Emma Annika Salminen,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur,
Sigrid Engen
Optimizing recruitment in an online environmental PPGIS—is it worth the time and costs?
International Journal of Geographical Information Science (IJGIS) 2025
Emma Annika Salminen,
Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur,
Victoria Marja Sofia Ollus,
Sigrid Engen,
Vera Helene Hausner
Using Public Participation GIS (PPGIS) to relate local concerns over growth in tourism and aquaculture to integrated coastal zone management in the Tromsø region, Norway
Ocean and Coastal Management 2025
Sigrid Engen,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Eirik Inge Mikkelsen,
Hege Gundersen,
Hartvig C Christie,
Jannike Falk-Andersson
et al.:
Co-creating coastal sustainability goals and indicators
Manjana Milkoreit,
Emily Boyd,
Sara M. Constantino,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Dag Olav Hessen,
Andreas Kääb
et al.:
Governance for Earth system tipping points – A research agenda
Earth System Governance 2024
Marketta Kyttä,
Nora Fagerholm,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Anna Broberg
Zina Asnah Kebir,
Catherine Chambers,
André Frainer,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Ann Eileen Lennert,
Jennifer Lento
et al.:
Fifteen research needs for understanding climate change impacts on ecosystems and society in the Norwegian High North
Lena Schøning,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Mathilde Morel
Law and sustainable transitions: An analysis of aquaculture regulation
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 2023
Margrethe Aanesen,
Claire Armstrong,
Trude Borch,
Reinhold Fieler,
Vera Hausner,
Gorm Kipperberg
et al.:
To Tell or Not to Tell: Preference Elicitation with and without Emphasis on Scientific Uncertainty
Ann Eileen Lennert,
René van der Wal,
Jasmine Zhang,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur,
Martin Miles
Rich local knowledge despite high transience in an Arctic community experiencing rapid environmental change
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 04. Nov 2023
Camilla Brattland,
Vera Helene Hausner
Innledning til temanummer om vindkraft og reindrift
Camilla Brattland,
Vera Helene Hausner
Vindkraftutbygging og bærekraftig reindrift på to øyer i Troms
Sigrid Engen,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Per Fauchald,
Audun Ruud,
Else Grete Broderstad
Small hydropower, large obstacle? Exploring land use conflict, Indigenous opposition and acceptance in the Norwegian Arctic
Energy Research & Social Science 2022
Evert Mul,
Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur,
Vera Helene Hausner
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on human-nature relations in a remote nature-based tourism destination
Sigrid Engen,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Georgina G. Gurney,
Else Grete Broderstad,
Rose Keller,
Aase Kristine Aasen Lundberg
et al.:
Blue justice: A survey for eliciting perceptions of environmental justice among coastal planners’ and small-scale fishers in Northern-Norway
Per Fauchald,
Per Arneberg,
Jens Boldingh Debernard,
Sigrid Lind,
Erik Joel Steinar Olsen,
Vera Helene Hausner
Poleward shifts in marine fisheries under Arctic warming
Environmental Research Letters 2021
Vera Helene Hausner,
Sigrid Engen,
Lorena Munoz,
Per Fauchald
Assessing a nationwide policy reform toward community-based conservation of biological diversity and ecosystem services in the Alpine North
Jennifer I. Schmidt,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Christopher Monz
Building adaptive capacity in a changing arctic by use of technology
Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur,
Vera Helene Hausner
causalizeR: a text mining algorithm to identify causal relationships in scientific literature
Claire Alice Runge,
Daigle Remi,
Vera Helene Hausner
Quantifying tourism booms and the increasing footprint in the Arctic with social media data
Claire Alice Runge,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Remi M. Daigle,
Christoffer Monz
Pan-Arctic analysis of cultural ecosystem services using social media and automated content analysis
Environmental Research Communications (ERC) 2020
Helen Wheeler,
Finn Danielsen,
Maryann Fidel,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Tim Horstkotte,
Noor Johnson
et al.:
The need for transformative changes in the use of Indigenous knowledge along with science for environmental decision-making in the Arctic
Sigrid Engen,
Else Grete Broderstad,
Jannike Falk-Andersson,
Per Fauchald,
Georgina G. Gurney,
Vera Helene Hausner
et al.:
Blue justice: eliciting perceptions of environmental justice related to planning and use of coastal areas in Northern-Norway
Karen O'Brien,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Håkon Borchgrevink Stokland
Transformative change assessment. Overview for second external review
Sigrid Engen,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Per Fauchald,
Eirik Inge Mikkelsen,
Jannike Falk-Andersson,
Emma Annika Salminen
et al.:
Blue justice: eliciting the perceptions of environmental justice among coastal planners, fishers (fish farmers and tourism operators) in Northern-Norway
Charlotte Teresa Weber,
Sigrid Engen,
Tamer Sabry Zaki Abu Alam,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Lena Schøning
CoastShift Workshop to develop target-based scenarios for future blue food systems in Northern Norway.
Lena Schøning,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Mathilde Daasvatn Morel
Juss og bærekraftig omstilling: En studie av akvakulturregulering
Ann Eileen Lennert,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Anton Heijbel,
Mathias Leines Dahle,
Stine Emilie Nøding
Nature-based tourism as a driving force for protection, restoration and sustainability development of coastal ecosystems
Linn Bruholt,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Maret Johansdatter Heatta
Varanger i endring – hva betyr det for oss?
Linn Bruholt,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Maret Johansdatter Heatta
Varanger i endring – hva betyr det for oss?
Vera Helene Hausner,
Maret Johansdatter Heatta
Varanger i endring – hva betyr det for oss?
Sagat 2024
Vera Helene Hausner,
Maret Johansdatter Heatta
Varanger i endring - hva betyr det for oss?
Nordnorsk Debatt 2024
Vera Helene Hausner
Atlantisk Arktisk Agora
Ann Eileen Lennert,
Linn Bruholt,
Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur,
René Van der Wal,
Jasmine Zhang,
Vera Helene Hausner
et al.:
Svalbards unike kunnskap
Svalbardposten 2023
Zina Asnah Kebir,
Tamer Abu-Alam,
Lena Schøning,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Charlotte Teresa Weber,
Cristina Maria Iordan
et al.:
Sustainable blue foods: drivers and barriers in northern Norway
Linn Bruholt,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Maret Johansdatter Heatta
Fra fjell til fjord (C2C) - Varanger
Klimaendringer på tvers av land, ferskvann og kystøkosystemer.
Ann Eileen Lennert,
Vera Helene Hausner
Building a lighthouse to co-create nature-based solutions around an Arctic Archipelago
Ann Eileen Lennert,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Anton Heijbel
Naturbasert turisme som en drivkraft for beskyttelse, gjenoppbygging og bærekraftig utvikling av kystøkosystemer
Ottar 2023
Ann Eileen Lennert,
Rene van der Wal,
Jasmine Zhang,
Zdenka Sokolickova,
Maarten Loonen,
Vera Helene Hausner
et al.:
Knowing wide and deep: unleashing knowledge of environmental change
Vera Helene Hausner
Scenarios and visions, as used by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
Ann Eileen Lennert,
Vera Helene Hausner
From Catchment 2 Coast: Mapping research and management needs and socio-ecological linkages
Ann Eileen Lennert,
Vera Helene Hausner
Climate Change Effects on Nature and Society in the Arctic
CENSArctic Summer School August 2022:
Ann Eileen Lennert,
Vera Helene Hausner
Storymap: Svalur -bridging knowledge, lived experiences and environments
Vera Helene Hausner
Vera Helene Hausner
Blue growth and green shift scenarios, models and impacts
Vera Helene Hausner
What is a socio-ecological system?
Ann Eileen Lennert,
Linn Bruholt,
Vera Helene Hausner
Klima – og miljøendringer på Svalbard -PPGIS Programvare
Sigrid Engen,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Eirik Inge Mikkelsen,
Hege Gundersen,
Hartvig C Christie,
Jannike Falk-Andersson
et al.:
Bærekraftig kyst: utvikling av et Kystbarometer for Nord-Norge
Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur,
Vera Helene Hausner
Research gaps and trends in the Arctic tundra: a topic-modelling approach
Lorena Munoz,
Vera Helene Hausner,
Per Fauchald,
Christopher Monz
Mapping nature’s contribution to people: Opportunities and limitations of crowdsourced data to identify place-based values and conservation concerns
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2020
Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur,
Vera Helene Hausner
Replication Data for: Research gaps and trends in the Arctic tundra: a topic modeling approach. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18710/WBKY7Q