britt Brenne,
Kenneth Bowitz Larsen
et al.:
SAMM50 acts with p62 in piecemeal basal- and OXPHOS-induced mitophagy of SAM and MICOS components
Journal of Cell Biology 2021
Daniel J. Klionsky,
Giulia Petroni,
Ravi K Amaravadi,
Eric H Baehrecke,
Andrea Ballabio,
Patricia Boya
et al.:
Autophagy in major human diseases
Yahyah Aman,
Tomas Schmauck-Medina,
Malene Hansen,
Richard I. Morimoto,
Anna Katharina Simon,
Ivana Bjedov
et al.:
Autophagy in healthy aging and disease
Thaddaeus Mutugi Nthiga,
Birendra Kumar Shrestha,
Trond Lamark,
Terje Johansen
The soluble reticulophagy receptor CALCOCO1 is also a Golgiphagy receptor.
Aurore Claude-Taupin,
Jingyue Jia,
Zambarlal Bhujabal,
Meriem Garfa-Traore,
Suresh Kumar,
Gustavo Peixoto Duarte da Silva
et al.:
ATG9A protects the plasma membrane from programmed and incidental permeabilization.
Trond Lamark,
Terje Johansen
Mechanisms of Selective Autophagy
Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology 2021
Arjen J. Jakobi,
Stefan T. Huber,
Simon A. Mortensen,
Sebastian Schultz,
Anthimi Palara,
Tanja Kuhm
et al.:
Structural basis of p62/SQSTM1 helical filaments and their role in cellular cargo uptake
S. Petridi,
A.-C. Jacomin,
Zambarlal Bhujabal,
Terje Johansen,
Ioannis P Nezis
Exploring selective autophagy in Drosophila: Methods to identify Atg8-interacting proteins.
Methods in Cell Biology 2020
Lu Wang,
Caiyue Xu,
Terje Johansen,
Shelley L. Berger,
Zhixun Dou
SIRT1 - a new mammalian substrate of nuclear autophagy
Anne-Claire Jacomin,
Raksha Gohel,
Zunoon Hussain,
Agnes Varga,
Tamas Maruzs,
Mark Eddison
et al.:
Degradation of arouser by endosomal microautophagy is essential for adaptation to starvation in Drosophila
Life Science Alliance (LSA) 2020
Caiyue Xu,
Lu Wang,
Parinaz Fozouni,
Gry Evjen,
Vemika Chandra,
Jing Jiang
et al.:
SIRT1 is downregulated by autophagy in senescence and ageing
Åsa birna Birgisdottir,
Terje Johansen
Autophagy and endocytosis – interconnections and interdependencies
Journal of Cell Science 2020
Anne-Claire Jacomin,
Stavroula Petridi,
Marisa Di Monaco,
Zambarlal Bhujabal,
Ashish Jain,
Nitha C. Mulakkal
et al.:
Regulation of Expression of Autophagy Genes by Atg8a-Interacting Partners Sequoia, YL-1, and Sir2 in Drosophila
Thaddaeu Mutugi Nthiga,
Birendra Kumar Shrestha,
Trond Lamark,
Terje Johansen
CALCOCO1 is a soluble reticulophagy receptor
Thaddaeus Mutugi Nthiga,
Birendra Kumar Shrestha,
Eva Sjøttem,
Trond Lamark,
Terje Johansen
CALCOCO1 acts with VAMP ‐associated proteins to mediate ER ‐phagy
Rocío de la Riva-Carrasco,
Sebastián Perez-Pandolfo,
Sofía Suárez Freire,
Nuria M. Romero,
Zambarlal Bhujabal,
Terje Johansen
et al.:
The immunophilin Zonda controls regulated exocytosis in endocrine and exocrine tissues
Traffic: The moving front of cell biology 2020
Suresh Kumar,
Yuexi Gu,
Yakubu Princely Abudu,
Jack-Ansgar Bruun,
Ashish Jain,
Farzin Farzam
et al.:
Phosphorylation of Syntaxin 17 by TBK1 Controls Autophagy Initiation
Developmental Cell 28. Apr 2019
Yakubu Princely Abudu,
Serhiy Pankiv,
Benan John Mathai,
Alf Håkon Lystad,
Christian Bindesbøll,
Hanne Britt Brenne
et al.:
NIPSNAP1 and NIPSNAP2 act as “eat-me signal” for mitophagy
Developmental Cell 11. Apr 2019
Martina Wirth,
Wenxin Zhang,
Minoo Razi,
Lynet Nyoni,
Dhira Joshi,
Nicola O'Reilly
et al.:
Molecular determinants regulating selective binding of autophagy adapters and receptors to ATG8 proteins
Nature Communications 03. May 2019
Åsa birna Birgisdottir,
Stephane Mouilleron,
Zambarlal Bhujabal,
Martina Wirth,
Eva Sjøttem,
Gry Evjen
et al.:
Members of the autophagy class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex I interact with GABARAP and GABARAPL1 via LIR motifs
Katrine Stange Overå,
Juncal Garcia Garcia,
Zambarlal Bhujabal,
Ashish Jain,
Aud Karin Øvervatn,
Kenneth Bowitz Larsen
et al.:
TRIM32, but not its muscular dystrophy-associated mutant, positively regulates and is targeted to autophagic degradation by p62/SQSTM1
Journal of Cell Science 02. Dec 2019
Birendra Kumar Shrestha,
Mads Skytte Rasmussen,
Yakubu Princely Abudu,
Jack-Ansgar Bruun,
Kenneth Bowitz Larsen,
Endalkachew Ashenafi Alemu
et al.:
NIMA-related kinase 9–mediated phosphorylation of the microtubule-associated LC3B protein at Thr-50 suppresses selective autophagy of p62/sequestosome 1
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2019
Terje Johansen
Selective Autophagy: RNA Comes from the Vault to Regulate p62/SQSTM1
Current Biology 22. Apr 2019
Yakubu Princely Abudu,
Serhiy Pankiv,
Benan John Mathai,
Trond Lamark,
Terje Johansen,
Anne Simonsen
NIPSNAP1 and NIPSNAP2 act as “eat me” signals
to allow sustained recruitment of autophagy
receptors during mitophagy
Gry Hoem,
Kenneth Bowitz Larsen,
Aud Karin Øvervatn,
Andreas Brech,
Trond Lamark,
Eva Sjøttem
et al.:
The FMRpolyGlycine protein mediates aggregate formation and toxicity independent of the CGG mRNA hairpin in a cellular model for FXTAS
Terje Johansen,
Trond Lamark
Selective autophagy: ATG8 family proteins, LIR motifs and cargo receptors
Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB) 2019
Mads Skytte Rasmussen,
Åsa birna Birgisdottir,
Terje Johansen
Use of Peptide Arrays for Identification and Characterization of LIR Motifs
Methods in molecular biology 2019
Stephanie R Kehl,
Brandy-Lee A Soos,
Bhaskar Saha,
Seong Won Choi,
Anthony W Herren,
Terje Johansen
et al.:
TAK1 converts Sequestosome 1/p62 from an autophagy receptor to a signaling platform