Bente Heimtun

  • Arvid Ingmar Viken, Bente Heimtun :
    Tourism mobilities and climate crisis dilemmas: Tourists traveling towards a climate apocalypse?
    Annals of Tourism Research 2024 DOI
  • Patricia Aida Linao Linao, Bente Heimtun, Nigel Morgan :
    Digital nomadism, gender and racial power relations
    Annals of Tourism Research 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bente Heimtun, Arvid Ingmar Viken :
    Responsible tourists in the time of Covid-19?
    Tourist Studies 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bente Heimtun, Bente Haug :
    The development of the northern lights tourism network
    Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Single women and holidaymaking
    2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bente Heimtun, Jens Kristian Steen Jacobsen :
    Withstanding winter vulnerabilities: A way of life in a northern seaside community
    Journal of Rural Studies 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Holidays with aging parents: pleasures, duties and constraints
    Annals of Tourism Research 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Paul White, Nigel Morgan, Annette Pritchard, Bente Heimtun :
    Framing the land of the Northern Lights
    Annals of Tourism Research 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bente Heimtun, Brent Lovelock :
    Communicating paradox: Uncertainty and the northern lights
    Tourism Management 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Spending the Holidays at Home: Midlife Single Women’s Experiences
    Apple Academic Press 2017
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Emotions and affects at work on Northern Lights tours
    Hospitality & Society 2016 DOI
  • Bente Heimtun, Arvid Viken :
    Nordlysturismen - en institusjonelt betinget utvikling?
    Gyldendal Akademisk 2016
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Tourists’ Affective Perceptions of a Cold Destination: Feelings towards Northern Norway in the Winter
    Northern Review 2015 FULLTEKST
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Midlife single men and the solo holiday
    Transaction Publishers 2015 DOI
  • Bente Heimtun, Nigel John Morgan, Patricia Aida Linao Linao :
    Female Asian Digital Nomads: The Illusion of Freedom?
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Reiselivet blomstrer i nord – UiT vil legge ned reiselivsinstitutt
    Nordnorsk Debatt 2023
  • Bente Heimtun, Arvid Ingmar Viken :
    Responsible tourists in the time of Covid-19?
  • Bente Heimtun, Brent Lovelock :
    The complexities of northern lights tour guiding.
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Reis Og Ryk - Episode 2 – Nordlysturisme.
  • Bente Heimtun :
    The Holidays of Older Single Women
  • Kate Maxwell, Unni Pia Løvhaug, Per Pippin Aspaas, Magnar Gullikstad Johnsen, Bente Heimtun, Per helge Nylund :
    Nordlyset hjemme – Nordlysvitenskap og UiT i 100 år
    Nordlyset hjemme – Nordlysvitenskap og UiT i 100 år 2018
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Midlife single women’s holidays and filial duty.
  • Bente Heimtun :
    The complexities of northern lights guiding practices.
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Nordlysturisme: emosjonelt arbeid og markedsføring av et uforutsigbart produkt
  • Bente Heimtun :
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Constructivist grounded theory and feminist tourism research
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Filial duty and holidays: The experiences of midlife single women
  • Bente Heimtun, Jose Carlos García-Rosell, Hans Gelter :
    Cross-border cooperation - An analysis of challenges and obstacles for cross-border cooperation in the Visit Arctic Europe area
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017
  • Bente Heimtun, Hans Gelter, Jose Carlos García-Rosell :
    Cross-border tourism: Challenges for cooperation in the Visit Arctic Europe area
  • Bente Heimtun, Gunnar Thór Jóhannesson :
    Picturing the Aurora: The role of photos for experiencing the northern lights.
  • P1 NRK, Pål Plassen, Bente Heimtun :
    Kunsten å reise alene.
    12. Jul 2016
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Picturing the northern light
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Solo holidays to beach resorts and cities: Singles and eating out alone.
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Emotions and Affects at Work on Northern Lights Tours.
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Nordlys – turisters følelser og guidens emosjonelle arbeid.
  • Bente Heimtun, Brent Lovelock, Nigel Morgan :
    Communicating Paradox: Uncertainty and the Northern Lights
    2015 ARKIV
  • Bente Heimtun, Brent Lovelock, Nigel Morgan :
    Communicating Paradox
  • Bente Heimtun, Nigel Morgan, Katrin Anna Lund, Gunnar Thór Jóhannesson, Seija Tuulentie :
    Wonders of Nature
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Nordlysets attraksjonskraft. Forskning om nordlysturisme – opplevelser, promotering og medieeksponering
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Depathologizing the tourist syndrome
  • Morgan Nigel, Bente Heimtun, Pritchard Annette :
    Imagining the Land of the Northern Lights
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Spending the holidays at home: Midlife single women’s experiences
  • Bente Heimtun, Gunnar Thór Jóhannesson, Seija Tuulentie :
    Northern lights tourism in Iceland, Norway and Finland
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2014
  • Bente Heimtun, Nigel Morgan, Annette Pritchard :
    Masculinity and Adventure in Tourism Language: Hunting the Northern Lights
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Nordlysturismen – med ferskt forskerblikk
  • Bente Heimtun, Nigel Morgan, Annette Pritchard :
    Hunting the Northern Lights: The gendered language of tourism
  • Bente Heimtun :
    The tourist syndrome 2014
  • Bente Heimtun, Nigel Morgan, Annette Pritchard :
    Imagining the Land of the Northern Lights
  • Bente Heimtun, Gunnar Thór Jóhannesson, Tiina Kivelä, Katrin Anna Lund, Nigel Morgan, Seija Tuulentie :
    Navigating the storm: embodiments, experiences and reflections of northern lights fieldwork
  • Bente Heimtun :
    Tourists’ perceptions of a winter destination: Emotional responses to Northern Norway.

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →