Jan Jakub Solski

  • Endalew Lijalem Enyew, Jan Jakub Solski :
    Can the high seas treaty cure Arctic governance?
    The Polar Journal 2024 DOI
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    The Polar Code Process and Sovereignty Bargains: Comparing the Approaches of Canada and Russia to POLARIS
    Ocean Development and International Law 2023 ARKIV / DATA / DOI
  • Apostolos Tsiouvalas, Jan Jakub Solski :
    ‘One Map to Rule Them All’? Revisiting Legalities Through Cartographic Representations of the Northwest Passage
    Ocean Development and International Law 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Nengye Liu, Jan Jakub Solski :
    The Polar Silk Road and the future governance of the Northern Sea Route
    Leiden Journal of International Law 05. Sep 2022 ARKIV / DATA / DOI
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    The Northern Sea Route at the crossroads: what lies ahead after the war in Ukraine?
    The Polar Journal 2022 DATA / DOI
  • Linda Finska, Ludmila Ivanova, Ingvild Ulrikke Jakobsen, Heidi Rapp Nilsen, Anne Katrine Normann, Jan Jakub Solski :
    Waste Management on Fishing Vessels and in Fishing Harbors in the Barents Sea: Gaps in Law, Implementation and Practice
    Ocean Development and International Law 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    The Genesis of Article 234 of the UNCLOS
    Ocean Development and International Law 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    Towards a Harmonized Methodology for the Assessment of Risks and Limitations of Ships Operation in the Arctic
    2021 DOI
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    Northern Sea Route Permit Scheme: Does Article 234 of UNCLOS Allow Prior Authorization?
    Ocean Yearbook 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Julia Martha Gaunce, Jan Jakub Solski, Iva Parlov, Maria Madalena das Neves :
    Anthropocentric Ocean Connectivity: A Pluralistic Legal-Regulatory Model
    Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    The ‘Due Regard’ of Article 234 of UNCLOS: Lessons From Regulating Innocent Passage in the Territorial Sea
    Ocean Development and International Law 2021 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    The Northern Sea Route in the 2010s: Development and Implementation of Relevant Law
    Arctic Review on Law and Politics 2020 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    New Russian Legislative Approaches and Navigational Rights within the Northern Sea Route
    The Yearbook of Polar Law 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    The US Arctic Gambit: Testing the Limits of UNCLOS
    The Arctic Institute 2024
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    USA utfordrer grensene til havrettskonvensjonen: Vil Russland trekke seg?
    FRAM - Nordområdesenter for klima- og miljøforskning 2024
  • Jan Jakub Solski, Konstantinos Deligiannis Virvos :
    Rethinking Arctic Governance: Focusing on Regulating Black Carbon Emissions in the Context of Geopolitical Tensions
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    New Actors and Agencies in the Arctic
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    Russia and the Law of the Sea in the Arctic
  • Paul Dodd, Agneta Fransson, Lis Lindal Jørgensen, Anne Britt Sandø, Maaike Knol-Kauffman, Jack Christopher Landy et al.:
    Sustainable development of the Arctic Ocean
    Fram Forum 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Jan Jakub Solski, Konstantinos Deligiannis Virvos :
    Regulating Black Carbon Emissions in(to) the Arctic: What Opportunity Lies amid the Crisis of Arctic Ocean Governance?
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    Comments on Resuming Research on the Arctic Environment – Challenges and Possible Options
  • Jan Jakub Solski, Konstantinos Deligiannis Virvos :
    Regulating Black Carbon Emissions in(to) the Arctic: What Opportunity Lies amid the Crisis of Arctic Ocean Governance?
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    Russia and the Arctic
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    The Impacts of the War in Ukraine on the Governance of the Northern Sea Route
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    Hybrid-World War and the Governance of the Northern Sea Route
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    New Draft Law on the Russian Arctic Straits – Putin’ Money Where the Mouth is?
    NCLOS Blog 15. Sep 2022 DATA
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    In the Fog of War: Russia Raises Stakes on the Northern Sea Route Straits
    The Arctic Institute 22. Sep 2022 DATA
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    Future Governance of the Northern Sea Route
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    Book review of Karen N. Scott and David L. VanderZwaag (eds.) Research Handbook on Polar Law (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020) 483 pp.
    Ocean Yearbook 2022
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    'Rules-based order’ under pressure: short reflection on the future visions of ocean space
  • Jan Jakub Solski, Vito De Lucia :
    Introduction to "Sustainable governance of the Arctic in the Post-Post-Cold War World: Drivers and future scenarios for ecosystem-based management of the Arctic Ocean"
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    Great Power Competition in the Arctic and the Northern Sea Route
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    Spionskandale og etterretningstrusler: Ny forskningshverdag i Tromsø
    11. Nov 2022
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    I skyggen av krigen strammer Russland grepet om hav­områdene i nord
    Forskersonen.no 27. Sep 2022 DATA
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    I skyggen av krigen strammer Russland grepet om hav­områdene i nord
    Kystmagasinet 28. Sep 2022 DATA
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    In the shadow of the war, Russia is tightening its grip in the Arctic
    sciencenorway.no 28. Sep 2022 DATA
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    Navigational issues in the Arctic
  • Elise Johansen, Margherita Paola Poto, Iva Parlov, Ingrid Solstad Andreassen, Alexander Lott, Jan Jakub Solski et al.:
    Ocean Connectivity and Law
  • Jan Jakub Solski, Nengye Liu :
    The Polar Silk Road and the future governance of Northern Sea Route
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    Towards a Harmonized Methodology for the Assessment of Risks and Limitations of Ships Operation in the Arctic
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    ‘Due Regard’ of Article 234 of UNCLOS: Lessons from Regulating Innocent Passage in the Territorial Sea
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    Thinking of the limits of Article 234 of UNCLOS through the lens of sovereignty
  • Jan Jakub Solski, Tore Henriksen, Alexander N. Vylegzhanin :
    Introduction: regulating shipping in Russian Arctic Waters: between international law, national interests and geopolitics
    The Polar Journal 2020 DOI
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    The Northern Sea Route in the 2010s: trends in development and implementation of relevant law
  • Jan Jakub Solski, Nengye Liu :
    A rising power in the NSR: potential lessons for contemporary China from historical Russian practice
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    State practice and international law in the Northern Sea Route: an overview of two research projects
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    A book review of Emerging Legal Orders in the Arctic: The Role of Non-Arctic Actors
    The JCLOS Blog 2020
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    Panelist in Session III: The Northern Sea Route
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    The efficacy of flag state jurisdiction in the Arctic–Polar Code issues and beyond
  • Jan Jakub Solski :
    Regulating shipping in Russian Arctic Waters: Between international law, national interests and geopolitics - SIRAW

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →


    I am primarily interested in Arctic governance, law of the sea, geopolitics, and Russian policy and practice.


    Teaching, supervision, and censorship at Master of Laws (LL.M.) in the Law of the Sea degree program, Faculty of Law, University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway.

    In the past also teaching a course on the Introduction to Russian Law and Arctic legal perspectives.


    Member of research group