Johanna Järnegren,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Vivian Husa,
Martin Malmstrøm,
Eivind Oug,
Paul Ragnar Berg
et al.:
Assessment of risk and risk-reducing measures related to the introduction and dispersal of the invasive alien carpet tunicate Didemnum vexillum in Norway.
Hanno Sandvik,
Olga Hilmo,
Snorre Henriksen,
Reidar Elven,
Per Arvid Åsen,
Hanne Hegre
et al.:
Alien species in Norway: Results from quantitative ecological impact assessments
Amalia Keck,
Susanne Kortsch,
Bodil Bluhm,
frank Beuchel,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Carl Ballantine
et al.:
Arctic coastal benthos long-term responses to perturbations under climate warming: Climate change impact on Arctic benthos
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2020
Kim Josefine Niklasdotter Scherrer,
Susanne Kortsch,
Øystein Varpe,
Gesa Antonie Weyhenmeyer,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Raul Primicerio
Mechanistic model identifies increasing light availability due to sea ice reductions as cause for increasing macroalgae cover in the Arctic
Limnology and Oceanography 2019
Hanno Sandvik,
Dag Dolmen,
Reidar Elven,
Tone Falkenhaug,
Elisabet Forsgren,
Haakon Hansen
et al.:
Alien plants, animals, fungi and algae in Norway: an inventory of neobiota
Andrey Voronkov,
Haakon Hop,
Bjørn Gulliksen
Zoobenthic communities on hard-bottom habitats in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard
M. Sswat,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
I. Menn,
Andrew Kvassnes Sweetman,
Dieter Piepenburg
Distribution and composition of the epibenthic megafauna north of Svalbard (Arctic)
Andrey Voronkov,
Haakon Hop,
Bjørn Gulliksen
Diversity of hard-bottom fauna relative to environmental gradients in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard
Sabine Cochrane,
Tom H Pearson,
Michael Greenacre,
John Costelloe,
Ingrid H. Ellingsen,
Salve Dahle
et al.:
Benthic fauna and functional traits along a Polar Front transect in the Barents Sea - Advancing tools for ecosystem-scale assessments
Journal of Marine Systems 2012
Susanne Kortsch,
Raul Primicerio,
frank Beuchel,
Paul Renaud,
Joao Rodrigues,
Ole Jørgen Lønne
et al.:
Climate-driven regime shifts in Arctic marine benthos
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 2012
Hallvard Haanes,
Bjørn Gulliksen
A high local species richness and biodiversity within high-latitude calcareous aggregates of tube-building polychaetes
Biodiversity and Conservation 2011
Jon-Arne Sneli,
Bjørn Gulliksen
Kappedyr Tunicata
frank Beuchel,
Raul Primicerio,
O. J. Lønne,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
sten richard Birkely
Counting and measuring epibenthic organisms from digital photographs: A semiautomated approach
Limnology and Oceanography : Methods 2010
Bjørn Gulliksen,
H. Hop,
M. Nilsen
Benthic life
Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2009
Carolin Arndt,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Ole Jørgen Lønne,
Jørgen Berge
Sea-ice fauna
Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2009
RH Krapp,
J Berge,
H Flores,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
I Werner
Sympagic occurrence of Eusirid and Lysianassoid amphipods under Antarctic pack ice
Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008
frank Beuchel,
Bjørn Gulliksen
Temporal patterns of benthic community development in an Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard): results of a 24-year manipulation study
Stig Falk-Petersen,
Eva Leu,
Jørgen Berge,
Slawomir Kwasniewski,
Henrik Nygård,
Anders Røstad
et al.:
Vertical migration in high Arctic waters during autumn 2004
Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2008
Margey Tadesse,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Morten B. Strøm,
Olaf B. Styrvold,
Tor Haug
Screening for antibacterial and antifungal activities in marine benthic invertebrates from northern Norway
Henrik Nygård,
Jørgen Berge,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Lionel Camus
The occurrence of Eualus gaimardii gibba Kroyer 1841 (Crustacea, Decapoda) in the sympagic habitat: an example of bentho-sympagic coupling
Paul E. Renaud,
Maria Wlodarska-Kowalczuk,
Hilde Trannum,
Børge Holte,
Jan Marcin Weslawski,
Sabine Cochrane
et al.:
Multidecadal stability of benthic community structure in a high-Arctic glacial fjord (van Mijenfjord, Spitsbergen)
Marianne Haukås,
Urs Berger,
Haakon Hop,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Geir Wing Gabrielsen
Bioaccumulation of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in selected species from the Barents Sea food web
Environmental Pollution (1987) 2007
P Kuklinski,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
O. J. Lønne,
J. M. Weslawski
Substratum as a structuring influence on assemblages of Arctic Bryozoans
Polar Biology 2006
Marte Lundberg,
Håkon Hop,
Ketil Eiane,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Stig Falk-Petersen
Population structure and accumulation of lipids in the ctenophore Mertensia ovum
Marine Biology 2006
Jon-Arne Sneli,
Bjørn Gulliksen
Kappedyr. Tunicata
Artsdatabanken 2006
Frank Beuchel,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Michael L. Carroll
Long-term patterns of rocky bottom macrobenthic community structure in an Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard) in relation to climate variability (1980-2003)
Journal of Marine Systems 2006
Lionel Camus,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
MH Depledge,
MB Jones
Polar bivalves are characterized by high antioxidant defences
Piotr Kuklinski,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Ole Jørgen Lønne,
JM Weslawski
Composition of bryozoan assemblages related to depth in Svalbard fjords and sounds
Lionel Camus,
Bjørn Gulliksen
Antioxidant defense properties of Arctic amphipods: comparison between deep-, sublittoral and surface-water species
C Gannefors,
M Boer,
G Kattner,
M Graeve,
K Eiane,
Bjørn Gulliksen
et al.:
The Arctic sea butterfly Limacina helicina: lipids and life strategy
Marine Biology 2005
Lemus Camus,
Bjørn Gulliksen
Antioxidant defense properties of Arctic amphipods: comparison between deep-, sublittoral and surface-water species
Marine Biology 2005
P Kuklinski,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
O. J. Lønne,
J. M. Weslawski
Composition of bryozoan assemblages related to depth in Svalbard fjords and sounds
Polar Biology 2005
L Camus,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
M. B. Jones,
M. H. Depledge
Polar bivalves are characterized by high antioxidant defences
Polar Research 2005
C. A. Arndt,
G. Fernandez- Leborans,
Lena Seuthe,
Jørgen Berge,
Bjørn Gulliksen
Ciliated epibionts on the Arctic sympagic amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii as indicators for sympago-benthic coupling
Marine Biology 2005
Jørgen Berge,
Geir Johnsen,
Frank Nilsen,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Dag Slagstad
Ocean temperature oscillations enable reappearance of blue mussels Mytilus edulis in Svalbard after 1000 year absence
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2005
Hanna Dinevik,
Amalia Keck Al-Habahbeh,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Bodil Annikki Ulla Barbro Bluhm
Longevity Estimates for Sea Anemones Inferred from Four Decades of Photographic Sampling in Svalbard and Northern Norway
Hanno Sandvik,
Olga Hilmo,
Snorre Henriksen,
Reidar Elven,
Per Arvid Åsen,
Hanne Hegre
et al.:
Data from: Ecological impact assessments of alien species in Norway
Bjørn Gulliksen
F/F Johan Ruud 1976 - 2020
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020
Hege Gundersen,
Trine Bekkby,
Eivind Oug,
Bjørn Gulliksen
Svalbard - marint. Norsk rødliste for naturtyper 2018.
Susanne Kortsch,
Raul Primicerio,
Frank Beuchel,
Bodil Bluhm,
Øystein Varpe,
Carl Ballantine
et al.:
Functional changes in sub-Arctic benthos following macroalgae expansions.
Amalia Keck,
Susanne Kortsch,
Bodil Bluhm,
Raul Primicerio,
Frank Beuchel,
Bjørn Gulliksen
Recolonization and succession of a subtidal rocky-bottom epibenthic community in Smeerenburgfjord, NW Svalbard.
Jørgen Berge,
Ole Jørgen Lønne,
Paul Renaud,
Geir Johnsen,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Øystein Varpe
et al.:
Polartorsken - vil den bli utkonkurrert av sørlige fiskearter?
Svalbardposten 11. Sep 2009
Margey Tadesse,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Morten B. Strøm,
Olaf B. Styrvold,
Tor Haug
Screening for antimicrobial and antifungal activities in marine benthic invertebrates from Northern Norway
Jussi Evertsen,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Tore Høisæter,
Christoffer Schander,
Jon-Arne Sneli,
Elsebeth Thomsen
et al.:
Rødlisting av marine Mollusca, Brachiopoda, Echinodermata og Ascidiacea
Jørgen Berge,
Geir Johnsen,
Frank Nilsen,
Frank Nilsen,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Dag Slagstad
et al.:
The Mytilus edulis population in Svalbard: how and why
Marine Ecology Progress Series 2006
Jon-Arne Sneli,
Bjørn Gulliksen
Prosobranch Molluscs and Ascidians in the Trondheimsfjord
Frank Beuchel,
Bjørn Gulliksen
Long-term monitoring of an arctic macrobenthic community in relation to climate variability
Marte Lundberg,
Haakon Hop,
Ketil Eiane,
Bjørn Gulliksen,
Stig Falk-Petersen
Population structure and accumulation of lipids in the ctenophore Mertensia ovum
L Camus,
R Bocchetti,
K Borgå,
D Muir,
F Regoli,
Bjørn Gulliksen
The giant amphipod Eurythenes gryllus, a sentinel species for monitoring levels and biological effects of contaminants in the deep sea
D. M. Pampanin,
L Camus,
A Bjørnstad,
O. K. Andersen,
Bjørn Gulliksen
A proteomic study using the deep sea amphipod Eurythenes gryllus. How do copper, mercury and benzo(a)pyrene affect the protein expression signatures