Bilde av Mckay, Rosalie Dawn
Bilde av Mckay, Rosalie Dawn
Árktalaš ja mariinna biologiija instituhtta +4777646311 Tromsø You can find me here

Rosalie Dawn Mckay

Work areas


  • Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Karley Lynn Campbell, Brent Else, Morven Muilwijk, Rosalie Dawn Mckay :
    Turbulent fluxes at the ice-ocean interface in the Arctic Ocean
  • Rosalie Dawn Mckay, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Janina Emilia Osanen, Christine Michel, Brent Else, Karley Lynn Campbell :
    Influence of sub-ice turbulence regimes and microbial community structure on spring sea ice bloom and nutrient dynamics in the Dease Strait
  • Karley Lynn Campbell, Rosalie Dawn Mckay, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Janina Emilia Osanen, Philipp Kurt Wolf Assmy, Sebastien Moreau et al.:
    Production regimes of sea ice microhabitats in the High Arctic
  • Karley Lynn Campbell, Brent Else, Janina Emilia Osanen, Megan Lenss, Rosalie Dawn Mckay, Sebastien Moreau et al.:
    Fine-scale variability in sea ice biogeochemistry
  • Rosalie Dawn Mckay, Janina Emilia Osanen, Christine Michel, Brent Else, Karley Lynn Campbell :
    Sea ice algal and bacterial community transition during spring melt under low and high turbulence regimes in the Canadian High Arctic
  • Rosalie Dawn Mckay, Janina Emilia Osanen, Christine Michel, Brent Else, Karley Lynn Campbell :
    Influence of sub-ice turbulence regimes on sea ice net community production in the Canadian High Arctic
  • Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Karley Lynn Campbell, Brent Else, Rosalie Dawn Mckay, Morven Muilwijk :
    Turbulent fluxes at the ice-ocean interface in the Arctic Ocean
  • Karley Lynn Campbell, Rosalie Dawn Mckay, Zoe Charlotte Koenig, Janina Emilia Osanen, Christien Philip Laber, Georeges Kanaan et al.:
    BREATHE field school goes with the floe: Insights from an early-career training program
  • Angelika H.H. Renner, Rolf Gradinger, Andreas Altenburger, Pernille Amdahl, Karoline Barstein, Pedro Duarte et al.:
    JC3 Winter gaps cruise: Cruise Report
    2022 DATA

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →
