Bo Wold Nilsen,
Aili Sara,
Jan-Are Kolset Johnsen,
Rita Myrlund,
Anders Sjögren
Hvordan kartlegger og forstår tannhelsepersonell begrepet «store vansker med psykisk og sosial mestring» i forbindelse med bittavvik?
Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende 2022
Mathieu Mouhat,
Lina Stangvaltaite-Mouhat,
Emil Finnäs,
Amani Andersen,
Anneli Lirhus Evertsen,
Bo Wold Nilsen
How does indirect air-cooling influence pulp chamber temperature in different volume teeth and absence/presence of resin-based composite during light curing?
Mathieu Mouhat,
Lina Stangvaltaite-Mouhat,
James Mercer,
Bo Wold Nilsen,
Ulf Örtengren
Light-curing units used in dentistry: Effect of their characteristics on temperature development in teeth
Dental materials journal 2021
Bo Wold Nilsen,
Mathieu Mouhat,
Torbjørn Haukland,
Ulf Thore Ørtengren,
James Mercer
Heat Development in the Pulp Chamber During Curing Process of Resin-Based Composite Using Multi-Wave LED Light Curing Unit
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry 2020
Bo Wold Nilsen,
Mathieu Mouhat,
Asbjørn Jokstad
Quantification of porosity in composite resins delivered by injectable syringes using X-ray microtomography
Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry 2020
Bo Wold Nilsen,
Einar Jensen,
Ulf Thore Ørtengren,
Berit Bang,
Vibeke Barman Michelsen
Airborne exposure to gaseous and particle-associated organic substances in resin-based dental materials during restorative procedures
European Journal of Oral Sciences 2019
Bo Wold Nilsen,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Ulf Thore Ørtengren,
Einar Jensen,
Jack-Ansgar Bruun,
Vibeke Barman Michelsen
et al.:
Dose- and time-dependent effects of triethylene glycol dimethacrylate on the proteome of human THP-1 monocytes
European Journal of Oral Sciences 2018
Bo Wold Nilsen,
Einar Jensen,
Ulf Thore Ørtengren,
Vibeke Barman Michelsen
Analysis of organic components in resin-modified pulp capping materials: critical considerations
European Journal of Oral Sciences 2017
Bo Wold Nilsen,
Ulf Thore Ørtengren,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Karen Kristine Sørensen,
Vibeke Barman Michelsen
Methods and terminology used in cell-culture studies of low-dose effects of matrix constituents of polymer resin-based dental materials
European Journal of Oral Sciences 2016
Paula Hanna Therese Frid,
Kine Jespersen,
Sølve Hellem,
Thomas Brox,
Juliane Hesse,
Sigurd Hadler-Olsen
et al.:
Evaluation of Treatment Outcomes, Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression, and Satisfaction with Life after Orthognathic
Surgery – a preliminary report.
Bo Wold Nilsen,
Aksel Wikant,
Arne Hensten
Noen betraktninger rundt bruken av lysherdende materialer for pulpaoverkapping - er raskere alltid bedre?
Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende 2019
Bo Wold Nilsen
Lysherdende cappingmaterialer - En uheldig miks?
Bo Wold Nilsen
Toksikologiske reaksjoner relatert til dentale monomerer –
Kartlegging av cellulære mekanismer
Bo Wold Nilsen,
Ulf Thore Ørtengren,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Karen Kristine Sørensen,
Vibeke Barman Michelsen
Low-grade toxicity of matrix constituents of polymer resin based dental materials - A review of terminology and methods