Bilde av Pitelkova, Iva
Bilde av Pitelkova, Iva
Senioringeniør Proteomics and Metabolomics Core Facility +4777645113 Tromsø You can find me here

Iva Pitelkova

  • Youri Lammers, Pierre Robert Michel Taberlet, E. Coissac, Lucas Dane Elliott, Marie Kristine Føreid Merkel, Iva Pitelkova et al.:
    Multiplexing PCR allows the identification of within-species genetic diversity in ancient eDNA
    Molecular Ecology Resources 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Dilli Prasad Rijal, Peter D. Heintzman, Youri Lammers, Nigel Yoccoz, Kelsey Lorberau, Iva Pitelkova et al.:
    Sedimentary ancient DNA shows terrestrial plant richness continuously increased over the Holocene in northern Fennoscandia
    Science Advances 30. Jul 2021 ARKIV / PROSJEKT / DOI
  • Inger Greve Alsos, Sebastien Lavergne, Marie Føreid Merkel, Marti Boleda, Youri Lammers, Adriana Alberti et al.:
    The treasure vault can be opened: large-scale genome skimming works well using herbarium and silica gel dried material
    Plants 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Pavel Vitamvas, Milan Urban, Zbynek Skodacek, Klara Kosova, Iva Hlavackova Pitelkova, Jan Vitamvas et al.:
    Quantitative analysis of proteome extracted from barley crowns grown under different drought conditions
    Frontiers in Plant Science 2015 DOI
  • Eike Müller, Iva Hlavackova, Mildrid Elvik Svoen, Inger Greve Alsos, Pernille Bronken Eidesen :
    Characterization of 14 microsatellite markers for Silene acaulis (Caryophyllaceae)
    Applications in Plant Sciences 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Iva Pitelkova, Pavel Vitamvas, Jiri Santrucek, Milan Kodicek, Klara Kosova, Sylva Zelenkova :
    Proteins Involved in Distinct Phases of Cold Hardening Process in Frost Resistant Winter Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cv Luxor
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2013 DOI
  • Youri Lammers, Eric Coissac, Pierre Taberlet, Adriana Alberti, France Denoeud, Lucas Dane Elliott et al.:
    The PhyloNorway project: a Norwegian vascular plant genome reference set and applications.
  • Youri Lammers, Pierre Taberlet, Eric Coissac, Lucas Dane Elliott, Marie Kristine Føreid Merkel, Iva Pitelkova et al.:
    Tracing species lineages through time and space using multiplexing PCRs
  • Youri Lammers, Pierre Taberlet, Eric Coissac, Lucas Dane Elliott, Marie Kristine Føreid Merkel, Iva Pitelkova et al.:
    Multiplexing markers: Increasing the amount of data that can be obtained from a single amplification reaction
  • Anders Gravbrøt Finstad, Hugo de Boer, May Bente Brurberg, Geir Dahle, Kristin Skarsfjord Edgar, Alexander Eiler et al.:
    Kriterier for lagring av miljø-DNA prøver og data, herunder henvisning til referansemateriale. Criteria for depositing eDNA samples and data, including vouchered specimens
  • Inger Greve Alsos, Anne Elisabeth Bjune, Kari Anne Bråthen, Charlotte Clarke, Mary E. Edwards, Dorothee Ehrich et al.:
    The use of ancient DNA in palaeoecological studies
  • Dilli Prasad Rijal, Peter D. Heintzman, Youri Lammers, Kari Anne Bråthen, Nigel Yoccoz, Antony Brown et al.:
    Temporal pattern of terrestrial plant diversity in northern Fennoscandia
  • Inger Greve Alsos, Peter D. Heintzman, Dilli Prasad Rijal, Antony Brown, Charlotte L. Clarke, Anne Elisabeth Bjune et al.:
    Ancient sedimentary DNA reveals long-term impact of climate change on northern flora
    2020 PROSJEKT
  • Inger Greve Alsos, Anne Elisabeth Bjune, Kari Anne Bråthen, Clark Charlotte, Mary E. Edwards, Dorothee Ehrich et al.:
    Using ancient and modern DNA to understand effect of climate change on vascular plants
  • Peter D. Heintzman, Dilli Prasad Rijal, Antony Brown, Iva Pitelkova, Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur, Charlotte L. Clarke et al.:
    Optimization of efficient ancient DNA extraction from lake sediment
    2019 PROSJEKT
  • Dilli Prasad Rijal, Peter D. Heintzman, Youri Lammers, Hans Peter Blankholm, Antony Brown, Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur et al.:
    Ancient sedimentary DNA reveals both climatic and human impact on vegetation history in Varanger, northern Norway
    2019 PROSJEKT
  • Peter D. Heintzman, Dilli Prasad Rijal, Antony Brown, Iva Pitelkova, Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur, Charlotte L. Clarke et al.:
    Optimization of efficient ancient DNA extraction from lake sediment
  • Dilli Prasad Rijal, Peter D. Heintzman, Youri Lammers, Hans Peter Blankholm, Antony Brown, Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur et al.:
    Ancient sedimentary DNA reveals both climatic and human impact on vegetation history in Varanger, northern Norway
  • Marie Kristine Føreid Merkel, Youri Lammers, Iva Pitelkova, Inger Greve Alsos, Adriana Alberti, C Orvain et al.:
    The key to the treasure chest — selections of herbarium specimens for DNA extraction
  • Dilli Prasad Rijal, Peter D. Heintzman, Youri Lammers, Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur, Iva Pitelkova, Hans Peter Blankholm et al.:
    Ancient DNA reveals vegetation history near the archeological site in Varanger, northern Norway
    2018 PROSJEKT
  • Peter D. Heintzman, Dilli Prasad Rijal, Antony Gavin Brown, Iva Pitelkova, Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur, Charlotte Clarke et al.:
    Optimization of efficient ancient DNA extraction from lake sediment
    2018 PROSJEKT
  • Peter D. Heintzman, Dilli Prasad Rijal, Antony Gavin Brown, Iva Pitelkova, Francisco Javier Ancin Murguzur, Charlotte Clarke et al.:
    Optimization of efficient ancient DNA extraction from lake sediment
    2018 PROSJEKT
  • Torbjørn Ekrem, Inger Greve Alsos, Arild Johnsen, Endre Willassen, Aina Mærk Aspaas, Marie Kristine Føreid Merkel et al.:
    Progress and prospects of the Norwegian Barcode of Life Network (NorBOL)
  • Torbjørn Ekrem, Inger Greve Alsos, Arild Johnsen, Endre Willassen, Aina Mærk Aspaas, Marie Kristine Føreid Merkel et al.:
    Progress and prospects of the Norwegian Barcode of Life Network (NorBOL)
    Genome 2017 DOI
  • Marie Kristine Føreid Merkel, Iva Pitelkova, Youri Lammers, Eric Coissac, Adriana Alberti, Carole Dossat et al.:
    Shotgun-sequencing of plant DNA: Selection og material and methods
  • Marie Kristine Føreid Merkel, Iva Pitelkova, Peter D. Heintzman, Youri Lammers :
    DNA - Lab på desembernatt
    Desembernatt 2017
  • Youri Lammers, Inger Greve Alsos, Eric Coissac, Marie Kristine Føreid Merkel, Iva Pitelkova, Adriana Alberti et al.:
    Genome skimming. What to do with all that data?
  • Iva Pitelkova, Youri Lammers, Inger Greve Alsos, Jostein Kjærandsen :
    Praktisk DNA på Desembernatt
    Desembernatt 2016 PROSJEKT

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