Bilde av Fenton, Kristin Andreassen
Bilde av Fenton, Kristin Andreassen
Medisiinnalaš biologiija instituhtta +4777646834 Tromsø You can find me here

Kristin Andreassen Fenton

  • Aud-Malin Karlsson Hovd, Saba Nayar, Charlotte G Smith, Premasany Kanapathippilai, Valentina Iannizzotto, Francesca Barone et al.:
    Podoplanin expressing macrophages and their involvement in tertiary lymphoid structures in mouse models of Sjögren’s disease
    Frontiers in Immunology 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Susannah von Hofsten, Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Hege Lynum Pedersen :
    Human and Murine Toll-like Receptor-Driven Disease in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2024 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Hege Lynum Pedersen :
    Advanced methods and novel biomarkers in autoimmune diseases ‑ a review of the recent years progress in systemic lupus erythematosus
    Frontiers in Medicine 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Luis Villegas, Vishesh Kumar Dubey, Mona Nystad, Jean-Claude Tinguely, David Andre Coucheron, Firehun Tsige Dullo et al.:
    Chip-based multimodal super-resolution microscopy for histological investigations of cryopreserved tissue sections
    Light: Science & Applications (LSA) 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Simin Jamaly, Mehrdad Rakaee, Reza Abdi, George tsokos, Kristin Andreassen Fenton :
    Interplay of immune and kidney resident cells in the formation of tertiary lymphoid structures in lupus nephritis
    Autoimmunity Reviews 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Seyed Esmaeil Dorraji, Ana Oteiza, Samuel Kuttner, Armas Maria Montserrat Martin, Premasany Kanapathippillai, Sara Garbarino et al.:
    Positron emission tomography and single photon emission computed tomography imaging of tertiary lymphoid structures during the development of lupus nephritis
    International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Luis Villegas, Vishesh Kumar Dubey, Jean-Claude Tinguely, David Andre Coucheron, Anish Priyadarshi, Sebastian Andres Acuña Maldonado et al.:
    Photonic-chip: a multimodal imaging tool for histopathology.
    Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Samuel Kuttner, Kristoffer Knutsen Wickstrøm, Gustav Kalda, Seyed Esmaeil Dorraji, Montserrat Martin-Armas, Ana Oteiza et al.:
    Machine learning derived input-function in a dynamic 18F-FDG PET study of mice
    Biomedical Engineering & Physics Express 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Seyed Esmaeil Dorraji, Premasany Kanapathippillai, Aud-Malin Karlsson Hovd, Mikael Ryan Stenersrød, Kjersti Daae Horvei, anita Ursvik et al.:
    Kidney tertiary lymphoid structures in Lupus Nephritis develop into large interconnected networks and resemble lymph nodes in gene signature
    American Journal of Pathology 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Seyed Esmaeil Dorraji, Aud-Malin Karlsson Hovd, Premasany Kanapathippillai, Gunnstein Bakland, Gro Østli Eilertsen, Stine Figenschau et al.:
    Mesenchymal stem cells and T cells in the formation of Tertiary Lymphoid Structures in Lupus Nephritis
    Scientific Reports 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Stine Figenschau, Erik Knutsen, Ilona Urbarova, Christopher Graham Fenton, Bryan Elston, Maria Perander et al.:
    ICAM1 expression is induced by proinflammatory cytokines and associated with TLS formation in aggressive breast cancer subtypes
    Scientific Reports 2018 ARKIV / DOI
  • Kristin Andreassen Fenton :
    The effect of cell death in the initiation of lupus nephritis
    Clinical and Experimental Immunology 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Stine Linn Figenschau, Silje Fismen, Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Christopher Graham Fenton, Elin Synnøve Mortensen :
    Tertiary lymphoid structures are associated with higher tumor grade in primary operable breast cancer patients
    BMC Cancer 2015 ARKIV / DOI
  • Annica Hedberg, Premasany Kanapathippillai, Ole Petter Rekvig, Kristin Andreassen Fenton :
    LMW Heparin Prevents Increased Kidney Expression of Proinflammatory Mediators in (NZBxNZW)F1 Mice
    Clinical & Developmental Immunology 2013 ARKIV / DOI
  • Premasany Kanapathippillai, Annica Hedberg, Christopher Graham Fenton, Kristin Andreassen Fenton :
    Nucleosomes contribute to increase mesangial cell chemokine expression during the development of lupus nephritis
    Cytokine 2013 DOI
  • Annica Hedberg, Silje Fismen, Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Christopher Graham Fenton, Bjarne Østerud, Elin Mortensen et al.:
    Heparin Exerts a Dual Effect on Murine Lupus Nephritis by Enhancing Enzymatic Chromatin Degradation and Preventing Chromatin Binding in Glomerular Membranes
    Arthritis and Rheumatism 2011 DOI
  • Janne erikke Mjelle, Ole Petter Rekvig, Johan van der Vlag, Kristin Andreassen Fenton :
    Nephritogenic antibodies bind in glomeruli through interaction with exposed chromatin fragments and not with renal cross-reactive antigens
    Autoimmunity 2011 DOI
  • Idun Grønsberg, Lise Nordgård, Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Beate Hegge, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Susan Bardocz et al.:
    Uptake and Organ Distribution of Feed Introduced Plasmid DNA in Growing or Pregnant Rats
    Food and Nutrition Sciences 2011 DOI
  • Mariann Hellvik Jørgensen, Ole Petter Rekvig, Rasmus S. Jacobsen, Søren Jacobsen, Kristin Andreassen Fenton :
    Circulating levels of chromatin fragments are inversely correlated with anti-dsDNA antibody levels in human and murine systemic lupus erythematosus
    Immunology Letters 2011 DOI
  • Annica Hedberg, Silje Fismen, Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Elin Mortensen, Ole Petter Rekvig :
    Deposition of chromatin-IgG complexes in skin of nephritic MRL-lpr/lpr mice is associated with increased local matrix metalloprotease activities
    Experimental Dermatology 2010 DOI
  • Kristin Andreassen Fenton, berit TØmmerÅs, Tony Norman Marion, Ole Petter Rekvik :
    Pure anti-dsDNA mAbs need chromatin structures to promote glomerular mesangial deposits in BALB/c mice
    Autoimmunity 2010 DOI
  • Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Silje Fismen, Annica Hedberg, Natalya Seredkina, Christopher Graham Fenton, Elin Mortensen et al.:
    Anti-dsDNA Antibodies Promote Initiation, and Acquired Loss of Renal Dnase1 Promotes Progression of Lupus Nephritis in Autoimmune (NZBxNZW)F1 mice
  • Silje Fismen, Annica Hedberg, Kristin Andreassen Fenton, S Jacobsen, E Krarup, AL Kamper et al.:
    Circulating chromatin-anti-chromatin antibody complexes bind with high affinity to dermo-epidermal structures in murine and human lupus nephritis
    Lupus 2009 DOI
  • Kristin Andreassen Fenton, berit TØmmerÅs, Tony Norman Marion, Ole Petter Rekvik :
    Pure anti-dsDNA mAbs need chromatin structures to promote glomerular mesangial deposits in BALB/c mice
    Autoimmunity 2009 DOI
  • Elin Mortensen, Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Ole Petter Rekvik :
    Lupus nephritis - The central role of nucleosomes revealed
    American Journal of Pathology 2008 DOI
  • Casandra C. van Bavel, Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Ole Petter Rekvik, Johan van der Vlag, Jo H. Berden :
    Glomerular targets of nephritogenic autoantibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus
    Arthritis and Rheumatism 2008 DOI
  • Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Janne erikke Mjelle, Søren Jakobsen, randi Olsen, Ole Petter Rekvik :
    Renal expression of polyomavirus large T antigen is associated with nephritis in human systemic lupus erythematosus
    Molecular Immunology 2008 DOI
  • signy Bendiksen, Elin Mortensen, randi Olsen, Kristin Andreassen Fenton, manar Kalaaji, Leif Jørgensen et al.:
    Glomerular expression of large polyomavirus T antigen in binary tet-off regulated transgenic mice induces apoptosis, release of chromatin and initiates a lupus-like nephritis
    Molecular Immunology 2008 DOI
  • Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Ole Petter Rekvik :
    A central role of nucleosomes in lupus nephritis
    Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2007 DOI
  • Janne erikke Mjelle, Ole Petter Rekvik, Kristin Andreassen Fenton :
    Nucleosomes possess a high affinity for glomerular laminin and collagen IV and bind nephritogenic antibodies in murine lupus-like nephritis
    Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2007 DOI
  • manar Kalaaji, Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Elin Mortensen, randi Olsen, G Sturfelt, P Alm et al.:
    Glomerular apoptotic nucleosomes are central target structures for nephritogenic antibodies in human SLE nephritis
    Kidney International 2007 DOI
  • Marit Renee Myhre, Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Julia Friederike Egger, Kaare Magne Nielsen, Terje I Traavik :
    The 35S CaMV plant virus promoter is active in human enterocyte-like cells
    European Food Research and Technology 2006 DOI
  • Luis Villegas, Vishesh Kumar Dubey, Mona Nystad, Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Ganesh Acharya, Jose M. Mateos et al.:
    Chip-based multimodal microscopy for histological investigations of cryopreserved tissue sections
  • Samuel Kuttner, Luigi Tommaso Luppino, Kristoffer Wickstrøm, Nils Thomas Doherty Midtbø, Seyed Esmaeil Dorraji, Ana Oteiza et al.:
    Deep learning derived input function in dynamic 18F-FDG PET imaging of mice
  • Thea Olsen, Aud-Malin Karlsson Hovd, Premasany Kanapathippilai, Anita Ursvik, Charlotte Lemoin, Stine Figenschau et al.:
    IL-18 deficiency does not affect development of renal tertiary lymphoid structures in imiquimod induced SLE
    Lupus Science and Medicine 2022 DOI
  • Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Hege Lynum Pedersen :
    Characterising tertiary lymphoid structures in lupus-prone mice
    Research Features Magazine 05. May 2021 DOI
  • Vishesh Kumar Dubey, Luis Enrique Villegas Hernández, Jean-Claude Tinguely, David Andre Coucheron, Anish Priyadarshi, Sebastian Acuña et al.:
    Multimodal super-resolution imaging for histopathology applications
  • Vishesh Kumar Dubey, Luis Enrique Villegas Hernández, Mona Nystad, Jean-Claude Tinguely, David Andre Coucheron, Firehun Tsige Dullo et al.:
    Photonic-chip for multimodal super-resolution imaging in histopathology applications
  • Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Stine Figenschau, Elin Synnøve Mortensen :
    ICAM1 er uttrykt i trippel negative brystkreftceller og vev
    BestPractice Nordic 2018
  • Kristin Andreassen Fenton, Janne erikke Mjelle, R Olsen, manar Kalaaji, Ole Petter Rekvik :
    Electron dense deposits in the GBM of (NZBxNZW)F1 mice constitute chromatin that represents target for in vivo bound autoantibodies
  • Julia Friederike Eggert, Kristin Andreassen Fenton, olga Goldfain, Beate Hegge, AI Myhr, Lise Nordgård et al.:
    Absence of Proof is not a Proof of Absence. Risks of Genetically Modified Organisms

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →