Bilde av Nyvoll, Jørn Berger
Photo: UiT
Bilde av Nyvoll, Jørn Berger
Seniorrådgiver Gulahallanjuogus +4777644165 90911441 +4790911441 Tromsø You can find me here

Jørn Berger Nyvoll

  • Oliver Müller, Jørn Berger Nyvoll :
    A single litre of seawater contains billions of bacteria
  • Tom Langbehn, Jørn Berger Nyvoll :
    Sea ice disappearing may be good news for the fish in the Arctic, but bad news for the zooplankton!
  • Tristan Petit, Jørn Berger Nyvoll :
    Light climate in the Northern Barents sea: Evolution study with the gradual receding of sea-ice
  • Yasemin Vicdan Bodur, Jørn Berger Nyvoll :
    The seafloor is the dump yard of the ocean
  • Maria Guadalupe Digernes, Jørn Berger Nyvoll :
    The ocean is like a sponge and absorb one third of the CO2 we produce!
  • Johanna Myrseth Aarflot, Jørn Berger Nyvoll, Inger Lise Næss :
    Nansen Legacy research elevator pitch
    2020 DATA
  • Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen, Jørn Berger Nyvoll, Inger Lise Næss, Lena Seuthe :
    You have probably heard that the ice sheets are melting
    2020 DATA
  • Elliot Manuarii Sivel, Jørn Berger Nyvoll :
    Who eats whom?
  • Ina Nilsen, Jørn Berger Nyvoll :
    Can we predict invasion from south when the Barents Sea gets warmer by modeling?
  • Christine Gawinski, Jørn Berger Nyvoll :
    There is more to the Ocean then giants
  • Zoé Charlotte Koenig, Jørn Berger Nyvoll :
    The sea ice is melting in the winter when it is freezing cold
  • Marti A. Arumi, Jørn Berger Nyvoll :
    The Arctic is changing fast, almost faster than we can follow
  • Liv Helene Willumsen, Randi Skjelmo, Stig Brøndbo, Jørn Berger Nyvoll :
    Da forskerne åpnet dokumentboksen i Rigsarkivet i København, oppdaget de en historisk rød tråd fra en krangel i India i 1708 til UiT Norges arktiske universitet
    20. Dec 2018
  • Liv Helene Willumsen, Randi Skjelmo, Mathilde Torsøe, Jørn Berger Nyvoll :
    Han var Norges første professor
    09. Feb 2018 DATA
  • Liv Helene Willumsen, Stig Brøndbo, Jørn Berger Nyvoll, Randi Skjelmo :
    Historien om UiT starter med en krangel i India på 1700-tallet
    19. Dec 2018 DATA
  • Magnus Brynildsrud Andersson, Mathilde Torsøe, Jørn Berger Nyvoll :
    Grunnleggaren - om rektor Peter F. Hjort
    2018 DATA
  • Liv Helene Willumsen, Randi Skjelmo, Stig Brøndbo, Jørn Berger Nyvoll, Mathilde Torsøe :
    Han var Norges første professor. Om Knud Leem, professor i det samiske språk
    09. Feb 2018

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