Bilde av Mittner, Lilli
Bilde av Mittner, Lilli
Vuosttasamanuensa Senter for kvinne- og kjønnsforskning +4777660597 You can find me here

Lilli Mittner


Research on and with arts, culture, and society.

Research interests

Ageing and Dementia
Coastal Cultures
Gender and Gender Equality
Sound and Music
Historiography and Storytelling


Community Research
Research Ethics
Open Research in the Arts & Humanities
Innovative Research Communication

I apply feminist theories to explore human thoughts, creations, and relations, and what it means to be human at all. I often use qualitative and arts-based research methods such as archival studies, content analysis, multimodal analysis, aesthetic analysis, diffractive analysis, discourse analysis, policy analysis, qualitative interviews, focus group interviews, ethnographic fieldwork, and situated art intervention.

With a strong background within the arts & humanities, I have developed close collaborations with social and natural scientists working on artscience, natureculture, and human-more-than-human intra-actions. Theoretically, my work is inspired by feminist posthumanism and new materialism. Empirically, my research is increasingly connected to the Arctic where I have lived since 2014.

I am trained in Musicology and Media- and Communication Studies at the University of Göttingen and the University of Oslo and received my PhD in 2014 with a study of women composers in 19. century Norway. Since 2023 I am coordinating the Centre for Arctic Humanities at UiT.


Selected Projects

Selected Publications

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Since 2023 Associate Professor, UiT

2021-2023 Senior Researcher, UiT

2017-2021 Postdoctoral researcher, Centre for Women’s and Gender Research at UiT

2015-2017 Researcher, Academy of Music at UiT

2009-2014 PhD candidate at University of Music, Drama and Media in Hanover, Research Centre for Music and Gender

2004-2005 ERASMUS student, University of Oslo

2002-2008 Dual magister in Musicology and Media and Communication Studies, University of Göttingen

2002 Abitur, Alexander-von-Humboldt Gymnasium Eberswalde

1983 born in Leipzig