Saija H.K. Ahonen,
Anna Liisa Ruotsalainen,
Piippa R. Wäli,
Otso Suominen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Jane Uhd Jepsen
et al.:
Does long-term grazing cause cascading impacts on the soil microbiome in mountain birch forests?
Ronny Rotbarth,
Egbert H. Van Nes,
Marten Scheffer,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Chi Xu
et al.:
Northern expansion is not compensating for southern declines in North American boreal forests
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Helge Molvig,
Rolf Anker Ims
A pioneering pest: the winter moth (Operophtera brumata) is expanding its outbreak range into Low Arctic shrub tundra
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Rolf Anker Ims
Spatiotemporal dynamics of forest geometrid outbreaks
Current Opinion in Insect Science 2022
Jeremy C. Andersen,
Nathan P. Havill,
Brian P. Griffin,
Jane U. Jepsen,
Snorre Hagen,
Tero Klemola
et al.:
Northern Fennoscandia via the British Isles: evidence for a novel post-glacial recolonization route by winter moth (Operophtera brumata)
Frontiers of Biogeography 2021
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Tone Birkemoe,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson
Environmental conditions alter successional trajectories on an ephemeral resource: a field experiment with beetles in dead wood
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Nigel Gilles Yoccoz,
Ottar Nordal Bjørnstad,
Michel d. S. Mesquita,
Rolf Anker Ims
Spatial synchrony in sub-arctic geometrid moth outbreaks reflects dispersal in larval and adult life cycle stages
Journal of Animal Ecology 2019
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Malin Ek,
Adam A. Pepi,
Rolf Anker Ims
Can novel pest outbreaks drive ecosystem transitions in northern-boreal birch forest?
Daniel B. Metcalfe,
Mehdi Cherif,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Jeppe Å. Kristensen,
Ulrika Belsing
Ecological stoichiometry and nutrient partitioning in two insect herbivores responsible for large-scale forest disturbance in the Fennoscandian subarctic
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Moriz Klinghardt,
Malin Ek,
Rolf Anker Ims
Salvage logging of mountain birch after geometrid outbreaks: Ecological context determines management outcomes
Forest Ecology and Management 2017
Adam A. Pepi,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Malin Ek,
Jane Uhd Jepsen
Elevationally biased avian predation as a contributor to the spatial distribution of geometrid moth outbreaks in sub-arctic mountain birch forest
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Frédéric Barraquand,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Nigel Gilles Yoccoz
Continental-scale travelling waves in forest geometrids in Europe: an evaluation of the evidence
Siv Aarnes,
Ida Fløystad,
Julia Schregel,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Hans Geir Eiken
et al.:
Identification and evaluation of 21 novel microsatellite markers from the autumnal moth (Epirrita autumnata) (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2015
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Rolf Anker Ims
Resistance of a sub-arctic bird community to severe forest damage caused by geometrid moth outbreaks
European Journal of Forest Research 2015
Erik Martin Biuw,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Juval Cohen,
Saija H. Ahonen,
Mysore V Tejesvi,
Sami Aikio
et al.:
Long-term Impacts of Contrasting Management of Large Ungulates in the Arctic Tundra-Forest Ecotone: Ecosystem Structure and Climate Feedback
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Sabrina Schultze,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Erik Martin Biuw,
Lauri Teemu Kapari,
Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson
et al.:
Numerical responses of saproxylic beetles to rapid increases in dead wood availability following geometrid moth outbreaks in sub-arctic mountain birch forest
Marta Vergarechea,
Clara Antón Fernandéz,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Rasmus Andreas Astrup
Exploring Age structure of Birch Forests in Norway: Insights from Tree Ring Data from National Forest Inventory
Volkmar Timmermann,
Isabella Børja,
Nicholas Clarke,
Jostein Gohli,
Ari Mikko Hietala,
Jane Uhd Jepsen
et al.:
Skogens helsetilstand i Norge. Resultater fra skogskadeovervåkingen i 2022
Volkmar Timmermann,
Isabella Børja,
Nicholas Clarke,
Rune Eriksen,
Jostein Gohli,
Gro Hylen
et al.:
Skogens helsetilstand i Norge. Resultater fra skogskadeovervåkingen i 2021
Giacomo Favero,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Mikael Ohlson
Distribution, Age and Growth Dynamics of Scots Pine Recruits on Its Northern Distributional Limit in Norway
Lars Mikkjel Hus Kråkenes,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Mikael Ohlson
Recruitment of Scots pine Pinus Sylvestris L. beyond the edge of its current distribution range in the forest-tundra ecotone of northern Norway
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Helena Bylund,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Tero Klemola,
Kai Ruohomäki
et al.:
Regional population dynamics of northern geometrids:
A Fennoscandian collaboration
Rolf Anker Ims,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad
Konsekvenser av ekspanderende lauvmakkutbrudd i Finnmark
Lappmeisen 2022
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Jane Uhd Jepsen
Forskning på målerutbrudd og skogdød
Ottar 2022
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad
Klimaendringer og insektangrep på lauvskog i Nord-Norge
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad
Pioneering pests: A tale of an aspiring tundra arthropod
Volkmar Timmermann,
Andreas Myki Beachell,
May Bente Brurberg,
Isabella Børja,
Nicholas Clarke,
Inger Fløistad
et al.:
Skogens helsetilstand i Norge. Resultater fra skogskadeovervåkingen i 2020.
Åshild Ønvik Pedersen,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ingrid Marie Garfelt Paulsen,
Eva Fuglei,
Jesper Bruun Mosbacher,
Virve Ravolainen
et al.:
Norwegian Arctic tundra: a panel-based assessment of ecosystem condition
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Rolf Anker Ims,
Nigel Gilles Yoccoz
A multi-scale approach to studying disturbance dynamics in the tundra-forest ecotone: a decade of experience
Volkmar Timmermann,
Kjell Andreassen,
Andreas Myki Beachell,
Isabella Børja,
May Bente Brurberg,
Nicholas Clarke
et al.:
Skogens helsetilstand i Norge. Resultater fra skogskadeovervåkingen i 2019
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad
Insekter og miljø (lauvmakk). Aktivitet i NFH-bygget under Utforsk UiT
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad
Intervjuobjekt på Nyhetsmorgen - NRK nasjonal radio
30. Sep 2019
Sidsel Vik,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad
Busker og trær i Finnmark dør ut: – Kritisk for fugler og dyr
01. Oct 2019
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Dag Inge Danielsen
Sultne sommerfugllarver spiser opp skogen i nord
29. Jul 2019
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad
Range expanding geometrids in northern-boreal birch forest in Fennoscandia
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad
Range expanding geometrids in northern-boreal birch forest in Fennoscandia
Volkmar Timmermann,
Kjell Andreassen,
May Bente Brurberg,
Isabella Børja,
Nicholas Clarke,
Daniel Flø
et al.:
Skogens helsetilstand i Norge. Resultater fra skogskadeovervåkingen i 2018
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Jane Uhd Jepsen
Populasjonssykluser hos bjørkemålere – små dyr med enorme svingninger
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Karl Erik Berge
Sørlige målerarter sprer enda mer skogdød i Finnmark
22. Aug 2019
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Moritz Klinghardt,
Malin Ek,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Rolf Anker Ims
Salvage logging of mountain birch after geometrid outbreaks:
ecological context determines management outcomes
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Rolf Anker Ims
Small engineers with a large impact:
Critical transitions in ecotone forest driven by
pest outbreaks
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad
Small engineers with a large impact: ecosystem consequences of moth outbreaks in sub-arctic forest
Fram Forum 2018
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Rolf Anker Ims
Ecosystem transitions following a geographic range expansion of a forest pest in northern-boreal birch forest
Volkmar Timmermann,
Kjell Andreassen,
May Bente Brurberg,
Nicholas Clarke,
Maria-Luz Herrero,
Jane Uhd Jepsen
et al.:
Skogens helsetilstand i Norge. Resultater fra skogskadeovervåkingen i 2017
Petter Bernhard Carlsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Tone Birkemoe,
Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson
Five-year numerical response of saproxylic beetles following a dead wood pulse left by moth outbreaks in northern Scandinavia
Ragnhild Bjørkås,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Rolf Anker Ims
Spatio-temporal dynamics in breeding occurrence of passerine birds in subarctic birch forest
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2017
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Ingrid Jensvoll,
Malin Ek
Petter Carlsen,
Tone Birkemoe,
Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson,
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Jane Uhd Jepsen
Numerical responses of wood living beetles to dead birch left by moth outbreak in northern Scandinavia
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Jane Uhd Jepsen,
Malin Ek,
Rolf Anker Ims
Meso-scale geometrid guild dynamics in a geographically complex sub-arctic birch forest ecosystem
Ole Petter Laksforsmo Vindstad,
Jane Uhd Jepsen
Cyclically outbreaking geometrid moths in sub-arctic mountain birch forest: the organization and impacts of their interactions with animal communities
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2014