Bilde av Loppacher, Anna
Photo: Torje Jenssen

Anna Loppacher


  • Florian Hiss, Anna Loppacher :
    “The working language is Norwegian. Not that this means anything, it seems”: when expectations meet the new multilingual reality
    Acta Borealia 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Anna-Maria Helena Stenseth, Anna Loppacher, Anne Birgitte Fyhn, Paloma Guzman :
    Et mangfoldig akademia er en ressurs for norsk forskning 2021
  • Anna Loppacher, Anna Maria Stenseth, Siv Ingrid Nordkild :
    Når én tolkning gjøres til den eneste gjeldende
    Nordlys 2019
  • Anna Loppacher :
    Parents’ and teachers’ child rearing practices in the context of integration discourses in Norway. Findings and theoretical considerations
  • Anna Loppacher :
    Portvoktere, informert samtykke, og ‘det ufortalte’. Refleksjoner rundt adgangsproblemers analytiske verdi og etiske utfordringer ved inkludering i datamaterialet.
  • Anna Loppacher :
    Parenting in the gaze of institutions – and what individuals do about it. Insights and reflections from fieldwork in Northern Norway.
  • Anna Loppacher :
    Parenthood and Integration. Refugees in urban and rural contexts in Northern Norway and their interaction with public institutions. Project outline and reflections on methodological as well as theoretical challenges.
  • Florian Hiss, Anna Loppacher :
    Telephone interviewing among company representatives – seen through an ethnographic lens
  • Anna Loppacher :
    Deltagende informanter og deltagelse i offentlig debatt. Refleksjoner rundt muligheter og begrensninger ved antropologers rolle som samfunnsaktører.
  • Anna Loppacher :
    The support group for Faiza as an example of active citizenship: practice, ideals, and their relation to public discourses.
  • Anna Loppacher :
    ”Gløden” som forsvinner, så snart den bare er et ord. Refleksjoner rundt metodiske og teoretiske implikasjoner av pre-entifiserte fenomener.

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →