Ingar Mikkola Kristiansen,
Torsten Martiny-Huenger,
Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm
Situational Cues in Thoughts About the Future: Relationships With Self-Reported and Actual Self-Regulation Success
Yevhen Damanskyy,
Torsten Martiny-Hünger,
Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm
Associative Learning from Verbal Action-Effect Instructions: A Replication and Investigation of Underlying Mechanisms
The Journal of Cognition 2023
Johannes T. Doerflinger,
Torsten Martiny-Huenger,
Peter M. Gollwitzer
Exploring the determinants of reinvestment decisions: Sense of personal responsibility, preferences, and loss framing
Frontiers in Psychology 2023
Torsten Martiny-Huenger,
Yevhen Damanskyy,
Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm
From thought to action: On the relevance of including situational cues in thought about intended actions
Yevhen Damanskyy,
Torsten Martiny-Huenger,
Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm
Unintentional response priming from verbal action–effect instructions
Torsten Martiny-Huenger,
Jenny Roth
Effects of self-instructed stimulus-affect plans on indirectly measured and self-reported evaluative responses
Laila Arnesdatter Hopstock,
Trygve Sigvart Deraas,
André Henriksen,
Torsten Martiny-Huenger,
Sameline Grimsgaard
Changes in adiposity, physical activity, cardiometabolic risk factors, diet, physical capacity and well-being in inactive women and men aged 57-74 years with obesity and cardiovascular risk – A 6-month complex lifestyle intervention with 6-month follow-up
Matthew Stephensen,
Torsten Martiny-Huenger
Liking and Perceived Safety across Judgments of Distinct Instances of a Category of Activity
Torsten Martiny-Huenger,
Maik Bieleke,
Johannes T. Doerflinger,
Matthew Stephensen,
Peter M. Gollwitzer
Deliberation Decreases the Likelihood of Expressing Dominant Responses
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 2020
Torsten Martiny-Huenger,
Sarah E. Martiny,
Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm,
Elisa Pfeiffer,
Peter. M. Gollwitzer
From conscious thought to automatic action: A simulation account of action planning
Journal of experimental psychology. General 2017
Johannes T. Doerflinger,
Torsten Martiny-Huenger,
Peter. M. Gollwitzer
Planning to deliberate thoroughly: If-then planned deliberation increases the adjustment of decisions to newly available information
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 2016
Sarah E. Martiny,
Ilka H. Gleibs,
Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm,
Torsten Martiny-Huenger,
Laura Froehlich,
Anna-Lena Harter
et al.:
Dealing with negative stereotypes in sports: The role of cognitive anxiety when multiple identities are activated in sensorimotor tasks
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP) 2015
Torsten Martiny-Huenger,
Peter M. Gollwitzer,
Gabriele Oettingen
Distractor devaluation in a flanker task: Object-specific effects without distractor recognition memory
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 2014
Torsten Martiny-Huenger,
Peter M. Gollwitzer,
Gabriele Oettingen
Selective attention to in- and outgroup members systematically influences intergroup bias
Social Psychological and Personality Science 2014
Matthew Stephensen,
Torsten Martiny-Huenger,
Christin Schulze
Confidence in Absolute Perceptions of Risk
Torsten Martiny-Huenger
Derfor tror vi så lett på falske nyheter om avfallsbransjen
01. Jun 2020
Torsten Martiny-Huenger,
Yevhen Damanskyy,
Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm
Spontaneous planning: Situational cues in thoughts about future actions predict self-reported self-efficacy and self-control
Matthew Stephensen,
Torsten Martiny-Huenger
How the Attractiveness of a Stimulus Influences Risk Judgements
Matthew Stephensen,
Torsten Martiny-Huenger
Confidence in Absolutes: Curvilinear Confidence and the Perceived Probability of Risk
Matthew Stephensen,
Torsten Martiny-Huenger
All that Glitters is not Gold: How the Attractiveness of a Stimulus Influences Risk Judgements
Torsten Martiny-Huenger,
Maik Bieleke,
Gabriele Oettingen,
Peter M. Gollwitzer
From thought to automatic action: Strategic and incidental action control by if-then planning
Psychology Press 2016
Torsten Martiny-Huenger,
Sarah E. Martiny,
Peter M. Gollwitzer
Action control by if-then planning: Explicating the mechanisms of strategic automaticity in regard to objective and subjective agency
Oxford University Press 2015