Jens Petter Nielsen,
Victoria V. Tevlina
“From Northeast Passage to the Northern Sea Route”. A New Publication on the History of the Northern Sea Route
Jens Petter Nielsen,
Victoria V. Tevlina
«From Northeast Passage to the Northern Sea Route». Novaja kniga ob istoriji Severnogo Morskogo Puti
Арктика и Север 2024
Victoria V. Tevlina
The Activity of Russian and Norwegian Historians to Get a Cross-Border Dialogue Going in the 1970s to 2020s
Электронный научно-образовательный журнал «История» 2023
Jens Petter Nielsen,
Victoria V. Tevlina
Mikhail Konstantinovich Sidorov and the role of Norwegians in the opening up of the Northern Sea Route to Siberia (Michail Konstantinovich Sidorov i rolij norvezesev v osvoenii Severnogo Morskogo Putii)
Jens Petter Nielsen,
Victoria V. Tevlina
In the northern periphery of Russia abroad. The Norwegian destiny of Anatol Ye. Heintz (1898–1975), palaeontologist and native of St Petersburg
Jens Petter Nielsen,
Victoria V. Tevlina
Fridtjof Nansen about Siberia: impressions from a journey to the Yenisey and with the Trans-Siberian railway in 1913 (Фритьоф Нансен о Сибири: впечатления от поездки на Енисей и по Транссибирской железнодорожной магистрали в 1913 году)
Victoria V. Tevlina
Скандинавское лесопромышленное предпринимательство в России в конце 1910-х - 1920-е годы (Scandinavian sawmill industry entrepreneurship in Russia in the early XX century)
Гуманитарные науки в Сибири 2022
Jon Lundesgaard,
Victoria V. Tevlina
Profit under the Soviets: Timber concessions, Western interests and the monetary reforms under NEP
Victoria V. Tevlina
Ushenuje-humanitarii kak spodvizniki dobrososedskish rossijsko-norwezskix otnosjenij
Victoria V. Tevlina,
Jens Petter Nielsen
Nautsjnye publikatsii, 2010-2020 godov v ramkakh rossijsko-norvezjskogo sotrudnitsjestva istorikov(Scholarly publications made in 2010-2020 within the framework of the
Russian-Norwegian cooperation of historians)
Murmansk State Humanities University 2021
Victoria V. Tevlina
Russian emigration to Norway after the Russian Revolution and Civil War
Academic Studies Press 2020
Victoria V. Tevlina,
Jens Petter Nielsen
Норвежская судьба палеонтолога — петербуржца-эмигранта Анатолия Евгеньевича Гейнца (1898–1975) (Norwegian Destiny of Anatolii E. Heintz (1898–1975), Palaeontologist and Russian Emigré from St Petersburg)
Novejšaâ istoriâ Rossii 2020
Victoria V. Tevlina,
Urban Wråkberg,
Ryzhkova Inna
Introduction from the editors
Murmansk State Humanities University 2020
Victoria V. Tevlina
Socio-cultural and humanitarian relations
between inhabitants of the border territories
in the North of Russia and Norway
in Post-Soviet era
Murmansk State Humanities University 2020
Jens Petter Nielsen,
Victoria V. Tevlina
Norwegian destiny of Anatolii E.Heintz (1898–1975), palaeontologist and Russian Emigré from St. Petersburg
Novejšaâ istoriâ Rossii 2020
Victoria V. Tevlina
Review and evaluation of the scientific article about the projects of the American Timber Concessions on the North o Russia in the 1920s (for the Journal “Historical Courier” (Istoricheskii kurier))
Victoria V. Tevlina
Scientific consultancy of the research as an editor of one post doctor scholar from UiT who is writing the historical monograph about Kola Sami people. The book is in a process for publishing
Victoria V. Tevlina
Scientific consultancy and assistance of the research as an editor of the post doctor scholar from UiT who is writing of the historial monograph about Sami people
Victoria V. Tevlina
About the Barents Institute and the book project «From Northeast Passage to Northern Sea Route. A history of the waterway North of Eurasia» (2022)
Victoria V. Tevlina
Live in the North and the future of it
Victoria V. Tevlina
About non-fiction literature on the Russian emigrants in Norway in 1910s - 1920s
Victoria V. Tevlina
Скандинавское лесопромышленное предпринимательство в России (1917–1920-е годы) (Scandinavian sawmill industry entrepreneurship in Russia in 1917-1920s)
Victoria V. Tevlina
I am scientific coordinator and illustration editor of the book "From Northeast Passage to Northern Sea Route. A History of the Waterway North of Eurasia" (Victoria V. Tevlina)
Brill Academic Publishers 2022
Victoria V. Tevlina
From «The International Northern Sea Route Programme» (1993-1999) to the book «From Northeast Passage to Northern Sea Route. A history of the waterway North of Eurasia» (2022). People, institutions and illustrations
Victoria V. Tevlina
Scientific consultancy and assistance of the research as an editor of one post doctor scholar from UiT who is writing of the historial monograph about Sami people
Victoria V. Tevlina
The history of the Book Project and its Authors
Brill Academic Publishers 2022
Victoria V. Tevlina,
Jens Petter Nielsen,
Bjarge Schwenke Fors,
Marianne Neerland Soleim,
Anne Figenschou
Academic organization, coordination and program preparation of the international seminar, Oslo Litteraturhuset, IV Juleseminar 2022 «Den Nordlige Sjørute – er den liv laga?». Seminar i anledning utgivelsen av boka «From Northeast Passage to Northern Sea Route. A History of the Waterway North of Eurasia» (editors: Jens Petter Nielsen, Edwin Okhuizen. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, 2022). 3 December 2022 (
Victoria V. Tevlina
Working within the research group during the Northern Sea Route project as a scientific coordinator (2015-2023)
Victoria V. Tevlina,
Bjarge Schwenke Fors,
Anne Figenschou
Coordination and organisation of the Grenseseminar 2021 "Det norsk-russiske grenselandet i nord: Fortid og nåtid" (Kirkenes, Sør-Varanger Municipality Library, 7 October 2021)
Victoria V. Tevlina
Ministerial Meeting within the Russian-Norwegian cooperation in Tromso, 24-26 October 2021
25. Oct 2021
Victoria V. Tevlina
Supervision 4 BA students in their diplomas, presentations and practical tasks as Professor II in the Northern (Arctic) Federal University (NARFU) in Archangelsk
Victoria V. Tevlina
Scientific consultancy and assistance of the research of 1 post doctor scholar from UiT on the writing of the monograph as an editor
Victoria V. Tevlina
Supervision 3 MA students in MA thesis, publications, presentations and practical tasks as Professor II at the Northern (Arctic) Federal University (NARFU) in Archangelsk
Jens Petter Nielsen,
Victoria V. Tevlina
Fridtjof Nansen about Siberia: The results of the trip to Enisej in 1913
Victoria V. Tevlina
Velkomsthilsen og innledning ved Lørdagsseminar “Partisanene i Nord-Norge under andre verdenskrig»
Jens Petter Nielsen,
Victoria V. Tevlina
About an international scientific project (2015-2022) devoted to the preparation of the first comprehensive account in English on the history of the Northern Sea Route
Victoria V. Tevlina
The efforts by Norwegian and Russian historians to stimulate dialogue across the borders (1980s - to 2020s)
Victoria V. Tevlina,
Bjarge Schwenke Fors,
Anne Figenschou
Coordination and preparation of the program for the Lørdagsseminar “Partisanene i Nord-Norge under andre verdenskrig», 27 November 2021 (Grenselandmuseet, Kirkenes)
Urban Wråkberg,
Victoria V. Tevlina
Om den nye boka «Russia and Norway. Multidimensional Relations in the Borderland» («Россия и Норвегия. Многогранные взаимоотношения в приграничье»). Redigert av V.V.Tevlina, I.V.Ryzhkova, U.Wråkberg (2020)
Victoria V. Tevlina,
Jens Petter Nielsen
Nautsjnye publikatsii, vysjedsjye v 2010-2020 godakh v ramkakh rossijsko-norvezjskogo sotrudnitsjestva istorikov(Scientific publications from 2010-2020 within the framework of cooperation between the Russian and Norwegian historians)
Victoria V. Tevlina
Official expert evaluation of the project applications of the young researchers with the PhD degree sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation nominated to the President grants for 2022-2023 in the social-humanities scientific sector
Victoria V. Tevlina,
Bjarge Schwenke Fors,
Anne Figenschou
Coordination, preparation of the program in Norwegian, English and Russian of the International scientific-practical seminar with the Administration of the Pechenga municipality district and Museum of Local Lore of the Pechenga municipality district «The Second World War and the Partisan Movement in the North», 22 October 2021
Urban Wråkberg,
Victoria V. Tevlina
Norsk-russisk forskningssamarbeid i 2019-2020: Om produksjonen av boken 'Russia and Norway. Multidimensional Relations in the Borderland'
Victoria V. Tevlina
My work and activity at the Barents Institute
Victoria V. Tevlina,
Jens Petter Nielsen
Working within the research group during the Northern Sea Route project
Victoria V. Tevlina
Celebration of Social Work Education at the Northern Arctic federal University, Archangelsk
Victoria V. Tevlina
About an Academic Book Russian-Norwegian project 2020 "Russia and Norway. Multidimensional Relations in the Borderland. Essays in Russian and English"
Victoria V. Tevlina,
Urban Wråkberg
Ny boklansering “Russia and Norway. Multidimensional Relations in the Borderland”. Essays in Russian and English (Victoria V. Tevlina, Inna Ryzhkova & Urban Wråkberg (eds)). Murmansk, Murmansk Arctic State University, 2020
Victoria V. Tevlina
Official expert evaluation of the project applications of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation nominated to the President grants for 2021-2022 in the social-humanities scientific sector