Jonas Willmann,
Panagiotis Balermpas,
Andreas Rimner,
Ane L Appelt,
Eliana Maria Vasquez Osorio,
Heidi S. Rønde
et al.:
Ongoing prospective studies on reirradiation: A systematic review of a clinical trials database
Radiotherapy and Oncology 2025
Nicolaus Andratschke,
Astrid Heusel,
Nathalie L. Albert,
Filippo Alongi,
Brigitta G. Baumert,
Claus Belka
et al.:
ESTRO/EANO recommendation on reirradiation of glioblastoma
Radiotherapy and Oncology 2025
Carsten Nieder,
Siv Gyda Aanes,
Astrid Dalhaug,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Sex Differences in Presentation, Treatment, and Survival in Patients Receiving Palliative (Chemo)Radiotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Carsten Nieder,
Luka Stanisavljevic,
Bård Mannsåker
Comprehensive Analysis of Blood Test Results Predicting Prognosis in Patients Undergoing Whole-brain Radiotherapy for Brain Metastases
Carsten Nieder,
Luka Stanisavljevic,
Astrid Dalhaug,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Survival after docetaxel for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer in a rural health care setting
Carsten Nieder,
Silje Kristine Johnsen,
Anette Merethe Winther,
Bård Mannsåker
Patient-reported symptoms before adjuvant locoregional radiotherapy for breast cancer: triple-negative histology impacts the symptom burden
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie (Print) 2024
Carsten Nieder,
Siv Gyda Aanes,
Luka Stanisavljevic,
Bård Mannsåker
Development of brain metastases in patients managed with non-curative thoracic radiotherapy for stage II/III non-small cell lung cancer
Carsten Nieder,
Ellinor Christin Haukland,
Luka Stanisavljevic,
Bård Mannsåker
Stereotactic radiotherapy for patients with bone metastases: a selected group with low rate of radiation treatment during the last month of life?
Carsten Nieder,
Ellinor Christin Haukland,
Bård Mannsåker
Return to Work After Breast Cancer Treatment: An Electronic Health Record-based Study in North Norway
Carsten Nieder,
Luka Stanisavljevic,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Factors Associated With Prescription of Systemic Therapy in Real-world Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Cancer Managed in a Rural Region
Cancer Diagnosis & Prognosis (CDP) 2024
Carsten Nieder,
Siv Gyda Aanes,
Luka Stanisavljevic,
Bård Mannsåker,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Return to work in younger patients with brain metastases who survived for 2 years or more
Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2024
Carsten Nieder,
Stine Maria F. Jensen,
Solveig Nilsen,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Palliative Radiation Treatment in Patients Managed With Advanced/Interventional Pain Therapy such as Pump-delivered Continuous Opioids
Carsten Nieder,
Siv Gyda Aanes,
Luka Stanisavljevic,
Bård Mannsåker,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Real-World Survival Outcomes in Patients with Different Types of Cancer Managed with Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
Oncology Research and Treatment 2024
Carsten Nieder,
Siv Gyda Aanes,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Days at home in the last three months of life: patterns-of-care analysis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
Carsten Nieder,
Luka Stanisavljevic,
Bård Mannsåker,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Independent validation of a risk stratification model predicting survival in elderly patients irradiated for bone metastases
Carsten Nieder,
Astrid Dalhaug
Prognostic factors and independent validation of a risk stratification model in octogenarian patients irradiated for brain metastases
Carsten Nieder,
Nicolaus H. Andratschke,
Anca L. Grosu
Brain Metastases: Is There Still a Role for Whole-Brain Radiation Therapy?
Seminars in Radiation Oncology 2023
Carsten Nieder,
Luka Stanisavljevic,
Bård Mannsåker,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Independent Validation of a Unifying Prognostic Model for Intracranial and Extracranial Metastasis-directed Radiotherapy
Carsten Nieder,
Nicolaus H. Andratschke,
Anca L. Grosu
Personalized radiotherapy of brain metastases: survival prediction by means of dichotomized or differentiated blood test results?
Carsten Nieder,
Kristian Steinsvik Imingen
Palliative Radiotherapy for Non-metastatic Non-small-cell Lung Cancer: Impact of Blood Test Results on Survival
Carsten Nieder,
Ellinor Christin Haukland,
Bård Mannsåker,
Astrid Dalhaug
Palliative appropriateness criteria: external validation of a new method to evaluate the suitability of palliative radiotherapy fractionation
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie (Print) 2023
Carsten Nieder,
Bård Mannsåker,
Astrid Dalhaug
Percent of remaining life on palliative radiation treatment: solely a function of fractionation?
Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy 2023
Carsten Nieder,
Bård Mannsåker,
Luka Stanisavljevic,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Patterns of Care and Survival in Cancer Patients with Brain Metastases Receiving Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
Oncology Research and Treatment 2023
Carsten Nieder,
Luka Stanisavljevic,
Bård Mannsåker,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Early death after palliative radiation treatment: 30-, 35- and 40-day mortality data and statistically robust predictors
Carsten Nieder,
Ellinor Christin Haukland,
Bård Mannsåker,
Astrid Dalhaug
The LabPS score: Inexpensive, Fast, and Site-agnostic Survival Prediction
American Journal of Clinical Oncology 2023
Ilinca Popp,
Nanna E. Hartong,
Carsten Nieder,
Anca-L. Grosu
PRO: Do We Still Need Whole-Brain Irradiation for Brain Metastases?
Carsten Nieder,
Nicolaus H. Andratschke,
Anca L. Grosu
How we treat octogenarians with brain metastases
Carsten Nieder,
David McKenzie Grant
Considerations regarding carotid artery dose in radiotherapy of the cervical spine
Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology 2023
Carsten Nieder,
Jonas Willmann,
Nicolaus H. Andratschke
Prospective randomized clinical studies involving reirradiation: update of a systematic review
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie (Print) 2023
Jonas Willmann,
L. Appelt,
Panagiotis Balermpas,
G. Baumert,
Dirk de Ruysscher,
Morten Hoyer
et al.:
Re-irradiation in clinical practice: Results of an international patterns of care survey within the framework of the ESTRO-EORTC E2-RADIatE platform
Radiotherapy and Oncology 2023
Nicolaus Andratschke,
Jonas Willmann,
Ane L Appelt,
Najlaa Alyamani,
Panagiotis Balermpas,
Brigitta G Baumert
et al.:
European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology and European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer consensus on re-irradiation: definition, reporting, and clinical decision making
Carsten Nieder,
Siv Gyda Aanes,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Palliative non-small cell lung cancer treatment and end-of-life care stratified by sex and childlessness: an important interplay in unmarried patients?
Supportive Care in Cancer 2022
Carsten Nieder,
Bård Mannsåker,
Rosalba Yobuta
Independent External Validation of the METSSS Model Predicting Survival after Palliative Radiotherapy
Carsten Nieder,
Astrid Dalhaug,
Bård Mannsåker
Established Serum Biomarkers Are Prognostic Factors in Patients With Oligometastatic Cancer and Brain Involvement
Carsten Nieder,
Joakim Grønning Ressheim,
Ellinor Christin Haukland,
Bård Mannsåker
Implementation of Locoregional Adjuvant Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer in a Rural Healthcare Region: Toxicity Outcomes in the Initial Cohort
Carsten Nieder,
Ilinca Popp,
Mandy Hintz,
Anca Ligia Grosu
External Validation of the Graded Prognostic Assessment in Patients with Brain Metastases from Small Cell Lung Cancer
Carsten Nieder,
Siv Gyda Aanes,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Survival and Early Death Within Three Months from the Start of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Patients With Different Types of Cancer
Carsten Nieder,
Luka Stanisavljevic,
Siv Gyda Aanes,
Bård Mannsåker,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
30-day mortality in patients treated for brain metastases: extracranial causes dominate
Carsten Nieder,
Ellinor Christin Haukland,
Bård Mannsåker
Shortened Palliative Radiotherapy Results in a Lower Rate of Treatment During the Last Month of Life
Cureus - Journal of Medical Science 2022
Carsten Nieder,
Nicolaus H. Andratschke,
Anca L. Grosu
Personalized treatment of brain metastases: Evolving survival prediction models may benefit from evaluation of serum tumor markers (narrative review)
Carsten Nieder,
Luka Stanisavljevic
Independent Validation of a Risk Stratification Model Predicting Survival in Patients With Metastatic Hormone-sensitive Prostate Cancer
Carsten Nieder,
Luka Stanisavljevic,
Astrid Dalhaug,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Feasibility and efficacy of early docetaxel plus androgen deprivation therapy for metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer in a rural health care setting
Scandinavian Journal of Urology 2022
Carsten Nieder,
Siv Gyda Aanes,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Primary systemic therapy for patients with brain metastases from lung cancer ineligible for targeted agents
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 2022
Carsten Nieder,
Bård Mannsåker,
Rosalba Yobuta
Independent validation of a comprehensive machine learning approach predicting survival after radiotherapy for bone metastases
Anticancer Research 2021
Carsten Nieder,
Bård Mannsåker,
Rosalba Yobuta
Validation of a graded prognostic model in patients with brain metastases treated with whole-brain radiotherapy instead of radiosurgery
Hiroshi Doi,
Keisuke Tamari,
Ryoong-Jin Oh,
Carsten Nieder
New clinical data on human spinal cord re-irradiation tolerance
Strahlentherapie und Onkologie (Print) 2021
Carsten Nieder,
Kristian Steinsvik Imingen,
Ellinor Christin Haukland
Palliative Thoracic Radiotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer in Outpatients: Reasons for Unplanned Hospitalization and Its Impact on Survival
Journal of Clinical Medicine Research 2021