Florian Hiss

  • Hilde Sollid, Florian Hiss, Anja Maria Pesch :
    Learnings from/about diversity in space and time: discursive constructions in the semiotic landscape of a teacher education building in Norway
    International Journal of Multilingualism 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Florian Hiss :
    English in Norway's multilingual North. A rhizomatic view on encounters with historical and transnational diversity
    Routledge 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Florian Hiss :
    Contextualising Diversity, Work and Mobility Across Time: Cases from Norway's 'High North'
    Multilingual Matters 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Florian Hiss, Anja Maria Pesch, Hilde Sollid :
    Multilingual encounters in Northern Norway
    Acta Borealia 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Florian Hiss, Anna Loppacher :
    “The working language is Norwegian. Not that this means anything, it seems”: when expectations meet the new multilingual reality
    Acta Borealia 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Florian Hiss :
    Researching language at work in public and hidden domains. Historical time and temporal contextualization
    Routledge 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Florian Hiss :
    Responding responsibly: Ideological, interactional, and professional responsibilities in survey responses about multilingualism at work
    Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice 2019 DOI
  • Florian Hiss :
    Talk, Time, and Creativity: Developing Ideas and Identities During a Start-up Weekend
    Language & Communication 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Florian Hiss :
    Workplace Multilingualism in Shifting Contexts: A Historical Case
    Language in society 2017 ARKIV / DOI
  • Florian Hiss :
    Språklig og kulturelt mangfold rundt Nordkalottens første industrielle storbedrift
    Multiethnica 2017 ARKIV
  • Florian Hiss :
    Fraud and Fairy Tales: Storytelling and Linguistic Indexicals in Scam E-mails
    International Journal of Literary Linguistics 2015 DOI
  • Florian Hiss :
    Engagement in Sámi language revitalization: Responsibility management in a research interview
    Pragmatics and Society 2015 DOI
  • Florian Hiss :
    Flerspråklighetens rolle på det nordnorske arbeidsmarkedet: En stikkprøve
    Novus Forlag 2014
  • Florian Hiss :
    Tromsø as a "Sámi Town"? – Language ideologies, attitudes, and debates surrounding bilingual language policies
    Language Policy 2013 DOI
  • Florian Hiss :
    Tromsø som samisk by? – Språkideologier og medienes rolle i språkdebatten
    Nordlit 2012 ARKIV / DOI
  • Florian Hiss :
    Managing Sociolinguistic Challenges: Storytelling about Language Loss and Continuity in the Case of Sámi
    Novus Forlag 2012
  • Florian Hiss :
    Sosiale roller og lokale og globale interesser i vurderingen av språksituasjoner
    Nordlyd 2012 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hilde Sollid, Florian Hiss, Anja Maria Pesch :
    Learnings from/about diversity in space and time
  • Ragni Vik Johnsen, Florian Hiss :
    Allocating, taking and negotiating responsibility for language choice: The interplay between policies, discourses and individual voices
  • Hilde Sollid, Florian Hiss :
    The semiotic landscape of a ECEC teacher education - links to past and present diversity?
  • Florian Hiss, Hilde Sollid :
    The semiotic landscape of a ECEC teacher education - links to past and present diversity?
  • Florian Hiss, Hilde Sollid :
    Språklig og kulturelt mangfold i det semiotiske landskapet på Institutt for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk​
  • Florian Hiss :
    Varying metalinguistic contextualizations of linguistic diversity at work
  • Florian Hiss :
    Multilingualism and responsibility at work
  • Florian Hiss :
    Språklig og kulturelt mangfold i arbeid (Nordnorge)
  • Florian Hiss :
    Same question, same answer? Interviews, multilingualism, and the role of minority languages in the workplace
  • Florian Hiss :
    Språkmangfold rundt Nord-Norges første storindustri
  • Florian Hiss :
    Multilingualism in the workplace. Historical cases and modern contextualisation
  • Florian Hiss :
    Språkmangfoldet rundt Alten Kobberverk
    Ruijan Kaiku 18. May 2016 FULLTEKST
  • Florian Hiss :
    The multiple dimensions of workplace multilingualism in the North
  • Florian Hiss, Anna Loppacher :
    Telephone interviewing among company representatives – seen through an ethnographic lens
  • Florian Hiss :
    Samme spørsmål, samme svar? – Telefonintervju, flerspråklighet og minoritetsspråkenes rolle på arbeidsplassen
  • Florian Hiss :
    Fieldwork among Young Entrepreneurs: Processing Ethnographic Data from a Startup Weekend
  • Florian Hiss :
    Traditional and new multilingualism in work and economy: Perspectives from Northern Norway
  • Florian Hiss :
    Linguistic and cultural diversity at work. Perspectives from Northern Norway
  • Florian Hiss :
    Traditional and new multilingualism in regional economy: Resources, diversity, and professional practices
  • Florian Hiss :
    Språklig og kulturelt mangfold i arbeid
  • Florian Hiss :
    Order out of chaos: Developing business ideas in linguistic collaboration
  • Florian Hiss :
    Linguistic and Cultural Diversity at Work
  • Florian Hiss :
    Managing the Sámi language situation – perspectives from Norway
  • Florian Hiss :
    Narrating language life and death: Responsibility management in a research interview
  • Florian Hiss :
    Språkholdninger, emosjoner, identiteter - Hva betyr språklige forskjeller for oss?
    Ottar 2014
  • Florian Hiss :
    New speakers, old minorities, and the workplace: Perspectives from the High North
  • Florian Hiss :
    Flerspråklighet som framtidssatsing: et ambisiøst prosjekt i Tyskland
    Forskning.no 27. Feb 2014
  • Florian Hiss :
    Mellom språktap og språkbevaring: Narrativer og forklaringsmodeller om den sosiolingvistiske situasjonen i et samisk-norsk lokalsamfunn
  • Florian Hiss :
    Språkdebatter, språkideologier… Hvilken rolle spiller egentlig språket?
    Forskning.no 2012 FULLTEKST
  • Florian Hiss :
    Sosiale roller og håndtering av ansvar i informantintervjuet
  • Florian Hiss :
    Managing the language dilemma. Storytelling about loss and continuity in the case of Sámi
  • Florian Hiss :
    Encountering Complexity. Hybrid Discourse and Individual Management of Multilingualism and Social Meaning
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2012
  • Florian Hiss :
    “I know the language … So use it!” - Meaningful Engagement in Sámi (Re-)vitalisation

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →