Bilde av Svensen, Camilla
Bilde av Svensen, Camilla
Árktalaš ja mariinna biologiija instituhtta +4777644532 + 47 99162269 You can find me here

Camilla Svensen

  • Snorre Flo, Camilla Svensen, Kim Præbel, Bodil Annikki Ulla Barbro Bluhm, Anna Vader :
    Dietary plasticity in small Arctic copepods as revealed with prey metabarcoding
    Journal of Plankton Research 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christine Gawinski, Malin Hildegard Elisabeth Daase, Raul Primicerio, Marti Amargant I Arumi, Oliver Müller, Anette Wold et al.:
    Response of the copepod community to interannual differences in sea-ice cover and water masses in the northern Barents Sea
    Frontiers in Marine Science 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Monica Alterskjær Sundset, Nora Qi Baskår Norli, Cato Bjørndal, Camilla Svensen :
    Formative feedback through digital MCQs: Students´ perceived learning in a bachelor-level physiology course
    Nordic Journal of STEM Education 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christine Gawinski, Sünnje Linnéa Basedow, Arild Sundfjord, Camilla Svensen :
    Secondary production at the Barents Sea polar front in summer: contribution of different size classes of mesozooplankton
    Marine Ecology Progress Series 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Camilla Svensen, Morten Iversen, Maria Fredrika Norrbin, Klas Ove Möller, Ingrid Wiedmann, Jofrid Skardhamar et al.:
    Impact of aggregate-colonizing copepods on the biological carbon pump in a high-latitude fjord
    Limnology and Oceanography 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anette Wold, Haakon Hop, Camilla Svensen, Janne Søreide, Karen Assmann, Mateusz Ormańczyk et al.:
    Atlantification influences zooplankton communities seasonally in the northern Barents Sea and Arctic Ocean
    Progress in Oceanography 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Elena Eriksen, Irina P. Prokopchuk, Camilla Svensen, Janne Søreide, Anette Wold et al.:
    New insights into the Barents Sea Calanus glacialis population dynamics and distribution
    Progress in Oceanography 2023 DATA / ARKIV / DOI
  • Constantin Frangoulis, Epaminondas D. Christou, Ioanna Varkitzi, Soultana Zervoudaki, Isabel Maneiro, Camilla Svensen et al.:
    Impact of a Dinophysis acuminata Bloom on the Copepod Acartia clausi: First Indications
    Water 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Coralie Marie Christine Barth-Jensen, Malin Daase, M.R. Ormańczyk, Øystein Varpe, Sławomir Kwaśniewski, Camilla Svensen :
    High abundances of small copepods early developmental stages and nauplii strengthen the perception of a non-dormant Arctic winter
    Polar Biology 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Helena Kling Michelsen, Einar Magnus Nilssen, Torstein Pedersen, Camilla Svensen :
    Temporal and spatial dynamics of the invasive red king crab and native brachyuran and anomuran larvae in Norwegian waters
    Aquatic Biology 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Coralie Marie Christine Barth-Jensen, Marja Koski, Øystein Varpe, Peter Glad, Owen S. Wangensteen, Kim Præbel et al.:
    Temperature-dependent egg production and egg hatching rates of small egg-carrying and broadcast-spawning copepods Oithona similis, Microsetella norvegica and Microcalanus pusillus
    Journal of Plankton Research 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ingrid Wiedmann, E. Ceballos-Romero, M. Villa-Alfageme, Angelika Renner, Christine Dybwad, Helga van der Jagt et al.:
    Arctic observations identify phytoplankton community composition as driver of carbon flux attenuation
    Geophysical Research Letters 2020 ARKIV / DATA / DOI
  • Tiziana Durazzano, Camilla Svensen, Slawomir Kwasniewski, Marta Gluchowska, Raul Primicerio, André W. Visser et al.:
    Functional diversity of copepods in the Barents Sea ecosystem from the polar front to the Arctic Ocean
  • Agneta Fransson, Bodil Annikki Ulla Barbro Bluhm, Doreen Kohlbach, Philipp Kurt Wolf Assmy, Gunnar Bratbak, Marti Amargant et al.:
    Nansen vs. Amundsen Basin: Constrasting physico-chemical properties and biota composition to inform management
  • Tiziana Durazzano, Camilla Svensen, Janne Søreide, André W. Visser, Haakon Hop :
    From Larvae to Lifers: challenges in integrating copepods early stages in community studies
  • Tiziana Durazzano, Camilla Svensen, Janne Søreide, André W. Visser, Haakon Hop :
    Exploring Seasonal Dynamics of Copepod Communities in the Arctic Marine Pelagic Ecosystem: Insights from Nansen Legacy Data
  • Christine Gawinski, Malin Hildegard Elisabeth Daase, Raul Primicerio, Marti Amargant I Arumi, Oliver Müller, Anette Wold et al.:
    Corrigendum: Response of the copepod community to interannual differences in sea-ice cover and water masses in the northern Barents Sea (Frontiers in Marine Science, (2024), 11, (1308542), 10.3389/fmars.2024.1308542)
    Frontiers in Marine Science 2024 DOI
  • Anette Wold, Haakon Hop, Camilla Svensen, Janne Søreide, Sanna Kristiina Majaneva, Mateusz Ormanczyk et al.:
    Unique zooplankton diversity in the deep Nansen and Amundsen basins of the Arctic Ocean
  • Camilla Svensen, Marja Koski, Yuichiro Nishibe, Kazutaka Takahashi :
    Thermal tolerance of three abundant Pacific copepods in a simulated heat-wave experiment
  • Tiziana Durazzano, Camilla Svensen, Janne Søreide, André W. Visser, Haakon Hop :
    From polar night to midnight sun: exploring functional diversity of copepod communities in the Barents Sea
  • Tiziana Durazzano, Camilla Svensen, Janne E. Søreide, André W. Visser, Haakon Hop :
    From Polar Night to Midnight Sun: Exploring Functional Diversity of Copepods in the northern Barents Sea
  • Christine Gawinski, Malin Hildegard Elisabeth Daase, Mateusz Ormanczyk, Slawomir Kwasniewski, Camilla Svensen :
    Annual Estimates of Copepod Secondary Production in the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean
  • Christine Gawinski, Malin Hildegard Elisabeth Daase, Raul Primicerio, Marti Amargant I Arumi, Oliver Müller, Anette Wold et al.:
    Are small copepods the winners of an ice free Barents Sea?
  • Rolf Rudolf Gradinger, Marti Amargant I Arumi, Philipp Kurt Wolf Assmy, Bodil Annikki Ulla Barbro Bluhm, Yasemin Vicdan Bodur, Gunnar Bratbak et al.:
    Ranges of Annual Production in the Barents Sea along Environmental Gradients
  • Camilla Svensen :
    Arctic zooplankton communities in a changing environment
  • Camilla Svensen :
    Complexity, Connectivity and Change in Polar Marine Foodwebs
  • Snorre Flo, Camilla Svensen, Kim Præbel, Bodil Annikki Ulla Barbro Bluhm, Anna Vader :
    Seasonal Prey Composition of Three Small Arctic Copepods Assessed by Metabarcoding
  • Christine Gawinski, Malin Hildegard Elisabeth Daase, Raul Primicerio, Marti Amargant I Arumi, Oliver Müller, Anette Wold et al.:
    Are small copepods the winners of an ice free Barents Sea?
  • Angelo Ciambelli, Camilla Svensen :
    Gelatinous zooplankton diversity, distribution and seasonality in the northern Barents Sea and Arctic Ocean
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2023
  • Snorre Flo, Camilla Svensen, Kim Præbel, Bodil Bluhm, Anna Vader :
    Seasonal prey composition of three small Arctic copepods assessed by metabarcoding
  • Ingrid Wiedmann, Camilla Svensen, Sigrún H. Jónasdóttir, Anna Maria Dabrowska, Marja Koski :
    The west Greenland shelf (64.7-70.6 °N) plankton community and downward carbon flux during summer – an Atlantic influenced ecosystem?
  • Christine Gawinski, Anette Wold, Janne Søreide, Haakon Hop, Martí Amargant Arumí, Slawomir Kwasniewski et al.:
    Impacts of high-ice versus low-ice concentrations on the mesozooplankton community in the northern Barents Sea
  • Nora Qi Baskår Norli, Monica Alterskjær Sundset, Camilla Svensen, Cato R. P. Bjørndal :
    Flervalgsoppgaver som verktøy for læring og utvikling av tilbakemeldingskompetanse i fysiologiundervisning på bachelor nivå
  • Camilla Svensen, Monica Alterskjær Sundset :
    Hvordan gi tilbakemelding underveis i undervisning slik at den fremmer læring?
  • Agneta Fransson, Bodil Bluhm, Marti A. Arumi, Karen Assmann, Amalie M. Gravelle, Marius Bratrein et al.:
    The Nansen Legacy Report Series. No. 30 - Joint Cruise 2-2 2021: Cruise report
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
  • Anette Wold, Janne Søreide, Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Haakon Hop, Slawomir Kwasniewski et al.:
    Mesozooplankton biodiversity Nansen Legacy Q4
    2022 DATA
  • Anette Wold, Janne Søreide, Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Haakon Hop, Slawomir Kwasniewski et al.:
    Mesozooplankton biodiversity Nansen Legacy Q1
    2022 DATA
  • Anette Wold, Janne Søreide, Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Haakon Hop, Slawomir Kwasniewski et al.:
    Mesozooplankton biodiversity Nansen Legacy JC2-1
    2022 DATA
  • Anette Wold, Janne Søreide, Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Haakon Hop, Slawomir Kwasniewski et al.:
    Mesozooplankton biodiversity Nansen Legacy Q2
    2022 DATA
  • Snorre Flo, Camilla Svensen, Bodil Bluhm, Kim Præbel, Anna Vader :
    Small Arctic copepods – picky eaters or opportunistic generalists?
  • Anette Wold, Janne Søreide, Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Haakon Hop, Slawomir Kwasniewski et al.:
    Mesozooplankton biodiversity Bongonet Nansen Legacy Q1
    2022 DATA
  • Anette Wold, Janne Søreide, Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Haakon Hop, Slawomir Kwasniewski et al.:
    Mesozooplankton biodiversity Nansen Legacy JC1
    2022 DATA
  • Anette Wold, Janne Søreide, Camilla Svensen, Elisabeth Halvorsen, Haakon Hop, Slawomir Kwasniewski et al.:
    Mesozooplankton biodiversity Nansen Legacy Q3
    2022 DATA
  • Snorre Flo, Anna Vader, Bodil Bluhm, Kim Præbel, Camilla Svensen :
    DNA deep sequencing for exploring the diets of small Arctic copepods: take-home messages from a pilot study
  • Camilla Svensen, Anna Vader :
    Polhavet – utilgjengelig, ukjent og i endring (
    2021 DATA
  • Randi Brunvær Ingvaldsen, Bodil Bluhm, Nicole Aberle-Malzahn, Rita Amundsen, Murat Van Ardelan, Espen Bagøien et al.:
    Joint Cruise 1-2 2018: Cruise Report
    2020 FULLTEKST
  • Maria Vernet, Jacob Carstensen, Marit Reigstad, Camilla Svensen :
    Editorial: Carbon Bridge to the Arctic
    Frontiers in Marine Science 2020 DOI
  • Camilla Svensen :
    Utvikling og bruk av ny teknologi, ArtsApp, i undervisningen
  • Camilla Svensen, Fredrika Norrbin, Ingrid Wiedmann, Jofrid Skardhamar, Marja Koski, Morten Iversen et al.:
    Microsetella norvegica, a tiny copepod with a big impact on the biological pump
  • Helena Kling Michelsen, Einar Magnus Nilssen, Torstein Pedersen, Camilla Svensen :
    Temporal and spatial dynamics of the invasive red king crab and native brachyuran and anomuran larvae in Norwegian waters

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
