Bilde av Akbari, Mansour
Bilde av Akbari, Mansour
Medisiinnalaš biologiija instituhtta +4777646582

Mansour Akbari

  • Helena Borland Madsen, J-H Park, Y Hou, Z Li, Lene J. Rasmussen, D. L. Croteau et al.:
    The cGAS-STING signaling pathway is modulated by urolithin A
    Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 2024 DOI
  • Helena Borland Madsen, Louise I. Pease, Rebekah-Louise Scanlan, Mansour Akbari, Lene J. Rasmussen, Daryl P. Shanley et al.:
    The DNA repair enzyme, aprataxin, plays a role in innate immune signaling
    Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2023 DOI
  • Mansour Akbari, Hilde Nilsen, Nicola Pietro Montaldo :
    Dynamic features of human mitochondrial DNA maintenance and transcription
    Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 2022 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mansour Akbari, Shanley Daryl P, Vilhelm A. Bohr, Lene Juel Rasmussen :
    Cytosolic Self-DNA-A Potential Source of Chronic Inflammation in Aging
    Cells 2021 DOI
  • Konstantinos Palikaras, Kavya Achanta, Seoyun Choi, Mansour Akbari, Vilhelm A. Bohr :
    Alteration of mitochondrial homeostasis is an early event in a C. elegans model of human tauopathy
    Aging 2021 DOI
  • Tanima SenGupta, Konstantinos Palikaras, Qin Ying Esbensen, Georgios Konstantinidis, Francisco Jose Naranjo Galindo, Kavya Achanta et al.:
    Base excision repair causes age-dependent accumulation of single-stranded DNA breaks that contribute to Parkinson disease pathology
    Cell reports 2021 ARKIV / DOI
  • Mansour Akbari, Jin Zheng, Claire Schirmer, Marie-Line Reynaert, Anne Loyens, Bruno Lefebvre et al.:
    Hippocampal tau oligomerization early in tau pathology coincides with a transient alteration of mitochondrial homeostasis and DNA repair in a mouse model of tauopathy
    Acta neuropathologica communications 2020 DOI
  • Shunlei Duan, Xuerui Han, Mansour Akbari, Deborah L Croteau, Lene Juel Rasmussen, Vilhelm A. Bohr :
    Interaction between RECQL4 and OGG1 promotes repair of oxidative base lesion 8-oxoG and is regulated by SIRT1 deacetylase
    Nucleic Acids Research (NAR) 2020 DOI
  • Evandro Fei Fang, Yujun Hou, Konstantinos Palikaras, Bryan A. Adriaanse, Jesse S. Kerr, Beimeng Yang et al.:
    Mitophagy inhibits amyloid-β and tau pathology and reverses cognitive deficits in models of Alzheimer's disease
    Nature Neuroscience 2019 ARKIV / DOI
  • Scott Maynard, Guido Keijzers, Mansour Akbari, Michael Ben Ezra, Arnaldur Hall, Marya Morevati et al.:
    Lamin A/C promotes DNA base excision repair
    Nucleic Acids Research (NAR) 2019 DOI
  • Mansour Akbari, Thomas B.L. Kirkwood, Vilhelm A Bohr :
    Mitochondria in the signaling pathways that control longevity and health span
    Ageing Research Reviews 2019 DOI
  • Jin Zheng, Deborah L. Croteau, Vilhelm A Bohr, Mansour Akbari :
    Diminished OPA1 expression and impaired mitochondrial morphology and homeostasis in Aprataxin-deficient cells
    Nucleic Acids Research (NAR) 2019 DOI
  • Yujun Hou, Hyundong Song, DL Croteau, Mansour Akbari, Vilhelm A. Bohr :
    Genome instability in Alzheimer disease
    Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 2017 DOI
  • Peter Sykora, S Kanno, Mansour Akbari, T Kulikowicz, H Lu, J Tian et al.:
    DNA Polymerase Beta Participates in Mitochondrial DNA Repair
    Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 2017 DOI
  • Mansour Akbari, Peter Sykora, Vilhelm A. Bohr :
    Slow mitochondrial repair of 5'-AMP renders mtDNA susceptible to damage in APTX deficient cells
    Scientific Reports 2015 DOI
  • Mansour Akbari, Maria Morevati, DL Croteau, Vilhelm A Bohr :
    The role of DNA base excision repair in brain homeostasis and disease
    DNA Repair 2015 DOI
  • Mansour Akbari, Guido Keijzers, Scott Maynard, Morten Scheibye-Knudsen, Claus Desler, Ian D. Hickson et al.:
    Overexpression of DNA ligase III in mitochondria protects cells against oxidative stress and improves mitochondrial DNA base excision repair
    DNA Repair 2014 DOI
  • Kristian Wollen Steen, Berit Doseth, Marianne Pedersen Westbye, Mansour Akbari, D Kang, Maria Falkenberg et al.:
    mtSSB may sequester UNG1 at mitochondrial ssDNA and delay uracil processing until the dsDNA conformation is restored
    DNA Repair 2012 DOI
  • Audun Hanssen-Bauer, Karin Solvang-Garten, Karin Margaretha Gilljam, Kathrin Torseth, David M. Wilson, Mansour Akbari et al.:
    The region of XRCC1 which harbours the three most common nonsynonymous polymorphic variants, is essential for the scaffolding function of XRCC1
    DNA Repair 2012 DOI
  • Mansour Akbari, Hans Einar Krokan :
    Base excision repair efficiency and mechanism in nuclear extracts are influenced by the ratio between volume of nuclear extraction buffer and nuclei-Implications for comparative studies
    Mutation research 2012 DOI
  • Audun Hanssen-Bauer, Karin Solvang-Garten, Mansour Akbari, Marit Otterlei :
    X-ray repair cross complementing protein 1 in base excision repair
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2012 ARKIV / DOI
  • DL Croteau, Marie L Rossi, Chandrika Canugovi, Jane Tian, Peter Sykora, Mahesh Ramamoorthy et al.:
    RECQL4 localizes to mitochondria and preserves mitochondrial DNA integrity
    Aging Cell 2012 DOI
  • Audun Hanssen-Bauer, Karin Solvang-Garten, Ottar Sundheim, Javier Pena Diaz, Sonja Benedikte Andersen, Geir Slupphaug et al.:
    XRCC1 Coordinates Disparate Responses and Multiprotein Repair Complexes Depending on the Nature and Context of the DNA Damage
    Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis 2011 DOI
  • Mansour Akbari, Karin Solvang-Garten, Audun Hanssen-Bauer, Nora V. Lieske, Henrik P Sahlin Pettersen, Grete Klippenvåg Pettersen et al.:
    Direct interaction between XRCC1 and UNG2 facilitates rapid repair of uracil in DNA by XRCC1 complexes
    DNA Repair 2010 DOI
  • Mansour Akbari, Javier Pena Diaz, Sonja Benedikte Andersen, Nina-Beate Liabakk, Marit Otterlei, Hans Einar Krokan :
    Extracts of proliferating and non-proliferating human cells display different base excision pathways and repair fidelity
    DNA Repair 2009 DOI
  • Torkild Visnes, Berit Doseth, Henrik Sahlin Pettersen, Lars Hagen, Mirta Sousa, Mansour Akbari et al.:
    Uracil in DNA and its processing by different DNA glycosylases
    Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences 2009 FULLTEKST / DOI
  • Mansour Akbari, Hans Einar Krokan :
    Cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of endogenous DNA base lesions as potential cause of human aging
    Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 2008 DOI
  • Mansour Akbari, Torkild Visnes, Hans Einar Krokan, Marit Otterlei :
    Mitochondrial base excision repair of uracil and AP sites takes place by single-nucleotide insertion and long-patch DNA synthesis
    DNA Repair 2008 DOI
  • Marianne Westbye, Emadoldin Feyzi, Per Arne Aas, Cathrine Broberg Vågbø, Vivi A Talstad, Bodil Merete Kavli et al.:
    Human AlkB homolog 1 is a mitochondrial protein that demethylates 3-methylcytosine in DNA and RNA
    Journal of Biological Chemistry 2008 DOI
  • Torkild Visnes, Mansour Akbari, Lars Hagen, Geir Slupphaug, Hans Einar Krokan :
    The rate of base excision repair of uracil is controlled by the initiating glycosylase
    DNA Repair 2008 DOI
  • Mansour Akbari, Marit Otterlei, J Pena-Diaz, Hans Einar Krokan :
    Different organization of base excision repair of uracil in DNA in nuclei and mitochondria and selective upregulation of mitochondrial uracil-DNA glycosylase after oxidative stress
    Neuroscience 2007 DOI
  • Mansour Akbari, Marit Otterlei, Javier Pena Diaz, Hans Einar Krokan :
    Different organization of base excision repair of uracil in DNA in nuclei and mitochondria and selective upregulation of mitochondrial uracil-DNA glycosylase after oxidative stress
    Neuroscience 2006 DOI
  • Mansour Akbari, Marianne Dore Hansen, Jostein Halgunset, Frank Skorpen, Hans Einar Krokan :
    Low copy number DNA template can render polymerase chain reaction error prone in a sequence-dependent manner
    Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 2005
  • Mansour Akbari, Marit Otterlei, Javier Pena Diaz, Per Arne Aas, Bodil Kavli, Nina-Beate Liabakk et al.:
    Repair of U/G and U/A in DNA by UNG2-associated repair complexes takes place predominantly by short-patch repair both in proliferating and growth-arrested cells
    Nucleic Acids Research (NAR) 2004
  • Javier Pena Diaz, Mansour Akbari, Ottar Sundheim, ME Farez-Vidal, S Andersen, R Sneve et al.:
    Trypanosoma cruzi contains a single detectable uracil-DNA glycosylase and repairs uracil exclusively via short patch base excision repair
    Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB) 2004
  • M Akbari, C Skjelbred, I Folling, Jørn V. Sagen, HE Krokan :
    A gel electrophoresis method for detection of mitochondrial DNA mutation (3243 tRNA (Leu (UUR))) applied to a Norwegian family with diabetes mellitus and hearing loss
    Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 2004
  • Mansour Akbari, C Skjelbred, I Folling, J Sagen, Hans Einar Krokan :
    A gel electrophoresis method for detection of mitochondrial DNA mutation (3243 tRNA(Leu (UUR))) applied to a Norwegian family with diabetes mellitus and hearing loss
    Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 2004
  • M Akbari, C Skjelbred, Ivar Følling, J Sagen, H E Krokan :
    A gel electrophoresis method for detection of mitochondrial DNA mutation (3243 tRNA Leu (UUR)) applied to a Norwegian family with diabetes mellitus and hearing loss
    Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation 2004
  • Per Arne Aas, Marit Otterlei, P.Ø Falnes, Cathrine Vågbø, Frank Skorpen, Mansour Akbari et al.:
    Human and bacterial oxidative demethylases repair alkylation damage in both RNA and DNA
    Nature 2003
  • Bodil Kavli, Ottar Sundheim, Mansour Akbari, Marit Otterlei, Hilde Nilsen, Frank Skorpen et al.:
    hUNG2 is the major repair enzyme for removal of uracil from U:A matchers,U:G mismatches and U in single stranded DNA, with SMUG1 as a broad specificity backup
    Journal of Biological Chemistry 2002
  • Katarzyna Maria Psonka-Antonczyk, Mansour Akbari, Marit Otterlei, Hans Einar Krokan, Bjørn Torger Stokke :
    Uracil-DNA glycosylase (UNG) interacting with mismatched DNA – a single molecule approach
  • Hans Einar Krokan, Torkild Visnes, Berit Doseth, Mansour Akbari, Marit Otterlei, Bodil Merete Kavli et al.:
    Uracil in DNA and its processing
  • Geir Slupphaug, Berit Doseth, Bodil Merete Kavli, Torkild Visnes, Lars Hagen, Kathrin Torseth et al.:
    Genomic uracil processing in mice and men
  • Geir Slupphaug, Marianne P. Westbye, Emadoldin Feyzi, Per Arne Aas, Cathrine Broberg Vågbø, Vivi Talstad et al.:
    Human ABH1 is a predominantly mitochondrial protein that demethylates 3-methylcytosine in DNA and RNA
  • Hans Einar Krokan, Bodil Merete Kavli, Mansour Akbari, Torkild Visnes, Henrik P Sahlin Pettersen, Ottar Sundheim et al.:
    Repair og uracil in DNA by UNG2 and SMUG1 - an update
    DNA Repair 2007
  • Hans Einar Krokan, Mansour Akbari, Javier Pena Diaz, Bodil Merete Kavli, Marit Otterlei, Madelene Ericsson et al.:
    Base excision repair proteins in cancer prevention and acquired immune responses
    The FEBS Journal 2006
  • Audun Hanssen-Bauer, Karin Solvang-Garten, Mansour Akbari, Hans Einar Krokan, Marit Otterlei :
    Functional analysis of XRCC1 associated repair complexes containing the XRCC1 polymorphisms Arg194Trp, Arg280His, and Arg399Gln
  • Javier Pena Diaz, Siv Anita Hegre, Mansour Akbari, Mirta Sousa, Ottar Sundheim, Audun Hanssen-Bauer et al.:
    Recruitment of the chaperone Hsp70 to Base Excision Repair complexes
  • Marit Otterlei, Mansour Akbari, Audun Hanssen-Bauer, Karin Garten, David Wilson III, Sonja Benedikte Andersen et al.:
    Base Excision Repair and Single Strand Break Repair proficient XRCC1 complexes
  • Mansour Akbari, Bruno Monterotti, Hans Einar Krokan, Marit Otterlei :
    XRCC1-Associated repair complexes (ARC)

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