Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Matthias Forwick,
Jan Sverre Laberg
Depositional Environments in the Northern Barents Sea, from the Last Glacial to the Present
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Christine Tømmervik Kollsgård,
Katrine Husum,
Matthias Forwick,
Jan Sverre Laberg
et al.:
Glacial History of the Northern Barents Sea Reconstructed from Submarine Landforms – Nansen Legacy Results and Research Outlook
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Matthias Forwick,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Monica Winsborrow
Deglacial and post-glacial sedimentary processes south of Kvitøya, northern Barents Sea
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Charlotte Stark
Fortidas røyndomar på havbotnen – ein geolog sin saga
11. Feb 2022
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen
Hva kan havbunnen i Barentshavet fortelle oss om fortidens klima?
Forskersonen.no 13. Feb 2022
Anna Pienkowski,
Katrine Husum,
Mark F.A. Furze,
Roy D. Coulthard,
Amandine F.J. Missana,
Nil Irvali
et al.:
Revised marine reservoir offset (ΔR) values for molluscs and marine mammals for the archipelagos of Arctic North America and the Barents Sea
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Matthias Forwick,
Jan Sverre Laberg
Deglacial and post-glacial sedimentary processes south of Kvitøya, Svalbard
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Matthias Forwick,
Jan Sverre Laberg
Deglaciation of the Erik Eriksen Strait –preliminary results
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Matthias Forwick,
Jan Sverre Laberg
Deglacial and post-glacial sedimentary processes south of Kvitøya, Svalbard
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Matthias Forwick,
Monica Winsborrow,
Jan Sverre Laberg
Depositional environments in the northern Barents Sea, from the last glacial to the present — preliminary results
Violeth Charles Swai,
Christine Tømmervik Kollsgård,
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Carmen Braun,
Eirik Gottschalk Ballo
XRF core scanning for paleoclimate reconstructions
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Matthias Forwick,
Katrine Husum,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Ulysses S Ninnemann
NW Barents Sea Ice Sheet dynamics during the last glaciation inferred from submarine landforms east of Spitsbergen
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Matthias Forwick,
Katrine Husum,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Ulysses S Ninnemann
NW Barents Sea Ice Sheet dynamics during the last glaciation inferred from submarine landforms east of Spitsbergen
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Jørn Berger Nyvoll,
Inger Lise Næss,
Lena Seuthe
You have probably heard that the ice sheets are melting
Katrine Husum,
Ulysses S Ninnemann,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Elisabeth Alve,
Naima El Bani Altuna,
Anna Hauge Braaten
et al.:
Paleo Cruise 2018: Cruise Report
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen
Havbunnen skjuler fortidens klimaspor
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Matthias Forwick,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Monica Winsborrow
palaeo environments in the
NW Barents Sea from the last glacial to the
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Matthias Forwick,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Monica Winsborrow
Palaeo-environments in the Kvitøya Trough and the Unnamed Trough based on lithological an geochemical analyses
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Matthias Forwick,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Monica Winsborrow
environments in the northern Barents
Sea from the last glacial to the present based
on lithological and geochemical analyses
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Marie Bulinová,
Christine Lockwood-Ireland,
Lis Allaart,
Anders Schomacker,
Sofia Elisabeth Kjellman
Fortidens klima/Paleoclimate
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Matthias Forwick,
Katrine Husum,
Amando Putra Ersaid Lasabuda,
J S Laberg
et al.:
The deglaciation of the NW Barents Sea - new insights from swath-bathymetry and sub-bottom profiler data from east of the Svalbard archipelago
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Matthias Forwick,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Monica Winsborrow
Palaeo Environments in the Northern Barents Sea from the Last Glacial to the Present
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen,
Matthias Forwick,
Jan Sverre Laberg,
Tom Arne Rydningen,
Monica Winsborrow
Palaeo-environments in the northern Barents Sea, from
the last glacial to the present – preliminary results
Vårin Trælvik Eilertsen
Før var det ikke hav i Barentshavet, men is. Blogg: Arven etter Nansen
19. Oct 2018