Albert van Wijngaarden,
John C. Moore,
Bjorn Alfthan,
Tiina Kurvits,
Lars Kullerud
A survey of interventions to actively conserve the frozen North
Lars Kullerud,
Oran R. Young
Adding a Gakkel Ridge regime to the evolving Arctic Ocean governance complex
A. Petrov,
Larry Hinzman,
Lars Kullerud,
Tatiana Degai,
L Holmberg,
Alan Pope
et al.:
Building Resilient Arctic Science amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
Nature Communications 2020
Peter T. Harris,
Miles Macmillan-Lawler,
Lars Kullerud,
Jake C. Rice
Arctic marine conservation is not prepared for the coming melt
ICES Journal of Marine Science 2017
Paul Arthur Berkman,
Lars Kullerud,
Alan Pope,
A. N. Vylegzhanin,
Oran R. Young
The Arctic Science Agreement propels science diplomacy
kari ofstad,
Lars Kullerud,
Dag Helliksen
Evaluation of Norwegian Wildcat Wells
Norwegian Petroleum Society Special Publications 2000
kari ofstad,
A Øvretveit,
Lars Kullerud,
K Heggland
Probability of discovery and the reasons for dry wells: results from the project: Evaluation of Norwegian Wildcat Wells
Norwegian Petroleum Society Special Publications 2000
L Fosvol,
M Thomsen,
M Brown,
Lars Kullerud,
kari ofstad,
K Heggeland
Volumes before and after exploration drilling: results from the project: Evaluation of Norwegian Wildcat Wells
Norwegian Petroleum Society Special Publications 2000
Leif Johanson,
Lars Kullerud
Late Sveconorwegian metamorphism and deformation in southwestern Sweden
Precambrian Research 1993
Lars Kullerud,
Sven H. Dahlgren
Sm-Nd geochronology of Sveconorwegian granulite facies mineral assemblages in the Bamble Shear Belt, South Norway
Precambrian Research 1993
Lars Kullerud
On the calculation of isochrons
Chemical Geology 1991
Lars Kullerud,
Bjørn Ove Tørudbakken,
S Ilebekk
A compilation of radiometric age determi¬nations in Western Gneiss Region, south Norway
Bulletin. Norges geologiske undersøkelse (NGU-Bulletin) 1986
Albert van Wijngaarden,
John C. Moore,
Bjorn Alfthan,
Tiina Kurvits,
Lars Kullerud
Correction to: A survey of interventions to actively conserve the frozen North(Climatic Change, (2024), 177, (58), 10.1007/s10584-024-03705-6)
Lars Kullerud
Arctic Imperative – Cooperation for the Future
Journal of Ocean Technology 2016
Lars Kullerud
Sustainability- A green Arctic
Lars Kullerud
UN's Global Resource Information Database - GRID - A tool for Environmental Education in the School
Kart og Plan 1993
Lars Kullerud,
Sven Harald Dahlgren
Små korn - lang historie. Endelig zirkondatering i Norge
Geonytt 1992
Lars Kullerud,
Nuno Machado
End of a controversy: U–Pb geochronological evidence for significant Grenvillian activity in the Bamble area
Lars Kullerud,
Sven Harald Dahlgren
iming of the high grade metamorphism in the Bamble sector, South Norway
Geonytt 1990