Martin Petter Høydahl,
Rolf Busund,
Assami Rösner,
Didrik Kjønås
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (from inception to standard treatment): a single-center observational study
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 2024
Håvard Dingen,
Stina Jordal,
Sorosh Bratt,
Pål Aukrust,
Rolf Busund,
Øyvind Jakobsen
et al.:
Clinical profile, microbiology and outcomes in infective endocarditis treated with aortic valve replacement: a multicenter case-control study
BMC Infectious Diseases 2024
Ramez Bahar,
Stig Eggen Hermansen,
Øystein Dahl-Eriksen,
Rolf Busund,
Per Erling Dahl,
Amjid Iqbal
et al.:
The risk factors for radial artery and saphenous vein graft occlusion are different
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 2022
Didrik Kjønås,
Gry Dahle,
Henrik Schirmer,
Siri Malm,
Jo Eidet,
Lars Aaberge
et al.:
Risk scores for prediction of 30-day mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: Results from a two-center study in Norway
Health Science Reports 06. May 2021
Didrik Kjønås,
Henrik Schirmer,
Svend Aakhus,
Jo Eidet,
Siri Malm,
Lars Aaberge
et al.:
Clinical and Echocardiographic Parameters Predicting 1- and 2-Year Mortality After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 06. Dec 2021
Ramez Bahar,
Øystein Dahl-Eriksen,
Rolf Busund,
Per Erling Dahl,
Stig Eggen Hermansen,
Amjid Iqbal
et al.:
Direct angiography demonstrates equal 8-12 years patency rates of radial artery and saphenous vein grafts
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 2020
Didrik Kjønås,
Gry Dahle,
Henrik Schirmer,
Siri Malm,
Jo Eidet,
Lars Aaberge
et al.:
Predictors of early mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation
Leo Ihlberg,
Henrik Nissen,
Niels-Erik Nielsen,
Andreas Ruck,
Rolf Busund,
Kaj-Erik Klaarborg
et al.:
Early clinical outcome of aortic transcatheter valve-in-valve implantation in the Nordic countries
Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2013
Kristian Bartnes,
Stig Eggen Hermansen,
Øystein Dahl-Eriksen,
Ramez Bahar,
Rolf Busund,
Dag Glen Sørlie
et al.:
Arterial grafts do not counteract target vessel occlusion
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 16. Aug 2013
Erling Johan Aarsæther,
Assami Røsner,
Espen Straumbotn,
Rolf Busund
Peak longitudinal strain most accurately reflects myocardial segmental viability following acute myocardial infarction - an experimental study in open-chest pigs
Erling Johan Aarsæther,
Espen Straumbotn,
Assami Røsner,
Rolf Busund
Oral beta-glucan reduces infarction size and improves regional contractile function in a porcine ischaemia/reperfusion model
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2012
Eckhard Mark,
Olaf Jacobsen,
Astrid Kristine Kjerstad,
Torvind Næsheim,
Rolf Busund,
Ramez Bahar
et al.:
Hypothermic cardiac arrest far away from the center providing rewarming with extracorporeal circulation
International Journal of Emergency Medicine 2012
Eystein Skjölsvik,
Rolf Busund,
Børge Schive,
Terje Steigen
Ballong-valvuloplastikk av aortaklaffen som bro til annen behandling – illustert ved tre kasuistikker
Ulrich O von Oppeill,
Leidulf Segadal,
Rolf Busund,
G. Gilbert Johnston,
George Dimitrakakis,
Navroz Masani
et al.:
Aortic Annulus Diameter and Valve Design Each Determine the Valve Size Implanted
Erling Johan Aarsæther,
Thor Allan Stenberg,
Ugo Moens,
Mona Johannessen,
Øyvind Jakobsen,
Rolf Busund
Inhibition of NF-kappaB Activation by beta-Glucan Is Not Associated with Protection from Global Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Pigs
Journal of Surgical Research 2011
Terje Steigen,
Børge Schive,
Trygve Næsheim,
Rolf Busund
Transkateter aortaventilimplantasjon ved aortastenose
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2011
Kristian Bartnes,
Stig Eggen Hermansen,
Øystein Dahl-Eriksen,
Amjid Iqbal,
Jan Torbjørn Mannsverk,
Terje Steigen
et al.:
Radial artery graft patency relates to gender, diabetes mellitus and angiotensin inhibition
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 2010
Karina Olsen,
Per Erling Dahl,
Eyvind Jakob Paulssen,
Anne Husebekk,
Anders Widell,
Rolf Busund
Increased risk of transmission of hepatitis C in open heart surgery compared with vascular and pulmonary surgery
Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2010
Erling Johan Aarsæther,
Thor Allan Stenberg,
Øyvind Jakobsen,
Rolf Busund
Mechanoenergetic function and troponin T release following cardioplegic arrest induced by St. Thomas' and histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate cardioplegia - an experimental comparative study in pigs
Interactive Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery 2009
Tore Sørlie,
Rolf Busund,
J Sexton,
Harold Sexton,
Dag Glen Sørlie
Video information combined with individualized information sessions: Effects upon emotional well-being following coronary artery bypass surgery - A randomized trial
Patient Education and Counseling 2007
Tore Sørlie,
Rolf Busund,
Harold Sexton,
Dag Glen Sørlie
Pasienttilfredshet etter opphold i kirurgisk avdeling
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2005
TC Nguyen,
B Stegmayr,
Rolf Busund,
TE Bunchman,
JA Carcillo
Plasma therapies in thrombotic syndromes
International Journal of Artificial Organs 2005
E Aarsæther,
OK Moe,
PE Dahl,
Rolf Busund
Carotisendarterektomi hos pasienter med koronarsykdom
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2005
Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund,
Elin Richardsen,
Rolf Busund,
Tanja Ukkonen,
Tone Bjørnsen,
Christer Busch
et al.:
Significant expression of IGFBP2 in breast cancer compared with benign lesions
Journal of Clinical Pathology 2005
Rolf Busund
Plasmaferese i behandling av septisk sjokk
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2004
Per-Erling Dahl,
Kulbir Singh,
Rolf Busund,
Satish Kumar,
Kjetil Andreassen,
Line Eriksen
et al.:
Elektiv stentgraftbehandling for abdominalt aortaaneurisme
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2003
Rolf Busund
LVAD as alternative to heart transplant. When will they replace allogenic heart transplants?
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 2002
Rolf Busund,
Vladimir Koukline,
Uri Utrobin,
Edvard Nedashkovsky
Plasmapheresis in severe sepsis and septic shock. A prospective, randomized, controlled trial
Intensive Care Medicine 2002
Rolf Busund
Mekanisk hjerte som alternativ til hjertetransplantasjon
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2002
Vladimir Kuklin,
Rolf Busund
Plasmapheresis in severe sepsis
and septic shock:
a prospective, randomised, controlled trial
Intensive Care Medicine 2002
Tore Sørlie,
C Sexton,
Rolf Busund,
Dag Glen Sørlie
A global measure of physical functioning: psychometric properties
Health Services Research (HSR) 2001
Tore Sørlie,
Harold Sexton,
Rolf Busund,
Dag Glen Sørlie
Predictors of satisfaction with surgical treatment
International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2000
Rolf Busund,
Rolv-Ole Lindsetmo,
Lill-Tove Busund,
O. Røkke,
Ole Petter Rekvig,
Arthur Revhaug
Tumor Necrosis Factor and Interleukin 1 Appearance in Experimental Gram-negative Septic Shock: The Effects of Plasma Exchange With Albumin and Plasma Infusion
Archives of surgery (Chicago. 1960) 1991
Rolf Busund
Plasma exchange with albumin as replacement fluid in septicemia. An experimental study on survival and circulatory performance
Surgical Research Communication 1990
Bjørn Erik Neerland,
Rolf Busund,
Rune Haaverstad,
Jorunn L. Helbostad,
Svein A. Landsverk,
Ieva Martinaityte
et al.:
Alpha-2-adrenergic receptor agonists for the prevention of delirium and cognitive decline after open heart surgery (ALPHA2PREVENT): protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial
Torvind Næsheim,
Ole Magnus Filseth,
Rolf Busund,
Anders Åvall,
Claus Klingenberg,
Nina Hesselberg
et al.:
Økonomi trumfer helse for befolkningen i nord
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2017
Torvind Næsheim,
Ole Magnus Filseth,
Rolf Busund,
Anders Åvall,
Claus Klingenberg,
Nina Hesselberg
et al.:
Svekket akuttmedisinsk tilbud i Nord-Norge
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2016
Lars Aaberge,
Bjørn Bendz,
Jan Otto Beitnes,
Rolf Busund
TAVI - kateterbasert behandling av aortastenose
Gyldendal Akademisk 2015
Leo Ihlberg,
Alexander Wahba,
Henrik Nissen,
Niels-Henrik Nielsen,
Andreas Ruck,
Rolf Busund
et al.:
Early Clinical Outcome of Transcatheter Valve-In Valve Implantation in The Nordic Countries
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2012
Tore Sørlie,
Rolf Busund,
Dag Glen Sørlie,
Joe Sexton,
Harold Sexton
Videoinformasjon kombinert med individualisert informasjon: Virkninger på emosjonelt velvære etter koronar hjertekirurgi - en randomisert studie
Kristian Bartnes,
Øystein Dahl-Eriksen,
Amjid Iqbal,
Jan T Mannsverk,
Thor Trovik,
Terje Steigen
et al.:
Arteria radialis som graft ved coronar bypass-kirurgi
01. Jan 2005
Truls Myrmel,
Marius Roaldsen,
Kristian Bartnes,
Per-Erling Dahl,
Endre Sande,
Dag Glen Sørlie
et al.:
Mitralkirurgi hos pasienter med ejeksjonsfraksjon under 30%
01. Jan 2005
Rolf Busund,
Einar Nilsen,
Per-Erling Dahl,
Solberg Solberg,
Satish Kumar,
Kulbir Singh
et al.:
Stentgraft i thoracalaorta. - Initielle erfaringer
01. Jan 2005
Vladimir Kuklin,
Yuri Utrobin,
Eduard V Nedashkovsky,
Rolf Busund
Plasmapheresis in
treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock: a prospective, randomised, clinical
Vladimir Kuklin,
Yuri Utrobin,
Rolf Busund
Analysis of efficacy of plasmapheresis for
treatment severe sepsis and septic shock.
Rolf Busund,
Yuri Utrobin,
Vladimir Kuklin
Plasmapheresis in severe sepsis and septic
shock: a prospective, randomized, clinical trial.