Bilde av Engnes, Janne Isaksen
Bilde av Engnes, Janne Isaksen
Sykepleie Bsc i Hammerfest +4778450636 99102861

Janne Isaksen Engnes

  • Nina Sivertsen, Berit Andersdatter Bongo, Grete Mehus, Janne Eirin Isaksen Engnes :
    Sámi language in Norwegian health care: ‘He speaks good enough Norwegian, I don’t see why he needs an interpreter’
    Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2022 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes, Nina Sivertsen, Berit Andersdatter Bongo, Grete Mehus :
    Sámi language in Norwegian healthcare: “He speaks good enough Norwegian, I don’t see why he needs an interpreter”.
    Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 06. Apr 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes, Nina Sivertsen, Berit Andersdatter Bongo, Grete Mehus :
    Sámi and Norwegian nurses’ perspectives on nursing care of Sámi patients: a focus group study on culturally safe nursing
    International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Grete Mehus, Berit Andersdatter Bongo, Janne Isaksen Engnes, Pertice Moffitt :
    Exploring why and how encounters with the Norwegian health-care system can be considered culturally unsafe by North Sami-speaking patients and relatives: A qualitative study based on 11 interviews
    International Journal of Circumpolar Health 14. May 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Sven-Mårten Samuelsson, Markku Mähönen, Diaa Hassaf, Janne Isaksen Engnes, Gudrunn Berg :
    Short-term functional outcome of hospitalised firste-ever strokes in Finnmark, Norway 1998-1999. Results from the Finnmark stroke register
    International Journal of Circumpolar Health 2001
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes :
    Fremlegg fra Australia
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes :
    Rapport utenlandsopphold Australia 2019
    7Letras 2019
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes :
    Can the Introduction of Cultural Safety in Norwegian Nursing Lead to more Eguitable healthcare for the Northern Sámi patients?
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes :
    Do Nurses in North Sámi Area Deliver Cultural Safe Care?
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes, Ingrid B Immonen :
    Elderly Care Learning Path
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes :
    The need for memory groups in elderly care in Finnmark
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes :
    Litt om Demens
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes :
    The need for memory groups in elderly care in Finnmark
  • Tove Størdal, Janne Isaksen Engnes :
    Kirkeparken Omsorgssenter
    07. Jul 2014
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes :
    Writing life stories as memory training for seniors
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes :
    presentasjon: The Learning path in elderly care
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes, Ingrid B Immonen :
    Læringssti Eldreomsorg, Internt FoU prosjekt
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2014 ARKIV
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes :
    Rapport fra lærerutveksling University of South Bohemia, České Budejovice, Tsjekkia 2013
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes :
    Sosial care and elderly care in Norway
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes :
    Social Services in Norway
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes :
    Elderly care in Norway
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes :
    Livet etter hjerneslaget - en tilpasningsprosess?
    Slagordet : tidsskrift for Landsforeningen for slagrammede 2010
  • Janne Isaksen Engnes :
    Livet - etter hjerneslaget. En tilpasningsprosess? Erfaringer fra 5 slagrammede
    Nord universitet 2010

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →