Bilde av Strand, Bror-Magnus S.
Photo: Torje Jenssen
Bilde av Strand, Bror-Magnus S.
Seksjon for forskning og innovasjon +4777644243 924 39 717

Bror-Magnus S. Strand

  • Bror-Magnus S. Strand :
    Playing With Fire Compounds: The Tonal Accents of Compounds in (North) Norwegian Preschoolers’ Role-Play Register
    Language and Speech 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bror-Magnus S. Strand :
    Morphological variation and development in a Northern Norwegian role play register
    Nordic Journal of Linguistics 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Bjørn Lundquist, Maud Westendorp, Bror-Magnus S. Strand :
    Code-switching alone cannot explain intraspeaker syntactic variability: Evidence from a spoken elicitation experiment
    Nordic Journal of Linguistics 2020 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Bror-Magnus S. Strand :
    Root Infinitives in Norwegian Child Language
    Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2019
  • Ingeborg Sophie Ribu, Hanne Gram Simonsen, Morten Aase Løver, Bror-Magnus S. Strand, Kristian Emil Kristoffersen :
    N-LARSP: A Developmental Language Profile for Norwegian
    Multilingual Matters 2019 DOI
  • Paulina Angelika Lyskawa, Jade Jørgen Michael Sandstedt, Björn Lundquist, Bror-Magnus Sviland Strand :
    Word order regularization is not driven by processing demands in language use
  • Jade Jørgen Michael Sandstedt, Bror-Magnus Sviland Strand, Björn Lundquist :
    The prosodic word (tone accent phrase) is the core planning unit in Norwegian speech planning/production
  • Merete Andersen, Øystein Alexander Vangsnes, Bror-Magnus S. Strand :
    The roles role play plays: The form and function of bilectal codeswitching in North Norwegian pre-school children's role play
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2022
  • Bror-Magnus S. Strand :
    Morfologi og pronomen i ein nordnorsk rolleleik-varietet
  • Bror-Magnus S. Strand :
    The Root Infinitive in Norwegian Child Language Is an Overgeneralisation of a Non-Finite Structure Already Present in the Available In- and Output
  • Bror-M. S. Strand :
    «Jeg lese denne» – om barnespråk og verbbøying.
    2017 FULLTEKST
  • Bror-M. S. Strand :
    The roleplaying variety of Northern Norwegian preschool children
  • Bror-M. S. Strand :
    Root Infinitives in Norwegian Child Language
  • Bror-M. S. Strand :
    The Northern Norwegian Roleplay Variety – with emphasis on nominal morphology and syntax
  • Bror-M. S. Strand :
    The Norwegian roleplaying register
  • Bror-Magnus Sviland Strand :
    «Jeg lese denne» – om barnespråk og verbbøying
    Mål og makt 2016
  • Bror-Magnus Sviland Strand :
    The roleplaying register of Norwegian pre-school and early school children
  • Ingeborg Sophie Ribu, Hanne Gram Simonsen, Morten Aase Løver, Bror-Magnus Sviland Strand, Kristian Emil Kristoffersen :
    N-LARSP: Adaptation of the LARSP profile chart to Norwegian
  • Bror-Magnus Sviland Strand :
    «Jeg lese denne» – Root infinitives in Norwegian child language and the functions of finiteness
    Universitetet i Oslo 2015
  • Bror-Magnus Sviland Strand :
    Finittheit i norsk barnespråk - ei empirisk undersøking
  • Bror-Magnus Sviland Strand :
    Variasjon i infinitivsmerket på Sørvestlandet

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →