Simone Diab,
Assami Rösner,
Gaute Døhlen,
Henrik Brun,
Guro Grindheim,
Kanyalak Vithessonthi
et al.:
Systolic Function in the Fontan Circulation Is Exercise, but Not Preload, Recruitable
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography 2025
Martin Petter Høydahl,
Rolf Busund,
Assami Rösner,
Didrik Kjønås
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (from inception to standard treatment): a single-center observational study
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 2024
Anders W. Bjerring,
Knut Bjøro Smeland,
Thomas Muri Stokke,
Kristina Ingrid Helena Hermann Haugaa,
Espen Holte,
Assami Rösner
et al.:
Long-term cardiac effects of modern treatment for Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Arleen Aune,
Annabel Eide Ohldieck,
Lene Vernås Halvorsen,
Karl Marius Brobak,
Erik Olsen,
Stine Rognstad
et al.:
Gender Differences in Cardiac Organ Damage in Arterial Hypertension: Assessing the Role of Drug Nonadherence
High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention 2024
Akay Caglayan Hatice,
Didrik Kjønås,
Mikhail Kornev,
Amjid Iqbal,
Mehran Jazbani,
Assami Rösner
Resting segmental speckle tracking strain and strain rate in stable coronary artery disease and revascularized myocardial infarction
The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 2024
Assami Rösner,
Mikhail Kornev,
Akay Caglayan Hatice,
Sandro Queiros,
Sofia Malyutina,
Andrew Ryabikov
et al.:
Atrial Strain and Strain Rate in a General Population: Do These Measures Improve the Assessment of Elevated NT-proBNP Levels?
Cardiology Research and Practice 2024
Geir Fagerjord Lorem,
Eva Therese Næss,
Maja-Lisa Løchen,
Kjersti Rønningen Lillevoll,
Else-Marie Molund,
Assami Rösner
et al.:
Post-traumatic stress disorder among heart disease patients: a clinical follow-up of individuals with myocardial infarction in the Tromsø Study
Sindre Hellum Olaisen,
Erik Smistad,
Torvald Espeland,
Jieyu Hu,
David Francis Pierre Pasdeloup,
Andreas Østvik
et al.:
Automatic measurements of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction by artificial intelligence: clinical validation in real time and large databases
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging 2023
Synnøve Jensen,
Karin Louise Abeler,
Oddgeir Friborg,
Assami Rösner,
Caroline Olsborg,
Svein Ivar Mellgren
et al.:
Insomnia and sleep-disordered breathing in FKRP-related limb-girdle muscular dystrophy R9. The Norwegian LGMDR9 cohort study (2020)
Mikhail Kornev,
Akay Caglayan Hatice,
Alexander V Kudryavtsev,
Sofia Malyutina,
Andrew Ryabikov,
Henrik Schirmer
et al.:
Influence of hypertension on systolic and diastolic left ventricular function including segmental strain and strain rate
Mikhail Kornev,
Akay Caglayan Hatice,
Alexander V Kudryavtsev,
Sofia Malyutina,
Andrew Ryabikov,
Michael Stylidis
et al.:
Novel approach to artefact detection and the definition of normal ranges of segmental strain and strain-rate values
Assami Rösner,
Doff B. McElhinney,
Simone Diab,
Mark K. Friedberg,
George K. Lui
Classic-Pattern Dyssynchrony Is Associated with Outcome in Patients with Fontan Circulation
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography 2022
Thomas Möller,
Vibeke Klungerbo,
Simone Diab,
Henrik Holmstrøm,
Elisabeth Edvardsen,
Guro Grindheim
et al.:
Circulatory Response to Rapid Volume Expansion and Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Fontan Circulation
Didrik Kjønås,
Gry Dahle,
Henrik Schirmer,
Siri Malm,
Jo Eidet,
Lars Aaberge
et al.:
Risk scores for prediction of 30-day mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: Results from a two-center study in Norway
Health Science Reports 06. May 2021
Didrik Kjønås,
Henrik Schirmer,
Svend Aakhus,
Jo Eidet,
Siri Malm,
Lars Aaberge
et al.:
Clinical and Echocardiographic Parameters Predicting 1- and 2-Year Mortality After Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 06. Dec 2021
Akay Caglayan Hatice,
Didrik Kjønås,
Siri Malm,
Henrik Schirmer,
Assami Røsner
Echocardiographic assessment of diastolic dysfunction in elderly patients with severe aortic stenosis before and after aortic valve replacement
Cardiovascular Ultrasound 28. Sep 2021
Assami Røsner,
Martino Alessandrini,
Didrik Kjønås,
Oana Mirea,
Sandro Queiros,
Jan D`hooge
Quality Assurance of Segmental Strain Values Provided by Commercial 2-D Speckle Tracking Echocardiography Using in Silico Models: A Report from the EACVI-ASE Strain Standardization Task Force
Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 2021
Michael Stylidis,
Ekaterina Sharashova,
Tom Wilsgaard,
David Adrew Leon,
Geir Heggelund,
Assami Røsner
et al.:
Left atrial diameter, left ventricle filling indices, and association with all-cause mortality: Results from the population-based Tromsø Study
Didrik Kjønås,
Gry Dahle,
Henrik Schirmer,
Siri Malm,
Jo Eidet,
Lars Aaberge
et al.:
Predictors of early mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation
Assami Rösner,
Tara Bharucha,
Adam James,
Luc Mertens,
Mark K. Friedberg
Impact of Right Ventricular Geometry and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy on Right Ventricular Mechanics and Clinical Outcomes in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography 2019
Michael Stylidis,
David Adrew Leon,
Assami Røsner,
Henrik Schirmer
Global myocardial longitudinal strain in a general
population—associations with blood pressure and subclinical heart
failure: The Tromsø Study
The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 2019
Assami Rösner,
T Khalapyan,
Håvard Dalen,
DB McElhinney,
Mark K. Friedberg,
GK Lui
Classic-Pattern Dyssynchrony in Adolescents and Adults With a Fontan Circulation
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography 08. Dec 2017
Assami Røsner,
Tigran Khalapyan,
João Pedrosa,
Håvard Dalen,
Doff B. McElhinney,
Mark K. Friedberg
et al.:
Ventricular mechanics in adolescent and adult patients with a Fontan circulation: Relation to geometry and wall stress
Echocardiography 2018
Assami Røsner,
Henrik Schirmer,
Amjid Iqbal,
Bart Bijnens,
Derk Avenarius,
Siri Malm
Assessment of myocardial ischemia by strain dobutamine stress echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance perfusion imaging before and after coronary artery bypass grafting
Echocardiography 2017
Joao Pedrosa,
Daniel Barbosa,
Brecht Heyde,
Frederic Schnell,
Assami Røsner,
Piet Claus
et al.:
Left Ventricular Myocardial Segmentation in 3-D Ultrasound Recordings: Effect of Different Endocardial and Epicardial Coupling Strategies
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 2017
Klaus Murbræch,
Espen Holte,
Kaspar Broch,
Knut Bjøro Smeland,
Harald Holte,
Assami Røsner
et al.:
Impaired Right Ventricular Function in Long-Term Lymphoma Survivors
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography 2016
Klaus Murbræch,
Torgeir Wethal,
Knut Bjøro Smeland,
Harald Holte,
Jon Håvard Loge,
Espen Holte
et al.:
Valvular Dysfunction in Lymphoma Survivors Treated with Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation A National Cross-Sectional Study
JACC Cardiovascular Imaging 2016
Klaus Murbræch,
Knut Bjøro Smeland,
Harald Holte,
Jon Håvard Loge,
May Brit Lund,
Torgeir Wethal
et al.:
Heart failure and asymptomatic left ventricular systolic dysfunction in lymphoma survivors treated with autologous stem-cell transplantation: A national cross-sectional study
Journal of Clinical Oncology 2015
Assami Røsner,
Daniel Barbosa,
Erling Johan Aarsæther,
Didrik Kjønås,
Henrik Schirmer,
Jan D'Hooge
The influence of frame rate on two-dimensional
speckle-tracking strain measurements: a study
on silico-simulated models and images recorded
in patients
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging 2015
Assami Røsner,
Derk Avenarius,
Siri Malm,
Amjid Iqbal,
Henrik Schirmer,
B Bijnens
et al.:
Changes in Right Ventricular Shape and Deformation Following Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery-Insights from Echocardiography with Strain Rate and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Echocardiography 2015
Assami Røsner,
Derk Avenarius,
Siri Malm,
Amjid Iqbal,
Bart Bijnens,
Henrik Schirmer
Severe regional myocardial dysfunction by stress
echocardiography does not predict the presence
of transmural scarring in chronic coronary artery
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging 2015
Erling Johan Aarsæther,
Assami Røsner,
Espen Straumbotn,
Rolf Busund
Peak longitudinal strain most accurately reflects myocardial segmental viability following acute myocardial infarction - an experimental study in open-chest pigs
Erling Johan Aarsæther,
Espen Straumbotn,
Assami Røsner,
Rolf Busund
Oral beta-glucan reduces infarction size and improves regional contractile function in a porcine ischaemia/reperfusion model
European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2012
Assami Røsner,
Derk Avenarius,
Siri Malm,
Amjid Iqbal,
Aigul Baltabaeva,
George R. Sutherland
et al.:
Persistent dysfunction of viable myocardium after revascularization in chronic ischaemic heart disease: implications for dobutamine stress echocardiography with longitudinal systolic strain and strain rate measurements
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging 2012
Assami Rösner,
Ole-Jakob How,
Erling Johan Aarsæther,
Thor Allan Stenberg,
Thomas Vennø Andreasen,
Timofei Kondratiev
et al.:
High Resolution Speckle Tracking Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography Reveals Heterogeneous Responses in Different Myocardial Layers: Implication for Viability Assessments
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography 2010
Ole-Jakob How,
Assami Rösner,
Anders Benjamin Kildal,
Thor Allan Stenberg,
Petter Fosse Gjessing,
Stig Eggen Hermansen
et al.:
Dobutamine-norepinephrine, but not vasopressin, restores the ventriculoarterial matching in experimental cardiogenic shock
Translational Research: The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine 2010
Stig Müller,
Ole-Jakob How,
Øyvind Jakobsen,
Stig Eggen Hermansen,
Assami Røsner,
Thor Allan Stenberg
et al.:
Oxygen-Wasting Effect of Inotropy Is There a Need for a New Evaluation? An Experimental Large-Animal Study Using Dobutamine and Levosimendan
Circulation: Heart Failure 2010
Assami Røsner,
B Bijnens,
Magna Hansen,
Ole-Jakob How,
Erling Johan Aarsæther,
Stig Müller
et al.:
Left ventricular size determines tissue Doppler-derived longitudinal strain and strain rate
European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging 2008