Bilde av Eckhoff, Christian
Bilde av Eckhoff, Christian
Klinihkalaš medisiinna instituhtta

Christian Eckhoff

  • Elisabeth Valmyr Bania, Christian Eckhoff, Stine M. Ekornes :
    Against All Odds? Sami Women’s Lower NEET Experience in An Arctic Context: Education and Work Participation among Multicultural Young People in Northern-Norway, the Norwegian Arctic Adolescent Health Study (NAAHS)
    Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies (JECS) 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Elisabeth Valmyr Bania, Christian Eckhoff, Siv Kvernmo :
    Not engaged in education, employment or training (NEET) in an Arctic sociocultural context: the NAAHS cohort study
    BMJ Open 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christian Eckhoff, Maria Therene Sørvold, Siv Kvernmo :
    Adolescent self-harm and suicidal behavior and young adult outcomes in indigenous and non-indigenous people
    European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 18. Sep 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christian Eckhoff, Bjørn Straume, Siv Kvernmo :
    Multisite musculoskeletal pain in adolescence as a predictor of medical and social welfare benefits in young adulthood: The Norwegian Arctic Adolescent Health Cohort Study
    European Journal of Pain 12. Jul 2017 DOI
  • Christian Eckhoff, Bjørn Straume, Siv Kvernmo :
    Multisite musculoskeletal pain in adolescence and later mental health disorders: a population-based registry study of Norwegian youth: the NAAHS cohort study
    BMJ Open 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christian Eckhoff :
    The relationship between pain and perceived stress in a population-based sample of adolescents – Is the relationship gender specific?
    Scandinavian Journal of Pain 2016 ARKIV / DOI
  • Elisabeth Bania, Christian Eckhoff, Siv Kvernmo :
    The influence of mental health, psychosocial factors and educational skills on educational aspirations among indigenous Sámi and nonindigenous adolescents in the Arctic
    Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology 2015 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Christian Eckhoff, Siv Kvernmo :
    Musculoskeletal pain in Arctic indigenous and non-indigenous adolescents, prevalence and associations with psychosocial factors: A population-based study
    BMC Public Health 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Christian Eckhoff :
    Muskelskjeletthelse hos ungdom og psykososiale vansker
  • Peter S. Azzopardi, Seth Westhead, Siv Kvernmo, Jon Petter Stoor, Christian Eckhoff, Ketil Lenert Hansen et al.:
    The health and wellbeing of Indigenous adolescents: a global collective for an equitable and sustainable future Global Collective for Indigenous Adolescent Health and Evidence-Based Action
    The Lancet 21. Dec 2021 DOI
  • Christian Eckhoff :
    Forskning viser at det går bra med de fleste ungdom som vurderer selvmord
    08. Jan 2020
  • Christian Eckhoff :
    Én av to ungdom har hatt selvmordstanker eller skadet seg selv: – Går bra til slutt for de fleste
    08. Jan 2020
  • Christian Eckhoff :
    Nesten halvparten av alle 15 -16-åringer oppgir å ha hatt selvmordstanker eller en form for selvskadende atferd. Men de aller fleste klarer seg bra i voksenlivet, viser en stor oppfølgingsundersøkelse.
    07. Nov 2019 DATA
  • Christian Eckhoff :
    Selvmordsforsøk og selvskading blant ungdom: – De fleste klarer seg bra senere i livet
    12. Nov 2019 DATA
  • Christian Eckhoff :
    Self-harm and suicidal behavior in adolescents and later young adult outcomes in Sami and non-Sami
  • Christian Eckhoff :
    Smerter i ungdomstiden
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2017
  • Elisabeth Øvreberg, Christian Eckhoff :
    Smerter i ungdommen kan avsløre vansker i voksenlivet
    05. Oct 2016
  • Christian Eckhoff :
    Multisite musculoskeletal pain in adolescence - The relationship with psychosocial problems, mental health and later welfare benefit receipt
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2016
  • Christian Eckhoff :
    Ungdomssmerter fører til problem seinare i livet
    12. Sep 2016
  • Maria Gaski Brevik, Christian Eckhoff :
    Bruk av helsetjenester og medikamenter blant ungdommer med muskelskjelettsmerter og psykososiale problemer: en populasjonsbasert helseundersøkelse
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2015
  • Christian Eckhoff :
    Ungdom og smerte - Resultater fra Ungdomshelseundersøkelsen i Nord-Norge
  • Christian Eckhoff :
    Psychosomatic complaints in adolescents; prevalence and association with psychosocial factors
  • Christian Eckhoff :
    Musculoskeletal pain in multiethnic adolescents; prevalence and association with psychosocial factors. Preliminary results

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →