Javier Sanchez Romano,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Peter Anthony McCourt,
Bård Helge Smedsrød,
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
Antonia Sagona
et al.:
Liver sinusoidal cells eliminate blood-borne phage K1F
Knut Jørgen Labori,
Svein Olav Bratlie,
Bodil Andersson,
Jon-Helge Angelsen,
Christina Biörserud,
Bergthor Björnsson
et al.:
Neoadjuvant FOLFIRINOX versus upfront surgery for resectable pancreatic head cancer (NORPACT-1): a multicentre, randomised, phase 2 trial
The Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2024
Sini Takala,
Kristoffer Lassen,
Kjetil Søreide,
Ernesto Sparrelid,
Jon-Helge Angelsen,
Erling Audun Bringeland
et al.:
Practice patterns in diagnostics, staging, and management strategies of gallbladder cancer among Nordic tertiary centers
Scandinavian Journal of Surgery 2023
Keyur Radiya,
Henrik Lykke Joakimsen,
Karl Øyvind Mikalsen,
Eirik Kjus Aahlin,
Rolf Ole Lindsetmo,
Kim Erlend Mortensen
Performance and clinical applicability of machine learning in liver computed tomography imaging: a systematic review
Sheraz Yaqub,
Bjørn Atle Bjørnbeth,
Jon-Helge Angelsen,
Claus W. Fristrup,
Jon Erik Grønbech,
Oskar Hemmingsson
et al.:
Aspirin as secondary prevention in colorectal cancer liver metastasis (ASAC trial): study protocol for a multicentre randomized placebo-controlled trial
Anett Kristin Larsen,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
kjetil helge Elvevold,
Bo Gøran Ericzon,
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
Peter Anthony McCourt
et al.:
Autofluorescence in freshly isolated adult human liver sinusoidal cells
European journal of histochemistry 2021
Linn Såve Nymo,
Dyre Kleive,
Kim Waardal,
Erling Audun Bringeland,
Jon Arne Søreide,
Knut Jørgen Labori
et al.:
Centralizing a national pancreatoduodenectomy service: striking the right balance
John S. Hammond,
Fred Godtliebsen,
Sonja Eriksson Steigen,
I. Neil Guha,
Judy Wyatt,
Arthur Revhaug
et al.:
The effects of terlipressin and direct portacaval shunting on liver hemodynamics following 80% hepatectomy in the pig
Malin Sternby Eilard,
Hannes Hagstrøm,
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
Tom Wilsgaard,
Ola Magne Vagnildhaug,
Olav Dajani
et al.:
Quality of life as a prognostic factor for survival in
hepatocellular carcinoma
Liver international (Print) 2018
Knut Jørgen Labori,
Kristoffer Lassen,
Dag Hoem,
Jon Erik Grønbech,
Jon Arne Søreide,
Kim Erlend Mortensen
et al.:
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy versus surgery first for resectable pancreatic cancer (Norwegian Pancreatic Cancer Trial - 1
(NorPACT-1)) – study protocol for a national multicentre randomized controlled trial
Cristina Soguero-Ruiz,
Kristian Hindberg,
José Luis Rojo-Álvarez,
Stein Olav Skrøvseth,
Fred Godtliebsen,
Kim Erlend Mortensen
et al.:
Support vector feature selection for early detection of anastomosis leakage from bag-of-words in electronic health records
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 2016
Cristina Soguero-Ruiz,
Kristian Hindberg,
Inmaculada Mora-Jimenez,
José Luis Rojo-Álvarez,
Stein Olav Skrøvseth,
Fred Godtliebsen
et al.:
Predicting colorectal surgical complications using heterogeneous clinical data and kernel methods
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 2016
Åse Florholmen-Kjær,
Rasmus Goll,
Ole-Martin Fuskevåg,
Ingvild Nygård,
Ruth H Paulssen,
Arthur Revhaug
et al.:
The impact of partial hepatectomy on oxidative state in the liver remnant - An in vivo swine model
Ingvild Nygård,
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
Jakob Hedegaard,
Lene Nagstrup Conley,
Christian Bendixen,
Baldur Sveinbjørnsson
et al.:
Tissue remodelling following resection of porcine liver
BioMed Research International 2015
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
Magnus Frohm Nilsson,
Karem Slim,
Markus Schäfer,
Christophe Mariette,
Marco Braga
et al.:
Consensus guidelines for enhanced recovery after gastrectomy: Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS®) Society recommendations
British Journal of Surgery 2014
Åse Florholmen-Kjær,
Roy Andre Lyså,
Ole-Martin Fuskevåg,
Rasmus Goll,
Arthur Revhaug,
Kim Erlend Mortensen
A sensitive method for the analysis of glutathione in porcine hepatocytes
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2014
Ingvild Engdal Nygård,
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
Jakob Hedegaard,
Lene N Conley,
Trine Kalstad,
Christian Bendixen
et al.:
The genetic regulation of the terminating phase of liver regeneration
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
Arthur Revhaug
Liver Regeneration in Surgical Animal Models - A Historical Perspective and Clinical Implications
European Surgical Research 2011
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
LN Conley,
Ingvild Nygård,
Peter Sørensen,
Elin Mortensen,
C Bendixen
et al.:
Increased sinusoidal flow is not the primary stimulus to liver regeneration
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
LN Conley,
J Hedegaard,
Trine Kalstad,
PS Sorensen,
C Bendixen
et al.:
Regenerative response in the pig liver remnant varies with the degree of resection and rise in portal pressure
American Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 2008
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
Fred Godtliebsen,
Arthur Revhaug
Scale-space analysis of time series in circulatory research
American Journal of Physiology. Heart and Circulatory Physiology 2006
Anett Kristin Larsen,
Javier Sanchez Romano,
Jaione Santamaria Simon,
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
Ingelin Kyrrestad Karlstrøm,
Eirik Abrahamsen Lænsman
et al.:
Liver sinusoidal scavenger cells eliminate betaherpesvirus from the blood stream.
Journal of Hepatology 2023
Anett Kristin Larsen,
Javier Sanchez Romano,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
Bo Gøran Ericzon,
Peter Anthony McCourt
et al.:
Role of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells in elimination of virus
Anett Kristin Larsen,
Javier Sanchez Romano,
Eirik Abrahamsen Lænsman,
Anne Lotte Vada Hatlegjerde,
Jaione Simon-Santamaria,
Kim Erlend Mortensen
et al.:
Liver sinusoidal scavenger cells eliminate betaherpesvirus from the blood stream
Kristoffer Lassen,
Bjørn Atle Bjørnbeth,
Pål Dag Line,
Andreas Abildgaard,
Jon Arne Søreide,
Kim Erlend Mortensen
et al.:
Trump's ban on colleagues from Islamic countries
Cristina Soguero-Ruiz,
Kristian Hindberg,
Inmaculada Mora-Jimenez,
Jose Luis Rojo-Alvarez,
Stein Olav Skrøvseth,
Fred Godtliebsen
et al.:
Prediction of Surgical Complications using Heterogeneous Clinical Data and Kernel Methods
Cristina Soguero-Ruiz,
Inmaculada Mora-Jimenez,
Jose Luis Rojo-Alvarez,
Kristian Hindberg,
Fred Godtliebsen,
Kim Erlend Mortensen
et al.:
Feature selection using Kernel Component Analysis For Early Detection Of Anastomosis Leakage
Kristoffer Lassen,
Kim Erlend Mortensen,
Elizabeth P. Griffiths,
Samir Johna,
Magnus Nilsson
Huge effect of arginine on survival in gastric cancer?
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 2014