Terje Bektesevic Holmlund,
Alex S Cohen,
Jian Cheng,
Peter W. Foltz,
Jared Bernstein,
Elisabeth Rosenfeld
et al.:
Using Automated Speech Processing for Repeated Measurements in a Clinical Setting of the Behavioral Variability in the Stroop Task
Marama Diaz-Asper,
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund,
Chelsea Chandler,
Catherine Diaz-Asper,
Peter W. Foltz,
Alex S. Cohen
et al.:
Using automated syllable counting to detect missing information in speech transcripts from clinical settings
Alex S. Cohen,
Zachary Rodriguez,
Kiara K. Warren,
Tovah Cowan,
Michael D. Masucci,
Ole Edvard Granrud
et al.:
Natural Language Processing and Psychosis: On the Need for Comprehensive Psychometric Evaluation
Peter W. Foltz,
Chelsea Chandler,
Catherine Diaz-Asper,
Alex S. Cohen,
Zachary Rodriguez,
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund
et al.:
Reflections on the nature of measurement in language-based automated assessments of patients' mental state and cognitive function
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund,
Chelsea Chandler,
Peter W. Foltz,
Catherine Diaz-Asper,
Alex S. Cohen,
Zachary Rodriguez
et al.:
Towards a temporospatial framework for measurements of disorganization in speech using semantic vectors
Thanh P. Le,
Emma Moscardini,
Tovah Cowan,
Brita Elvevåg,
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund,
Peter W. Foltz
et al.:
Predicting self-injurious thoughts in daily life using ambulatory assessment of state cognition
Journal of Psychiatric Research 2021
Alex S. Cohen,
Christopher R. Cox,
Raymond P. Tucker,
Kyle R. Mitchell,
Elana K. Schwartz,
Thanh P. Le
et al.:
Validating Biobehavioral Technologies for Use in Clinical Psychiatry
Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021
Chelsea Chandler,
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund,
Peter W. Foltz,
Alex S. Cohen,
Brita Elvevåg
Extending the usefulness of the verbal memory test: The promise of machine learning
Psychiatry Research 19. Jan 2021
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund,
Chelsea Chandler,
Peter W. Foltz,
Alex S. Cohen,
Jian Cheng,
Jared C. Bernstein
et al.:
Applying speech technologies to assess verbal memory in patients with serious mental illness
npj Digital Medicine 11. Mar 2020
Alex S. Cohen,
Elana Schwartz,
Thanh Le,
Tovah Cowan,
Christopher Cox,
Raymond Tucker
et al.:
Validating digital phenotyping technologies for clinical use: the critical importance of “resolution”
World Psychiatry 2020
Sophia Cheng,
Alex S. Cohen,
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund,
Peter W. Foltz,
Jian Cheng,
Jared Bernstein
et al.:
A Dynamic Method, Analysis, and Model of Short-Term Memory for Serial Order with Clinical Applications
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund,
Taylor L. Fedechko,
Brita Elvevåg,
Alex S. Cohen
Chapter 28 - Tracking Language in Real Time in Psychosis
Alex S. Cohen,
Christopher R. Cox,
Michael D. Masucci,
Thanh P. Le,
Tovah Cowan,
Lyndon M. Coghill
et al.:
Digital phenotyping using multimodal data
Current Behavioral Neuroscience Reports 2020
Chelsea Chandler,
Peter W. Foltz,
Alex S. Cohen,
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund,
Jian Cheng,
Jared C. Bernstein
et al.:
Machine learning for ambulatory applications of neuropsychological testing
Intelligence-Based Medicine 2020
Alex S. Cohen,
Taylor L. Fedechko,
Elana K. Schwartz,
Thanh P. Le,
Peter W. Foltz,
Jared Bernstein
et al.:
Ambulatory vocal acoustics, temporal dynamics, and serious mental illness
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 2019
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund,
Peter W. Foltz,
Alex S. Cohen,
Håvard D. Johansen,
Randi Sigurdsen,
Pål Fugeli
et al.:
Moving psychological assessment out of the controlled laboratory setting: Practical challenges
Psychological Assessment 2019
Thanh P. Le,
Tovah Cowan,
Elana K. Schwartz,
Brita Elvevåg,
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund,
Peter W. Foltz
et al.:
The importance of loneliness in psychotic-like symptoms: Data from three studies
Jian Cheng,
Jared Bernstein,
Elizabeth Rosenfeld,
Peter W. Foltz,
Alex S. Cohen,
Terje Holmlund
et al.:
Modeling self-reported and observed affect from speech
Interspeech (USB) 2018
Bruno Laeng,
Line Sæther,
Terje Holmlund,
Catharina E. Wang,
Knut Waterloo,
Martin Eisemann
et al.:
Invisible emotional expressions influence social judgments and pupillary responses of both depressed and non-depressed individuals
Frontiers in Psychology 2013
Bruno Laeng,
Marte Ørbo,
Terje Holmlund,
Michele Miozzo
Pupillary Stroop effects
Chelsea Chandler,
Peter W. Foltz,
Alex S. Cohen,
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund,
Brita Elvevåg
Chandler, C., Foltz, P.W., Cohen, A.S., Holmlund, T.B. & Elvevåg, B. (2021). Safeguarding against spurious AI-based predictions: The case of automated verbal memory assessment. In Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology, pages 181–191
June 11, 2021. Published by Association for Computational Linguistics.
Available at https://aclanthology.org/2021.clpsych-1.20.pdf
Proceedings of the NAACL Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology - published by Association for Computational Linguistics 2021
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund,
Catherine Diaz-Asper,
Brita Elvevåg
The reality of doing things with (thousands of) words in applied research and clinical settings: A commentary on Clarke et al. (2020)
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund
Remembering stories
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund
Målinger av mentale tilstander ved hjelp av mobil teknologi
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund,
Peter W. Foltz,
Alex S. Cohen,
Jian Cheng,
Jared Bernstein,
Elizabeth Rosenfeld
et al.:
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund,
Jian Cheng,
Peter W. Foltz,
Alex S. Cohen,
Brita Elvevåg
Updating verbal fluency analysis for the 21st century: Applications for psychiatry
T. Cowan,
T.P. Le,
Brita Elvevåg,
Peter W. Foltz,
R.P. Tucker,
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund
et al.:
Comparing static and dynamic predictors of risk for hostility in serious mental illness: Preliminary findings
Schizophrenia Research 2019
T.P. Le,
Brita Elvevåg,
Peter W. Foltz,
Terje Bektesevic Holmlund,
E.K. Schwartz,
T. Cowan
et al.:
Aggressive urges in schizotypy: Preliminary data from an ambulatory study
Schizophrenia Research 2018