Marie Hella Lindberg,
Gang Chen,
Jan Abel Olsen,
Birgit Abelsen
Combining education and income into a socioeconomic position score for use in studies of health inequalities
Marie Hella Lindberg,
Gang Chen,
Jan Abel Olsen,
Birgit Abelsen
Explaining subjective social status in two countries: The relative importance of education, occupation, income and childhood circumstances
SSM - Population Health 2021
Jan Abel Olsen,
Marie Hella Lindberg,
Admassu Nadew Lamu
Health and wellbeing in Norway: Population norms and the social gradient
Social Science and Medicine 2020
Marie Hella Lindberg,
Mahima Venkateswaran,
Khadija Abu Khader,
Tamara Awwad,
Buthaina Ghanem,
Taghreed Hijaz
et al.:
eRegTime, Efficiency of Health Information Management Using an Electronic Registry for Maternal and Child Health: Protocol for a Time-Motion Study in a Cluster Randomized Trial
JMIR Research Protocols 07. Aug 2019
Marie Hella Lindberg,
Birgit Abelsen
Does medical education in the North recruit and retain doctors to the North and its rural areas? Sequence analysis of career trajectories after graduation
Marie Hella Lindberg,
John Wildman,
Birgit Abelsen,
Jan Abel Olsen
The lasting impact of circumstances on health and efforts in adulthood
Marie Hella Lindberg,
John Wildman,
Birgit Abelsen,
Jan Abel Olsen
The lasting impact of circumstances on health and efforts in adulthood
Marie Hella Lindberg,
Gang Chen,
Jan Abel Olsen,
Birgit Abelsen
A Cross-Country Study of Subjective Social Status: The Relative Importance of Education, Occupation, Income and ‘the Silver Spoon’
Tamara Awwad,
Mahima Venkateswaran,
Marie Hella Lindberg,
Khadija Abu Khader,
Taghreed Hijaz,
Buthaina Ghanem
et al.:
Use of the national electronic maternal and child health registry (MCH eRegistry) in primary care clinics in occupied Palestinian territory: a pilot time-motion study
The Lancet 01. Mar 2019
Marie Hella Lindberg,
Jan Abel Olsen,
Gang Chen,
Birgit Abelsen
Towards a composite index for socio-economic position when studying health inequalities
Marie Hella Lindberg,
Jan Abel Olsen,
Gang Chen,
Birgit Abelsen
A composite index for socioeconomic position when studying health inequalities
Tamara Awwad,
Mahima Venkateswaran,
Marie Hella Lindberg,
Khadija Abu Khader,
Taghreed Hijaz,
Buthaina Ghanem
et al.:
Use of the national electronic maternal and child health registry (MCH eRegistry) in primary care clinics in Palestine: a pilot time-motion study