Bilde av Wråkberg, Urban
Bilde av Wråkberg, Urban
Fakultehtahálddahus at HSL-fak +4778450588 90855449

Urban Wråkberg

  • Urban Wråkberg, Peter Haugseth :
    Tracks across the Tundra: Making a Living from Nature in the Borderland of the Russian Northwest
    Berghahn Books 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Urban Sven Fredrik Wråkberg :
    Science as Arbitrator on Arctic Land-Use Issues: а Historical Appraisal
    Электронный научно-образовательный журнал «История» 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld and His Svalbard Expedition of 1872–73
    Springer Nature 2021 DOI
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg :
    Experience of Norwegian-Russian cooperation in the field of education at the University of Tromsø - Arctic University of Norway Campus Alta and Kirkenes
    Murmansk State Humanities University 2021 ARKIV
  • Victoria V. Tevlina, Urban Wråkberg, Ryzhkova Inna :
    Introduction from the editors
    Murmansk State Humanities University 2020
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Наука и индустрия на Кольском полуострове после 1917 года (Science and Industry on the Kola Peninsula since 1917)
    Murmansk State Humanities University 2020
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Oil and gas extraction in the Barents Sea: A Nordic state-industry governance system goes north
    Routledge 2019 DOI
  • Vassily Borovoy, Niklas Eklund, Ekaterina Kalemeneva, Dmitry Lajus, Julia Lajus, Daria Stogova et al.:
    Imageries and historical change in the European Russian Arctic
    Routledge 2019 DOI
  • Sabine Höhler, Julia Lajus, Peder William Chellew Roberts, Urban Wråkberg :
    Troubling the northern seas: The turbulent history of Norwegian and Russian fisheries
    Routledge 2019 DOI
  • Dag Avango, Jan Kunnas, Maria Pettersson, Örjan Pettersson, Peder William Chellew Roberts, Lovisa Solbär et al.:
    Constructing northern Fennoscandia as a mining region
    Routledge 2019 DOI
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Collective memory of the Kirkenes iron mine in sub-Arctic Norway: Its role in forming the future
    Polar Record 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    A.E. Nordenskiöld in Swedish memory: the origin and uses of Arctic heroism
    Acta Borealia 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Tourism in the Subarctic and the Baltic Sea regions of Europe
    Арктика и Север 2018 FULLTEKST / ARKIV / DOI
  • Nadir Kinossian, Urban Wråkberg :
    Berghahn Books 2017
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg :
    Tourism Experiences in Post-Soviet Arctic Borderlands
    CABI Publishing 2017
  • Victoria V. Tevlina, Urban Wråkberg, Ryzhkova Inna :
    Russia and Norway. Multidimensional Relations in the Borderland. Essays in Russian and English (Россия и Норвегия. Многогранные взаимоотношения в приграничье. Сборник научных статей)
    Murmansk State Humanities University 2020
  • Urban Sven Fredrik Wråkberg :
    Science diplomacy and Arctic governance: A contextualization of scientific knowledge claims as basis for northern land-use policies
    2024 FULLTEKST
  • Urban Sven Fredrik Wråkberg :
    Studying the Euroarctic Green Transition
  • Urban Sven Fredrik Wråkberg :
    Studying the Norwegian, Finnish and Russian Subarctic Borderland – Past, Present and Future
    2024 FULLTEKST
  • Urban Wråkberg, Peter Haugseth, David Alenga :
    Arctic Futures Scenarios
  • Urban Sven Fredrik Wråkberg :
    Presentation at the roundtable Rethinking the History of Arctic Science in the 21st Century: Science as Arbitrator on Arctic Land-Use Issues – A Historical Appraisal
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Sven Fredrik Wråkberg :
    Forskning på Urbane Arktis er igang
    30. Nov 2023
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Hacia el hielo: La exploración polar en el siglio XIX y comienzos del XX
    Desperta ferro Arqueologia 2022
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    A.E. Nordenskiölds Nordost-passage 1878-1879: Ledarskap, upptäckts-prioriteter och nationalism
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Current research needs and trends in Northern Studies
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Hvordan skrive fagartikler, sett fra redaktør og fagfelleperspektivet
  • Urban Wråkberg, Victoria V. Tevlina :
    Om den nye boka «Russia and Norway. Multidimensional Relations in the Borderland» («Россия и Норвегия. Многогранные взаимоотношения в приграничье»). Redigert av V.V.Tevlina, I.V.Ryzhkova, U.Wråkberg (2020)
  • Urban Wråkberg, Victoria V. Tevlina :
    Norsk-russisk forskningssamarbeid i 2019-2020: Om produksjonen av boken 'Russia and Norway. Multidimensional Relations in the Borderland'
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg :
    Experience of Norwegian-Russian cooperation in the field of education at the University of Tromsø - Arctic University of Norway Campus Alta and Kirkenes
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Färdigställning av forskningsartiklar – med fokus på publikationsprocessen
    2020 ARKIV
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg :
    Dårlige tider? Bruk grensekryssende høgere utdanning!
    Nordlys 2020
  • Victoria V. Tevlina, Urban Wråkberg :
    Ny boklansering “Russia and Norway. Multidimensional Relations in the Borderland”. Essays in Russian and English (Victoria V. Tevlina, Inna Ryzhkova & Urban Wråkberg (eds)). Murmansk, Murmansk Arctic State University, 2020
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Statement at the roundtable 6H: Merging environmental history, business history, and history of science and technology in the study of natural resources
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Grensekryssende turisme i Europa – inspirert av Barentsmodellen
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    The Development of Russian and Norwegian Northern Towns in Soviet Times
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Nature and Culture Heritage in Arctic Tourism: The Case of Svalbard / Spitsbergen
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Off-shore Industry on the Norwegian Sector of the Seabed of the Barents Sea: Geo-economics, Technoscience and Regional Challenges
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg, Hindertje Hoarau-Heemstra :
    Maritime Tourism: Challenges and opportunities of cruising.Parallel Session IV:25/27
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Research at the Arctic University of Norway in Kirkenes
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Ungdom, Grenseland og Forskningssamarbeid i Europa
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Tourism initiatives on Svalbard: A scholarly perspective
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    The development of Russian and Norwegian cities in the north in soviet times
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Northern cross-border tourism and cultural heritage in a European perspective
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Review of: Johan Schimanski & Ulrike Spring, Passagiere des Eises: Polarhelten und arktische Diskurse 1874 (Wien & Köln, 2015)
    Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge) 2017
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Some ideas for joint research on the borderlands of Europe: Memory, culture & regional development
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Presentation of the chapters on “Energy” in one of the forthcoming books of the Mistra Arctic Sustainable Development research programme
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Nature, heritage and geopolitics in the Arctic visitor industry: Some case studies from Svalbard and North-West Russia
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Non-renewable energy resources in the Fennoscandian north: Technological path-dependence and competing visions of change
  • Peter Haugseth, Urban Wråkberg :
    Some ideas for joint research and tourism in the borderlands of Europe
  • Urban Wråkberg :
    Beyond statistics and stations: Borderlands as cross-roads

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →