Hedda Beate Berg,
Dena Treider Alavi,
Benedicte Beichmann,
Maiju Pesonen,
Christine Henriksen,
Ingvild Paur
et al.:
The choice of diagnostic modality influences the proportion of low muscle strength, low muscle mass, and sarcopenia in colorectal cancer patients
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 2024
Benedicte Beichmann,
Christine Henriksen,
Ingvild Paur,
Mari Mohn Paulsen
Barriers and facilitators of improved nutritional support for patients newly diagnosed with cancer: a pre-implementation study
BMC Health Services Research 2024
Anne Lene Nordengen,
Annika Krutto,
Ane Sørlie Kværner,
Dena Treider Alavi,
Hege Henriksen,
Sigbjørn Smeland
et al.:
Attenuation of DNA base oxidation in post-surgery colorectal stage III patients at subsequent follow-ups
Free Radical Biology & Medicine 2024
Sandra Einarsson,
Lene Thoresen,
Randi Tobberup,
Ingvild Paur
Dietitians' experiences of nutrition assessment via TeleNutrition: “Video-calls are better than phone-calls, but it's probably difficult for patients to show their ankles on the screen”
Clinical Nutrition Open Science 2024
Trude Rakel Balstad,
Marianne Bråtveit,
Tora S Solheim,
Lisa Heide Koteng,
Asta Bye,
Rasmus Dahl Jakobsen
et al.:
Validity of dietary intake methods in cancer cachexia
Current opinion in supportive and palliative care 2024
Anne Lene Nordengen,
Congying Zheng,
Annika Krutto,
Ane Sørlie Kværner,
Dena Treider Alavi,
Hege Henriksen
et al.:
Effect of a personalized intensive dietary intervention on base excision repair (BER) in colorectal cancer patients: Results from a randomized controlled trial
Free Radical Biology & Medicine 2024
Inger Ottestad,
Lene Thoresen,
Randi Julie Tangvik,
Siv Hilde Fjeldstad,
Mina Marie Authen,
Sandra Følstad
et al.:
Inadequate nutritional care for malnourished patients in four university hospitals – The QuaNuT study
Clinical Nutrition Open Science 2024
Maria Enge,
Frida Ostonen Peelen,
Rikke Lundsgaard Nielsen,
Anne Marie Beck,
Ann Ödlund Olin,
Tommy Cederholm
et al.:
Malnutrition prevalence according to GLIM and its feasibility in geriatric patients: a prospective cross-sectional study
European Journal of Nutrition 2024
Lisa Heide Koteng,
Kari Sand,
Ingvild Paur,
Asta Bye,
Bente Ervik,
Tora S Solheim
et al.:
Exploring the barriers to diagnosing malnutrition in patients with cancer: A study on oncologists' perspectives
Clinical Nutrition Open Science 2024
Dena Treider Alavi,
Hege Berg Henriksen,
Peter Mæhre Lauritzen,
Manuela Zucknick,
Siv Kjølsrud Bøhn,
Christine Henriksen
et al.:
Effect of a one-year personalized intensive dietary intervention on body composition in colorectal cancer patients: Results from a randomized controlled trial
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 2023
Ane Sørlie Kværner,
Astrid Riseth Andersen,
Hege Berg Henriksen,
Markus Dines Knudsen,
Anne Marte Wetting Johansen,
Anette Hjartåker
et al.:
Associations of the 2018 World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute of Cancer Research (WCRF/AICR) cancer prevention recommendations with stages of colorectal carcinogenesis
Marit Kolberg,
Ingvild Paur,
Yi-Qian Sun,
Linda Gjøra,
Håvard Kjesbu Skjellegrind,
Anne Pernille Mæhle Thingstad
et al.:
Prevalence of malnutrition among older adults in a population-based study - The HUNT Study
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 2023
Torunn Holm Totland,
Henriette Walaas Krogh,
Guro Berge Smedshaug,
Ragnhild Agathe Tornes,
Asta Bye,
Ingvild Paur
Harmonization and standardization of malnutrition screening for all adults - A systematic review initiated by the Norwegian Directorate of Health
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 2022
Mari Mohn Paulsen,
Ingvild Paur,
Christine Henriksen,
Lene Frost Andersen
Low inter-rater reliability between nurses and researchers for the NRS-2002 screening tool for malnutrition in a hematological hospital ward
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 2022
Kristin Stenger Rosnes,
Christine Henriksen,
Anne Høidalen,
Ingvild Paur
Agreement between the GLIM criteria and PG-SGA in a mixed patient population at a nutrition outpatient clinic
Dena Helene Alavi,
Hege Henriksen,
Peter Mæhre Lauritzen,
Ane Sørlie Kværner,
Tomas Sakinis,
Torgrim Mikal Langleite
et al.:
Quantification of adipose tissues by Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry and Computed Tomography in colorectal cancer patients
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 2021
Christine Henriksen,
Ingvild Paur,
Astrid Pedersen,
Ane Sørlie Kværner,
Hanna Ræder,
Hege Henriksen
et al.:
Agreement between GLIM and PG-SGA for diagnosis of malnutrition depends on the screening tool used in GLIM
Clinical Nutrition 17. Dec 2021
Mari Mohn Paulsen,
Ingvild Paur,
Johanna Gjestland,
Christine Henriksen,
Cecilie Varsi,
Randi Julie Tangvik
et al.:
Effects of using the MyFood decision support system on hospitalized patients' nutritional status and treatment: A randomized controlled trial
Mari Rivelsrud,
Ingvild Paur,
Kari Sygnestveit,
Roy M. Nilsen,
Randi J. Tangvik
Nutritional treatment is associated with longer survival in patients with pancreatic disease and concomitant risk of malnutrition
Clinical Nutrition 2020
Linnea Bärebring,
Ane Sørlie Kværner,
Madeleine Skotnes,
Hege Henriksen,
Anne Juul Skjetne,
Christine Henriksen
et al.:
Use of bioelectrical impedance analysis to monitor changes in fat-free mass during recovery from colorectal cancer– a validation study
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 03. Oct 2020
Anu Koivisto-Mørk,
Ingvild Paur,
Gøran Paulsen,
Ina Garthe,
Truls Raastad,
Nasser Ezzatkhah Bastani
et al.:
Dietary Adjustments to Altitude Training in Elite Endurance Athletes; Impact of a Randomized Clinical Trial With Antioxidant-Rich Foods
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living 2020
Hege Berg Henriksen,
Christine Henriksen,
Hanna Ræder,
Ane Sørlie Kværner,
Anne Juul Skjetne,
Siv Kjølsrud Bøhn
et al.:
Hvilke kostråd skal man gi til pasienter behandlet for tarmkreft?
Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring (NTFE) 2019
Anu Koivisto,
Thomas Olsen,
Ingvild Paur,
Gøran Paulsen,
Nasser Ezzatkhah Bastani,
Ina Garthe
et al.:
Effects of antioxidant-rich foods on altitude-induced oxidative stress and inflammation in elite endurance athletes: A randomized controlled trial
Mari Mohn Paulsen,
Cecilie Varsi,
Ingvild Paur,
Randi Julie Tangvik,
Lene Frost Andersen
Barriers and Facilitators for Implementing a Decision Support System to Prevent and Treat Disease-Related Malnutrition in a Hospital Setting: Qualitative Study
JMIR Formative Research 2019
Hanna Ræder,
Ane Sørlie Kværner,
Christine Henriksen,
Geir Florholmen,
Hege Henriksen,
Siv Kjølsrud Bøhn
et al.:
Validity of bioelectrical impedance analysis in estimation of fat-free mass in colorectal cancer patients
Clinical Nutrition 12. Jan 2017
Ane Sørlie Kværner,
Jun Minaguchi,
Naouale El Yamani,
Christine Henriksen,
Hanna Ræder,
Ingvild Paur
et al.:
DNA damage in blood cells in relation to chemotherapy and nutritional status in colorectal cancer patients — A pilot study
Ingvild Paur,
Mari Arnøy Slåttholm,
Anne Lise Ryel,
Sigbjørn Smeland
Riktig ernæring er viktig for kreftpasienter
Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening (Tidsskriftet) 2018
Hanna Ræder,
Christine Henriksen,
Siv Kjølsrud Bøhn,
Anne-Rikke Vilbo,
Hege Henriksen,
Ane Sørlie Kværner
et al.:
Agreement between PG-SGA category and fat-free mass in colorectal cancer patients
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 2018
Anu Koivisto,
Gøran Paulsen,
Ingvild Paur,
Ina Garthe,
Espen Tønnessen,
Truls Raastad
et al.:
Antioxidant-rich foods and response to altitude training: A randomized controlled trial in elite endurance athletes.
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 2018
Hege Henriksen,
Sveinung Berntsen,
Ingvild Paur,
Manuela Zucknick,
Anne Juul Skjetne,
Siv Kjølsrud Bøhn
et al.:
Validation of two short questionnaires assessing physical activity in colorectal cancer patients
BMC sports science, medicine and rehabilitation 2018
Hege Henriksen,
Monica Hauger Carlsen,
Ingvild Paur,
Sveinung Berntsen,
Siv Kjølsrud Bøhn,
Anne Juul Skjetne
et al.:
Relative validity of a short food frequency questionnaire assessing adherence to the Norwegian dietary guidelines among colorectal cancer patients
Food & Nutrition Research (FNR) 2018
Hege Henriksen,
Hanna Ræder,
Siv Kjølsrud Bøhn,
Ingvild Paur,
Ane Sørlie Kværner,
Siv Åshild Billington
et al.:
The Norwegian dietary guidelines and colorectal cancer survival (CRC-NORDIET) study: A food-based multicentre randomized controlled trial
Lisa Heide Koteng,
Kari Sand,
Ingvild Paur,
Asta Bye,
Bente Ervik,
Tora S Solheim
et al.:
Why Norwegian oncologists do not use diagnosis
codes for malnutrition
Lisa Heide Koteng,
Kari Sand,
Ingvild Paur,
Asta Bye,
Bente Ervik,
Tora Skeidsvoll Solheim
et al.:
Exploring the barriers to diagnosing malnutrition in cancer patients: A study on oncologists' perspectives
Trude Rakel Balstad,
Tora Skeidsvoll Solheim,
Inger Ottestad,
Ingvild Paur,
Rikka Frøyen Sande,
Emilie Hjønnevåg Markhus
et al.:
Parenteral nutrition in advanced cancer: Exploring the clinical landscape
Trude Rakel Balstad,
Marianne Bråtveit,
Tora S Solheim,
Lisa Heide Koteng,
Asta Bye,
Rasmus Dahl Jakobsen
et al.:
Validity of dietary intake methods in cancer cachexia
Ingvild Paur,
Guro Berge Smedshaug,
Brita Haugum,
Asta Bye,
Erlend Eliassen,
Trine Linn Flottorp
et al.:
The Norwegian Directorate of Health recommends malnutrition screening tool (MST) for all adults
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN 2022
Ingvild Paur,
Christine Henriksen,
Ane Sørlie Kværner,
Siv Kjølsrud Bøhn,
Rune Blomhoff
Reply – Letter to the Editor by FM Silva on “Agreement between GLIM and PG-SGA for diagnosis of malnutrition depends on the screening tool used in GLIM”
Clinical Nutrition 2022
Inger Ottestad,
Lene Thoresen,
Randi Julie Tangvik,
Siv Hilde Fjeldstad,
Mina Marie Authen,
Sandra Følstad
et al.:
Quality of Nutritional Treatment in Norwegian Hospitals
Trude Rakel Balstad,
Ingvild Paur,
Ingrid Merethe Fange Gjelstad,
Lene Thoresen
Harris-Benedict-ligningen for å estimere individers
basalmetabolske rate er 100 år!
Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring (NTFE) 2020
Lene Thoresen,
Sissi C. Stove Lorentzen,
Ingvild Paur
Suksessen ligger i detaljene: Hvordan struktur i journalføring kan hjelpe til med å vise effekter av ernæringsbehandling
Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring (NTFE) 2020
Ingvild Paur,
Randi Julie Tangvik,
Lene Frost Andersen
MinMat, et digitalt verktøy for oppfølging av underernærte pasienter
Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring (NTFE) 2019
Mari Mohn Paulsen,
Ingvild Paur,
Randi Julie Tangvik,
Lene Frost Andersen
MinMat, et digitalt verktøy for oppfølging av underernærte pasienter
Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring (NTFE) 2019
Ane Sørlie Kværner,
Jun Minaguchi,
Naouale El Yamani,
Christine Henriksen,
Hanna Ræder,
Ingvild Paur
et al.:
DNA damage in blood cells in relation to chemotherapy and nutritional status in colorectal cancer patients
Oscar Daniel Rangel-Huerta,
Ingvild Paur,
Nasser Ezzatkhah Bastani,
Siv Kjølsrud Bøhn,
Wolfgang Lilleby,
Sigbjørn Smeland
et al.:
Association between amino acids, biomarkers of prostate cancer and inflammation in Norwegian prostate cancer patients
Lene Thoresen,
Hanne Jessie Juul,
Hugo Nilssen,
Ingvild Paur,
OKH Furulund,
Randi Julie Tangvik
Melde avvik innen ernæring og varsle alvorlig hendelser - hvorfor og hvordan?
Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring (NTFE) 2017
Ane Sørlie Kværner,
Elena Sunde,
Ingvild Paur,
Christine Henriksen
Høydepunkter fra ESPEN
Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring (NTFE) 20. Dec 2017
Hanne Jessie Juul,
Hugo Nilsen,
Ingvild Paur,
Lene Thoresen,
Randi Julie Tangvik
Ernæring og pasientsikkerhet
Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring (NTFE) 2017
Hugo Nilsen,
Hanne Jessie Juul,
Ingvild Paur,
Lene Thoresen,
Randi Julie Tangvik
Nutrition Day er revidert og bedre egnet til å evaluere kvalitetpå ernæringsbehandlingen
Norsk tidsskrift for ernæring (NTFE) 2017
Hanna Ræder,
Christine Henriksen,
Siv Kjølsrud Bøhn,
Anne Rikke O`de Fey Vilbo,
Hege Henriksen,
Ane Sørlie Kværner
et al.:
A high proportion of cachectic cancer patients are not identified by the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment tool