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Professor Klinihkalaš medisiinna instituhtta Tromsø

Rolf Busund

  • Martin Petter Høydahl, Rolf Busund, Assami Rösner, Didrik Kjønås :
    Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (from inception to standard treatment): a single-center observational study
    Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Håvard Dingen, Stina Jordal, Sorosh Bratt, Pål Aukrust, Rolf Busund, Øyvind Jakobsen et al.:
    Clinical profile, microbiology and outcomes in infective endocarditis treated with aortic valve replacement: a multicenter case-control study
    BMC Infectious Diseases 2024 DOI
  • Ramez Bahar, Stig Eggen Hermansen, Øystein Dahl-Eriksen, Rolf Busund, Per Erling Dahl, Amjid Iqbal et al.:
    The risk factors for radial artery and saphenous vein graft occlusion are different
    Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Didrik Kjønås, Gry Dahle, Henrik Schirmer, Siri Malm, Jo Eidet, Lars Aaberge et al.:
    Risk scores for prediction of 30-day mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: Results from a two-center study in Norway
    Health Science Reports 06. May 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Didrik Kjønås, Henrik Schirmer, Svend Aakhus, Jo Eidet, Siri Malm, Lars Aaberge et al.:
    Clinical and Echocardiographic Parameters Predicting 1- and 2-Year Mortality After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
    Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 06. Dec 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ramez Bahar, Øystein Dahl-Eriksen, Rolf Busund, Per Erling Dahl, Stig Eggen Hermansen, Amjid Iqbal et al.:
    Direct angiography demonstrates equal 8-12 years patency rates of radial artery and saphenous vein grafts
    Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Didrik Kjønås, Gry Dahle, Henrik Schirmer, Siri Malm, Jo Eidet, Lars Aaberge et al.:
    Predictors of early mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation
    Open heart 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Leo Ihlberg, Henrik Nissen, Niels-Erik Nielsen, Andreas Ruck, Rolf Busund, Kaj-Erik Klaarborg et al.:
    Early clinical outcome of aortic transcatheter valve-in-valve implantation in the Nordic countries
    Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2013 DOI
  • Kristian Bartnes, Stig Eggen Hermansen, Øystein Dahl-Eriksen, Ramez Bahar, Rolf Busund, Dag Glen Sørlie et al.:
    Arterial grafts do not counteract target vessel occlusion
    European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 16. Aug 2013 DOI
  • Erling Johan Aarsæther, Assami Røsner, Espen Straumbotn, Rolf Busund :
    Peak longitudinal strain most accurately reflects myocardial segmental viability following acute myocardial infarction - an experimental study in open-chest pigs
    Cardiovascular Ultrasound 2012 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Erling Johan Aarsæther, Espen Straumbotn, Assami Røsner, Rolf Busund :
    Oral beta-glucan reduces infarction size and improves regional contractile function in a porcine ischaemia/reperfusion model
    European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2012 DOI
  • Eckhard Mark, Olaf Jacobsen, Astrid Kristine Kjerstad, Torvind Næsheim, Rolf Busund, Ramez Bahar et al.:
    Hypothermic cardiac arrest far away from the center providing rewarming with extracorporeal circulation
    International Journal of Emergency Medicine 2012 ARKIV / DOI
  • Eystein Skjölsvik, Rolf Busund, Børge Schive, Terje Steigen :
    Ballong-valvuloplastikk av aortaklaffen som bro til annen behandling – illustert ved tre kasuistikker
    Hjerteforum 2012 OMTALE
  • Ulrich O von Oppeill, Leidulf Segadal, Rolf Busund, G. Gilbert Johnston, George Dimitrakakis, Navroz Masani et al.:
    Aortic Annulus Diameter and Valve Design Each Determine the Valve Size Implanted
    Journal of Heart Valve Disease 2012 SAMMENDRAG / FULLTEKST
  • Erling Johan Aarsæther, Thor Allan Stenberg, Ugo Moens, Mona Johannessen, Øyvind Jakobsen, Rolf Busund :
    Inhibition of NF-kappaB Activation by beta-Glucan Is Not Associated with Protection from Global Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Pigs
    Journal of Surgical Research 2011 DOI
  • Terje Steigen, Børge Schive, Trygve Næsheim, Rolf Busund :
    Transkateter aortaventilimplantasjon ved aortastenose
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2011 DOI
  • Kristian Bartnes, Stig Eggen Hermansen, Øystein Dahl-Eriksen, Amjid Iqbal, Jan Torbjørn Mannsverk, Terje Steigen et al.:
    Radial artery graft patency relates to gender, diabetes mellitus and angiotensin inhibition
    Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 2010 DOI
  • Karina Olsen, Per Erling Dahl, Eyvind Jakob Paulssen, Anne Husebekk, Anders Widell, Rolf Busund :
    Increased risk of transmission of hepatitis C in open heart surgery compared with vascular and pulmonary surgery
    Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2010 DOI
  • Erling Johan Aarsæther, Thor Allan Stenberg, Øyvind Jakobsen, Rolf Busund :
    Mechanoenergetic function and troponin T release following cardioplegic arrest induced by St. Thomas' and histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate cardioplegia - an experimental comparative study in pigs
    Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery 2009 DOI
  • Tore Sørlie, Rolf Busund, J Sexton, Harold Sexton, Dag Glen Sørlie :
    Video information combined with individualized information sessions: Effects upon emotional well-being following coronary artery bypass surgery - A randomized trial
    Patient Education and Counseling 2007 DOI
  • Tore Sørlie, Rolf Busund, Harold Sexton, Dag Glen Sørlie :
    Pasienttilfredshet etter opphold i kirurgisk avdeling
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2005
  • TC Nguyen, B Stegmayr, Rolf Busund, TE Bunchman, JA Carcillo :
    Plasma therapies in thrombotic syndromes
    International Journal of Artificial Organs 2005
  • E Aarsæther, OK Moe, PE Dahl, Rolf Busund :
    Carotisendarterektomi hos pasienter med koronarsykdom
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2005
  • Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund, Elin Richardsen, Rolf Busund, Tanja Ukkonen, Tone Bjørnsen, Christer Busch et al.:
    Significant expression of IGFBP2 in breast cancer compared with benign lesions
    Journal of Clinical Pathology 2005
  • Rolf Busund :
    Plasmaferese i behandling av septisk sjokk
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2004
  • Per-Erling Dahl, Kulbir Singh, Rolf Busund, Satish Kumar, Kjetil Andreassen, Line Eriksen et al.:
    Elektiv stentgraftbehandling for abdominalt aortaaneurisme
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2003
  • Rolf Busund :
    LVAD as alternative to heart transplant. When will they replace allogenic heart transplants?
    Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 2002
  • Rolf Busund, Vladimir Koukline, Uri Utrobin, Edvard Nedashkovsky :
    Plasmapheresis in severe sepsis and septic shock. A prospective, randomized, controlled trial
    Intensive Care Medicine 2002
  • Rolf Busund :
    Mekanisk hjerte som alternativ til hjertetransplantasjon
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2002
  • Vladimir Kuklin, Rolf Busund :
    Plasmapheresis in severe sepsis and septic shock: a prospective, randomised, controlled trial
    Intensive Care Medicine 2002 ARKIV / DOI
  • Tore Sørlie, C Sexton, Rolf Busund, Dag Glen Sørlie :
    A global measure of physical functioning: psychometric properties
    Health Services Research (HSR) 2001
  • Tore Sørlie, Harold Sexton, Rolf Busund, Dag Glen Sørlie :
    Predictors of satisfaction with surgical treatment
    International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2000
  • Rolf Busund, Rolv-Ole Lindsetmo, Lill-Tove Busund, O. Røkke, Ole Petter Rekvig, Arthur Revhaug :
    Tumor Necrosis Factor and Interleukin 1 Appearance in Experimental Gram-negative Septic Shock: The Effects of Plasma Exchange With Albumin and Plasma Infusion
    Archives of surgery (Chicago. 1960) 1991
  • Rolf Busund :
    Plasma exchange with albumin as replacement fluid in septicemia. An experimental study on survival and circulatory performance
    Surgical Research Communication 1990
  • Bjørn Erik Neerland, Rolf Busund, Rune Haaverstad, Jorunn L. Helbostad, Svein A. Landsverk, Ieva Martinaityte et al.:
    Alpha-2-adrenergic receptor agonists for the prevention of delirium and cognitive decline after open heart surgery (ALPHA2PREVENT): protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial
    BMJ Open 2022 DOI
  • Torvind Næsheim, Ole Magnus Filseth, Rolf Busund, Anders Åvall, Claus Klingenberg, Nina Hesselberg et al.:
    Økonomi trumfer helse for befolkningen i nord
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2017 DOI
  • Torvind Næsheim, Ole Magnus Filseth, Rolf Busund, Anders Åvall, Claus Klingenberg, Nina Hesselberg et al.:
    Svekket akuttmedisinsk tilbud i Nord-Norge
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2016 DOI
  • Lars Aaberge, Bjørn Bendz, Jan Otto Beitnes, Rolf Busund :
    TAVI - kateterbasert behandling av aortastenose
    Gyldendal Akademisk 2015
  • Leo Ihlberg, Alexander Wahba, Henrik Nissen, Niels-Henrik Nielsen, Andreas Ruck, Rolf Busund et al.:
    Early Clinical Outcome of Transcatheter Valve-In Valve Implantation in The Nordic Countries
    Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2012
  • Tore Sørlie, Rolf Busund, Dag Glen Sørlie, Joe Sexton, Harold Sexton :
    Videoinformasjon kombinert med individualisert informasjon: Virkninger på emosjonelt velvære etter koronar hjertekirurgi - en randomisert studie
  • Kristian Bartnes, Øystein Dahl-Eriksen, Amjid Iqbal, Jan T Mannsverk, Thor Trovik, Terje Steigen et al.:
    Arteria radialis som graft ved coronar bypass-kirurgi
    01. Jan 2005
  • Truls Myrmel, Marius Roaldsen, Kristian Bartnes, Per-Erling Dahl, Endre Sande, Dag Glen Sørlie et al.:
    Mitralkirurgi hos pasienter med ejeksjonsfraksjon under 30%
    01. Jan 2005
  • Rolf Busund, Einar Nilsen, Per-Erling Dahl, Solberg Solberg, Satish Kumar, Kulbir Singh et al.:
    Stentgraft i thoracalaorta. - Initielle erfaringer
    01. Jan 2005
  • Vladimir Kuklin, Yuri Utrobin, Eduard V Nedashkovsky, Rolf Busund :
    Plasmapheresis in treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock: a prospective, randomised, clinical trial.
  • Vladimir Kuklin, Yuri Utrobin, Rolf Busund :
    Analysis of efficacy of plasmapheresis for treatment severe sepsis and septic shock.
  • Rolf Busund, Yuri Utrobin, Vladimir Kuklin :
    Plasmapheresis in severe sepsis and septic shock: a prospective, randomized, clinical trial.

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