Bilde av Duarte, Melina
Bilde av Duarte, Melina
Filosofiija ja vuosttašlohkanbadjeoahpuid instituhtta +4777644329 You can find me here

Melina Duarte

  • Melina Duarte :
    A Human Right to Relocate: The case for climate migrants
    Transnational Press London 2020
  • Melina Duarte :
    The Ethical Consequences of Criminalising Solidarity in the EU
    Theoria 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Melina Duarte :
    EU-Turkey Deal: Buck Passing and Bargaining on Human Rights at Risk
    Kaygi Uludag University Faculty of Arts and Sciences Journal of Philosophy 2019
  • Melina Duarte :
    Open Borders and Welfare States: Can't they really get along?
    Journal of Identity and Migration Studies 2018 ARKIV
  • Melina Duarte :
    Who should be granted electoral rights at the state Level?
    Etikk i praksis 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Melina Duarte, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Serena Parekh, Annamari Vitikainen :
    Introduction to the thematic issue ‘Refugee Crisis: The Borders of Human Mobility’
    Journal of Global Ethics 2016 DOI
  • Melina Duarte :
    Educating Citizens for Humanism: Nussbaum and the Education Crisis
    Studies in Philosophy and Education 2015 DOI
  • Melina Duarte :
    Territorial Rights of Liberal Democratic States: Challenging the Right to Exclude Immigrants
    Contrastes (Málaga) 2015 DOI
  • Melina Duarte :
    Educating Citizens for Humanism: Nussbaum and the Education Crisis
    Studies in Philosophy and Education 2015 DOI
  • Melina Duarte, Lisa Katrin Losleben, Kjersti Fjørtoft :
    Gender Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academia A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Transformation
    Routledge 2023 FULLTEKST
  • Melina Duarte, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Serena Parekh, Annamari Vitikainen :
    Refugee Crisis: The Borders of Human Mobility
    Routledge 2018
  • Melina Duarte :
    Making Sense of Diversity in Nordic Academia
  • Melina Duarte, Lisa Katrin Losleben, Kjersti Fjørtoft :
    Introduction to the edited volume
    Routledge 2023
  • Melina Duarte :
    Integrering av kjønns- og mangfolds perspektiver i filosofi utdanning
  • Hannah Winther, Hege Kristin Andreassen, Anja Rieger Schmidt, Mitieli Seixas da Silva, Natasja Pugliese, Melina Duarte :
    Book launching: Gender diversity, equity, and inclusion in academia: A conceptual framework for sustainable transformation
  • Melina Duarte :
    Affirmative Action and DEI work in Academia: Melina Duarte; Invited commentators: Gabriel Goldmeier and Dominik Jackson-Cole, SFHEA
  • Melina Duarte :
    The Prestige-project (2020-2022): Binding findings together
  • Melina Duarte :
    Gender- and diversity-sensitive leadership at UiT: Leading for an equitable and inclusive organization for all
  • Melina Duarte, Torjer Andreas Olsen :
    Ledelse for mangfold og integrering ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet
  • Melina Duarte :
    Westernization vs. Liberation of women in Afghanistan after the comeback of Taliban: Exploring the populist traits of a dichotomy between the West and the Rest
  • Melina Duarte :
    Diverse Perspectives on Science. Lecture, PhD Course at UiT.
  • Melina Duarte :
    Diverse Perspectives on Science: Feminist Epistemology and Research Ethics
  • Melina Duarte :
    Duarte, Melina. (17.09.2021) Sex, Gender Roles and Refuge: What does the West owe to Afghan Women after the return of the Taliban?. Opening lecture for the MA program Europhilosophy at the University of Jean Jaurès II, Toulouse, FR.
  • Melina Duarte :
    Can a culture be actively transformed? Lecture in the PhD Research School Evoking Gender at UiT, NO.
  • Katrin Losleben, Melina Duarte, Kjersti Fjørtoft :
    Writers' Workshop
  • Katrin Losleben, Melina Duarte, Kjersti Fjørtoft :
    Workshop Guidebook for Gender Balance in Higher Education
  • Melina Duarte, Adrianna Kochanska, Malin Rönnblom :
    Gender balance in Research Group Leadership at UiT: The Research group’s Basic Structure and Leadership roles
  • Lena Gross, Ana Luisa Sanchez Laws, Hege Kristin Andreassen, Katrin Losleben, Lilli Mittner, Sarah Musubika et al.:
    Co* (Co-construction, co- production, co-design, co-creation)
  • Katrin Losleben, Melina Duarte, Kjersti Fjørtoft :
    Writers' Workshop, revised versions
  • Melina Duarte :
    Duarte, Melina. (2020). Climate Migration, Structural Injustices, and the Question of Political Responsibility. Aula Inaugural at the State University San Francisco, RS/BR (In Portuguese). Avaliable at: 2.3k views on 27.06.2020
  • Melina Duarte, Adrianna Kochanska, Torild Nustad :
    Gender distribution beyond coarse measurements: Balancing gender distribution in professor positions at the UiT from 2020 onwards
  • Melina Duarte :
    Parenting in Nordic Welfare States: A backfire for scholars in Academia
  • Melina Duarte :
    Book review: Mayer, Benoît and Francois Crépeau. 2017. Research Handbook on Climate Change, Migration, and the Law (Edgard Elgar: Cheltenham, 512 pages)
    Journal of Human Rights and the Environment 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Melina Duarte :
    The Ethical Consequences of Criminalising Solidarity with Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the EU
  • Melina Duarte :
    The Criminalisation of Solidarity with Immigrants
  • Melina Duarte :
    Should high greenhouse gases emmitting countries be required to admit and resettle more climate displacees than low greenhouse gases emmitting countries?
  • Melina Duarte :
    A Human Right to Immigrate: The case for persons afflicted by rising sea-levels
  • Melina Duarte :
    Health requirements for residency: discriminatory policies against migrants with disabilities
  • Melina Duarte :
    Should there be a right to immigrate for persons afflicted by rising sea-Levels?
  • Melina Duarte :
    A Human Right to Immigrate: The Case for Persons Afflicted by Rising Sea-levels
  • Melina Duarte :
    Climate Refugees: An Emergent New Global Minority
  • Melina Duarte, Tor Ivar Hanstad :
    Introduction to Realizing Global Justice Theory and Practice
    Etikk i praksis 2016 DOI
  • Melina Duarte :
    Stand against poverty: An interview with Thomas Pogge
    Etikk i praksis 2016 DOI
  • Melina Duarte :
    EU-Turkey Refugee Deal: Buck-Passing and Bargaining on Human Lives at Risk?
  • Melina Duarte, Tor Ivar Hanstad :
    Realizing global justice: Theory and practice
    Etikk i praksis 2016
  • Melina Duarte, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Serena Parekh, Annamari Vitikainen :
    Refugee Crisis: The Borders of Human Mobility
    Journal of Global Ethics 2016
  • Melina Duarte :
    Open Borders and Welfare States: Can't They Really Get Along?
  • Melina Duarte :
    Er det en Løsning for Flyktingskrisen?
    Nordlys 2015
  • Melina Duarte :
    Active Citizenship Today: Definitions, Conditions, and Contestations
  • Melina Duarte :
    Open Borders and Welfare States: Can't They Really Get Along?

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →