Ove Gunnar Drageset

  • Ove Gunnar Drageset, Kari-Anne Sæther, Yngve Antonsen, Annfrid Rosøy Steele, Siw Turid Killengreen, Astrid Unhjem :
    Using Research and Development to establish coherence in teacher education  
    Routledge 2024 OMTALE / SAMMENDRAG / DOI
  • Kari-Anne Sæther, Yngve Antonsen, Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    Relevance of the master's thesis for becoming a professional teacher
    Routledge 2024 DOI
  • Yngve Antonsen, Auli Toom, Marit Ulvik, Ove Gunnar Drageset, Knut Rune Olsen, Finn Rudolf Hjardemaal et al.:
    Research approaches in master-based teacher education preparing student teachers for professional work
    Frontiers in Education 10. Jul 2024 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset, Thomas F. Eidissen :
    How do teachers share and develop student ideas?
    European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2022 ARKIV / FULLTEKST
  • Mona Røsseland, Ove Gunnar Drageset, Sigrid Sjåstad, Elena Cangemi, Maurizio Bertolini :
    Using roles and positions to foster explorative talk in mathematics
    European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2022 FULLTEKST
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    Exploring student explanations: What types can be observed, and how do teachers initiate and respond to them?
    Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk 2021 ARKIV
  • Astrid Varhol, Ove Gunnar Drageset, Monica Nymoen Hansen :
    Discovering key interactions. How student interactions relate to progress in mathematical generalization
    Mathematics Education Research Journal 04. Feb 2020 ARKIV / FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    How teachers use interactions to craft different types of student participation during whole-class mathematical work.
    European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2019 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Charalampos Sakonidis, Reidar Mosvold, Ove Gunnar Drageset, Siun Nic Mhuiri, Rukiye Didem Taylan :
    Introduction to the papers of TWG19: Mathematics teaching and teacher practice(s)
    European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2019
  • Charalampos Sakonidis, Ove G. Drageset, Reidar Mosvold, Jeppe Skott, Rukiye Didem Taylan :
    Introduction to the contributions of TWG19: mathematics teachers and classroom practices
    European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2017
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset, Tor Helge Allern :
    Using drama to change classroom discourse
    European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2017
  • Tor-Helge Allern, Ove G. Drageset :
    Flukten fra Syria. Et prosessdrama med rolle- og perspektivbytte i matematikk
    Fagbokforlaget 2017
  • Tor Helge Allern, Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    Out of Syria: A process drama in mathematics with change of roles and perspectives.
    Applied Theatre Research 2017 DOI
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    Korleis lærarar leier ein matematisk samtale
    Caspar Forlag 2016
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    Different types of student comments in the mathematics classroom
    Journal of Mathematical Behavior 2015 DOI
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    Teachers' response to unexplained answers
    European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2015 FULLTEKST
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    Redirecting, progressing, and focusing actions-a framework for describing how teachers use students' comments to work with mathematics
    Educational Studies in Mathematics 2014 ARKIV / DOI
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    Knowledge used when orchestrating mathematical discourses – doing, guiding and requesting
    Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk 2014
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    Student and teacher interventions: a framework for analysing mathematical discourse in the classroom
    Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 2014 DOI
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    How students explain and teachers respond
    Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia 2014
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2013
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    The interplay between the beliefs and the knowledge of mathematics teachers
    Mathematics Teacher Education and Development 2010
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    Exploring Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset, Fiona Ell :
    Using positioning theory to think about mathematics classroom talk
    Educational Studies in Mathematics 2024 DOI
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset, Rune Herheim :
    Fagdidaktiske verkstadarbeid: Master i matematikkdidaktikk
  • Thomas Frantzen Eidissen, Karen Bjerkeli, Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    The forgotten technology. Teachers use of mini white-boards to engage students
    European Society for Research in Mathematics Education 2019 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    Korleis leie ein matematisk samtale
    Tangenten - Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning 2014
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset, Gunnar Kristiansen :
    Skolen som læringsarena for etterutdanning i matematikk
    Finnmark Dagblad 05. Oct 2009
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset, Gunnar Kristiansen :
    Hva bør en matematikklærer kunne?
    Nordlys 09. Feb 2009
  • Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    Tilpassa opplæring og 'kompetencer' i matematikkundervisninga
    Tangenten - Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning 2008 OMTALE
  • Gunnar Kristiansen, Ove Gunnar Drageset :
    Nasjonale prøver i matematikk og tilpassa opplæring
    UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2006

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →