Elisabeth Cecilie Klæbo Reitan,
Henriette Riley,
Tordis Sørensen Høifødt,
Valentina Maria Do Rosario Cab Iversen,
Anne Høye
Exploring the unconventional: health professionals’ experiences into medication-free treatment for patients with severe mental illness
Elisabeth Cecilie Klæbo Reitan,
Henriette Riley,
Valentina Maria Do Rosario Cab Iversen,
Anne Høye
What is it all about? An explorative study of patients’ experiences with medication free treatment
Elisabeth Cecilie Klæbo Reitan,
Valentina Maria Do Rosario Cab Iversen,
Henriette Riley,
Anne Høye
Why do patients want medication free treatment for psychosis? An explorative study on reasons for applying to medication free programs
Nina Camilla Wergeland,
Åshild Fause,
Astrid Weber,
Anette Beatrix Osnes Fause,
Henriette Riley
Capacity-based legislation in Norway has so far scarcely influenced the daily life and responsibilities of patients' carers: a qualitative study
Georg Høyer,
Olav Nyttingnes,
Jorun Rugkåsa,
Ekaterina Sharashova,
Tone Breines Simonsen,
Anne Høye
et al.:
Impact of introducing capacity-based mental health legislation on the use of community treatment orders in Norway: case registry study
Martin Kragnes Bystad,
Njål Bjørhovde,
Yvonne Larsen,
Per M Aslaksen,
Henriette Riley
Døgnvariasjoner for innleggelser ved akuttpsykiatriske enheter
Tidsskrift for Norsk psykologforening (Psykologtidsskriftet) 2022
Nina Camilla Wergeland,
Åshild Fause,
Astrid Weber,
Anette Beatrix Osnes Fause,
Henriette Riley
Increased autonomy with capacity-based mental health legislation in Norway: a qualitative study of patient experiences of having come off a community treatment order
BMC Health Services Research 2022
Nina Camilla Wergeland,
Åshild Fause,
Astrid Weber,
Anett Beatrix Osnes Fause,
Henriette Riley
Health professionals' experience of treatment of patients whose community treatment order was revoked under new capacity-based mental health legislation in Norway: qualitative study
Henriette Riley,
Ekaterina Sharashova,
Jorun Rugkåsa,
Olav Nyttingnes,
Tore Buer Christensen,
Ann-Torunn Andersen Austegard
et al.:
Out-patient commitment order use in Norway: Incidence and prevalence rates, duration and use of mental health services from the Norwegian Outpatient Commitment Study
Jorun Rugkåsa,
Olav Nyttingnes,
Tone Breines Simonsen,
Jurate Saltyte Benth,
Bjørn Lau,
Henriette Riley
et al.:
The use of outpatient commitment in Norway: Who are the patients and what does it involve?
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 2018
Henriette Riley,
Geir F Lorem,
Georg Høyer
Community treatment orders – what are the views of decision makers?
Journal of Mental Health 2018
Henriette Riley,
Bjørn Straume,
Georg Høyer
Patients on outpatient commitment orders in Northern Norway
Henriette Riley,
Georg Høyer,
Geir F Lorem
'When coercion moves into your home’ – a qualitative study of patient experiences with outpatient commitment in Norway
Health and Social Care in the Community 2014
Henriette Riley,
Ståle Bratland,
Thomas Hansen
Nasjonal koordinering kan styrke sikkerheten.
Henriette Riley,
Marius Storvik,
Thomas Hansen
Tvangshjemler kan føre til mer tvang
Nina Camilla Wergeland,
Astrid Weber,
Espen Gade Rolland,
Henriette Riley
Vurdering av samtykkekompetanse bidrar til bedre hjelp
Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2022
Henriette Riley
Tvunget psykisk helsevern uten døgnopphold