Scott D. Tiegs,
Krista A. Capps,
David M. Costello,
John Paul Schmidt,
Christopher J. Patrick,
Jennifer J. Follstad Shah
et al.:
Human activities shape global patterns of decomposition rates in rivers
Brendan G. McKie,
Astrid Taylor,
Tobias Nilsson,
André Frainer,
Willem Goedkoop
Ecological effects of mosquito control with Bti: evidence for shifts in the trophic structure of soil- and ground-based food webs
Aquatic Sciences 08. Feb 2023
Brendan G. McKie,
Kristina Tattersdill,
Frauke Ecke,
André Frainer ,
Ryan A. Sponseller
A long-established invasive species alters the functioning of benthic biofilms in lakes
Zina Asnah Kebir,
Catherine Chambers,
André Frainer,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Ann Eileen Lennert,
Jennifer Lento
et al.:
Fifteen research needs for understanding climate change impacts on ecosystems and society in the Norwegian High North
Andre Frainer Barbosa
Advocating for free-to-read and free-to-publish science journals amid a need to change a broken evaluation system
Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 2023
Maidul I. Choudhury,
Sara Hallin,
Frauke Ecke,
Valerie Hubalek,
Jaanis Juhanson,
André Frainer
et al.:
Disentangling the roles of plant functional diversity and plaint traits in regulating plant nitrogen accumulation and denitrification in freshwaters
David M. Costello,
Scott D. Tiegs,
Luz Boyero,
Cristina Canhoto,
Krista A. Capps,
Michael Danger
et al.:
Global Patterns and Controls of Nutrient Immobilization on Decomposing Cellulose in Riverine Ecosystems
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 2022
André Frainer,
Scott D. Tiegs
A stream-to-sea experiment reveals inhibitory effects of freshwater residency on organic-matter decomposition in the sea
Limnology and Oceanography Letters 2022
Eirik Haugstvedt Henriksen,
André Frainer,
Robert Poulin,
Rune Knudsen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
Ectoparasites population dynamics are affected by host body size but not host density or water temperature in a 32-year long time series
André Frainer,
Brendan G. McKie
The legacy of forest disturbance on stream ecosystem functioning
Journal of Applied Ecology 2021
André Frainer,
Raul Primicerio,
Andrey V. Dolgov,
Maria Fossheim,
Edda Johannesen,
Sigrid Lind
et al.:
Increased functional diversity warns of ecological transition in the Arctic
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 2021
Maria Grazia Pennino,
Stephanie Brodie,
André Frainer,
Priscila F.M. Lopes,
Jon Lopez,
Kelly Ortega-Cisneros
et al.:
The Missing Layers: Integrating Sociocultural Values Into Marine Spatial Planning
Frontiers in Marine Science 2021
Stephanie Brodie,
André Frainer,
Maria Grazia Pennino,
Jiang Shan,
Laura Kaikkonen,
Jon Lopez
et al.:
Equity in science: advocating for a triple-blind review system
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2021
Luz Boyero,
Javier Pérez,
Naiara López-Rojo,
Alan M. Tonin,
Francisco Correa-Araneda,
Richard G. Pearson
et al.:
Latitude dictates plant diversity effects on instream decomposition
Andre barbosa Frainer,
Tero Mustonen,
Sutej Hugu,
Tamara Andreeva,
Elle-Maarit Arttijeff,
Inka-Saara Arttijeff
et al.:
Cultural and linguistic diversities are underappreciated pillars of biodiversity
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 2020
Laurene Pecuchet,
Marie-Anne Blanchet,
Andre barbosa Frainer,
Berengere Husson,
Lis Lindal Jørgensen,
Susanne Kortsch
et al.:
Novel feeding interactions amplify the impact of species redistribution on an Arctic food web
Eirik Haugstvedt Henriksen,
André Frainer,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Armand M. Kuris,
Kevin D. Lafferty
et al.:
Fish culling reduces tapeworm burden in Arctic charr by increasing parasite mortality rather than by reducing density-dependent transmission
Journal of Applied Ecology 2019
Andreas Bruder,
André Frainer,
Thibaut Rota,
Raul Primicerio
The importance of ecological networks in multiple-stressor research and management
Frontiers in Environmental Science 2019
Marie-Anne Blanchet,
Raul Primicerio,
André Frainer,
Susanne Kortsch,
Mette Skern-Mauritzen,
Andrey V. Dolgov
et al.:
The role of marine mammals in the Barents Sea foodweb
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2019
Sahadevan Seena,
Felix Bärlocher,
Olímpia Sobral,
Mark O. Gessner,
David Dudgeon,
Brendan G. McKie
et al.:
Biodiversity of leaf litter fungi in streams along a latitudinal gradient
Science of the Total Environment 2019
Scott D. Tiegs,
David M. Costello,
Mark W. Isken,
Guy Woodward,
Peter B. McIntyre,
Mark O. Gessner
et al.:
Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning
in rivers and riparian zones
André Frainer,
Brendan G. McKie,
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Rune Knudsen,
Kevin Lafferty
Parasitism and the Biodiversity-Functioning Relationship
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 2018
André Frainer,
Lina E Polvi,
Roland Jansson,
Brendan G. McKie
Enhanced ecosystem functioning following stream restoration: The roles of habitat heterogeneity and invertebrate species traits
Journal of Applied Ecology 2018
André Frainer,
Raul Primicerio,
Susanne Kortsch,
Magnus Aune,
Andrey V. Dolgov,
Maria Fossheim
et al.:
Climate-driven changes in functional biogeography of Arctic marine fish communities
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 2017
Luz Boyero,
Manuel A S Graca,
Alan M Tonin,
Javier Perez,
Andrew J Swafford,
Veronica Ferreira
et al.:
Riparian plant litter quality increases with latitude
Kristina Tattersdill,
Frauke Ecke,
André Frainer,
Brendan G. McKie
A head start for an invasive species in a strongly seasonal environment? Growth of Elodea canadensis in boreal lakes
Andre Frainer Barbosa,
Raul Primicerio,
Susanne Kortsch,
Magnus Aune,
Andreyv V. Dolgov,
Maria Fossheim
et al.:
Climate-driven changes in functional biogeography of Arctic marine fish communities
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 2017
Jesper Andreas Kuhn,
André Frainer,
Rune Knudsen,
Roar Kristoffersen,
Per-Arne Amundsen
Effects of fish species composition on Diphyllobothrium spp. infections in subarctic brown trout - is three-spined stickleback a key species?
Journal of Fish Diseases 2016
Anna Siwertsson,
Birgitte Refsnes,
André Frainer,
Per-Arne Amundsen,
Rune Knudsen
Divergence and parallelism of parasite infections in Arctic charr morphs from deep and shallow lake habitats
Raul Primicerio,
Andre Frainer Barbosa,
Berengere Husson,
Ulf Ove Lindstrøm,
Laurene Anne Marie Pecuchet,
Anna Siwertsson
et al.:
Climate driven ecosystem reorganization and cumulative risk in the High North
Raul Primicerio,
Andre Frainer Barbosa,
Berengere Husson,
Ulf Ove Lindstrøm,
Laurene Anne Marie Pecuchet,
Anna Siwertsson
et al.:
Climate Driven Ecosystem Reorganization and Cumulative Risk in the Arctic
Amanda Elizabeth Poste,
Andre Frainer Barbosa,
Bodil Annikki Ulla Barbro Bluhm,
Rolf Anker Ims
C2C: An integrated science approach in the changing north
Fram Forum 2023
Anna Siwertsson,
Berengere Husson,
Per Arneberg,
Karen Assmann,
Philipp Assmy,
Magnus Aune
et al.:
Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of Norwegian Barents Sea Shelf Ecosystems - Appendices
Anna Siwertsson,
Berengere Husson,
Per Arneberg,
Karen Assmann,
Philipp Assmy,
Magnus Aune
et al.:
Panel-based Assessment of Ecosystem Condition of Norwegian Barents Sea Shelf Ecosystems
Brendan G. McKie,
Astrid Taylor,
Tobias Nilsson,
André Frainer,
Willem Goedkoop
Correction: Ecological effects of mosquito control with Bti: evidence for shifts in the trophic structure of soil- and ground-based food webs (Aquatic Sciences, (2023), 85, 2, (47), 10.1007/s00027-023-00944-0)
Aquatic Sciences 2023
Stephanie Brodie,
Charles Izuma Addey,
Christopher Cvitanovic,
Beatriz S. Dias,
André Frainer,
Sara García-Morales
et al.:
Editorial: Solving Complex Ocean Challenges Through Interdisciplinary Research: Advances from Early Career Marine Scientists
Frontiers in Marine Science 2022
Ann Kristin Schartau,
Marit Mjelde,
Gaute Velle,
Terje Bongard,
Knut Andreas Eikland,
Geir Dahl-Hansen
et al.:
ØKOFERSK delprogram Nord: Basisovervåking av utvalgte innsjøer i 2020. Overvåking og klassifisering av økologisk tilstand. Miljødirektoratet rapport M-2051 | 2021
André Frainer,
Andreas Bruder,
Fanny Colas,
Verónica Ferreira,
Brendan G. McKie
Plant Litter Decomposition as a Tool for Stream Ecosystem Assessment
Ann Kristin Schartau,
Marit Mjelde,
Ina Bakke Birkeland,
Knut Andreas Eikland Bækkelie,
Geir Dahl-Hansen,
Andre barbosa Frainer
et al.:
ØKOFERSK delprogram Nord: Basisovervåking av utvalgte innsjøer i 2019. Overvåking og klassifisering av økologisk tilstand. Miljødirektoratet rapport M-1720 | 2020.
Martin Biuw,
Marie-Anne Blanchet,
André Frainer,
Sandra Hamel,
Benjamin Planque,
Heli Anna Irmeli Routti
et al.:
AMINOR – the Fram Centre’s Research School for Environmental Research
Fram Forum 15. Mar 2020
Ann Kristin Schartau,
Marit Mjelde,
Ina Bakke Birkeland,
Knut Andreas Eikland Bækkelie,
Geir A. P. Dahl-Hansen,
Andre barbosa Frainer
et al.:
ØKOFERSK delprogram Nord: Basisovervåking av utvalgte innsjøer i 2018. Overvåking og klassifisering av økologisk tilstand. Miljødirektoratet rapport M-1396 | 2019.
André Frainer,
Karl Øystein Gjelland,
Martin Svenning
Fiskebiologiske undersøkelser i reguleringsmagasin
på Skjomfjellet i 2018
Marie-Anne Blanchet,
Raul Primicerio,
André Frainer,
Susanne Kortsch,
Mette Skern-Mauritzen,
Andrey V Dolgov
et al.:
Erratum: The role of marine mammals in the Barents Sea foodweb (ICES Journal of Marine Science DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsz136)
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2019
André Frainer
Rapid borealization of Arctic marine fish communities
André Frainer
Parasites and the relationship between Biodiversity – Ecosystem Functioning
André Frainer
Rapid borealization of Arctic marine fish communities
André Frainer
From source to sea
André Frainer
Climate-driven changes in functional diversity of Arctic marine fish communities
André Frainer
Climate warming and the functional composition of fish communities in the Barents Sea
André Frainer
The importance of species functional diversity effects on ecosystem functioning relative to other biotic and abiotic drivers