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Arbeidshelse, forskningsgruppe 90573764

Jan Vilis Haanes

  • Victor Pitron, Jan Vilis Haanes, Lena Hillert, Ferenc Gabor Köteles, Damien Leger, Cedric Lemogne et al.:
    Electrohypersensitivity is always real
    Environmental Research 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Victor Pitron, Ferenc Gabor Köteles, Steven Nordin, Jan Vilis Haanes, Lena Hillert, Damien Léger et al.:
    Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: Catching up to what kind of science?
    Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Jan Vilis Haanes :
    Can we trust what humans report? – myths and realities
    SINTEF akademisk forlag 2021 ARKIV
  • Jan Vilis Haanes :
    Understanding “Symptoms Associated with Environmental Factors” (SAEF) in buildings; e.g. “sick building syndrome”, “electromagnetic hypersensitivity” and “multiple chemical sensitivity”
    SINTEF akademisk forlag 2021 ARKIV
  • Jan Vilis Haanes, Steven Nordin, Lena Hillert, Michael Witthöft, Irene van Kamp, Christoph van Thriel et al.:
    “Symptoms associated with environmental factors” (SAEF) – Towards a paradigm shift regarding “idiopathic environmental intolerance” and related phenomena
    Journal of Psychosomatic Research 2020 ARKIV / DOI
  • Britt Rydjord, Jan Vilis Haanes, Hege Strømsnes, Berit Granum, Roald Bolle, Wenche Nystad et al.:
    Mould-specific immunoglobulin antibodies quantified by flow cytometry reflect mould exposure in Norwegian children
    Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2008 DOI
  • Victor Pitron, Jan Vilis Haanes, Lena Hillert, Ferenc Gàbor Köteles, Damien Léger, Cédric Lemogne et al.:
    Corrigendum to “Electrohypersensitivity is always real” (Environmental Research (2023) 218, (S0013935122021673), (10.1016/j.envres.2022.114840))
    Environmental Research 2024 DOI
  • Jan Vilis Haanes :
    Avdelingslederforum for arbeidsmedisinske institusjoner
    Ramazzini: norsk tidsskrift for arbeids- og miljømedisin 2023
  • Jan Vilis Haanes :
    Ramazzini: norsk tidsskrift for arbeids- og miljømedisin 2023
  • Jan Vilis Haanes, Thor Eirik Eriksen, Even Nerskogen, Hans Christian Vangberg :
    Høring – NOU 2023:4 "Tid for handling" – Personell i en bærekraftig helse- og omsorgstjeneste. Innspill fra Arbeids- og miljømedisinsk avdeling
    Ramazzini: norsk tidsskrift for arbeids- og miljømedisin 2023
  • Jan Vilis Haanes :
    Understanding “Symptoms Associated with Environmental Factors” (SAEF) in buildings; e.g. “sick building syndrome”, “electromagnetic hypersensitivity” and “multiple chemical sensitivity”
  • Jan Vilis Haanes :
    Can we trust what humans report? myths and realities
  • Oddfrid Aas, Trude Fossum, Ingrid Alethe Sivesind Mehlum, Britt Grethe Randem, Jens-Tore Granslo, Jan Vilis Haanes :
    Å skifte yrke er ikke enkelt
    Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2019 DOI
  • Jan Vilis Haanes, Anna Aminoff, Marit Nøst Hegseth, Anje Christina Höper :
    Faktasjekken: - Jo flere som kan la bilen stå, desto bedre vil luftkvaliteten vår bli
    Nordlys 20. May 2017
  • Jan Alexander, Gunnar Brunborg, Maria Feychting, Ellen-Marie Forsberg, Svein Gismervik, Jan Vilis Haanes et al.:
    Svake høyfrekvente elektromagnetiske felt - en vurdering av helserisiko og forvaltningspraksis
  • Jan Alexander, Gunnar Brunborg, Maria Feychting, Ellen Marie Forsberg, Svein Gismervik, Jan Vilis Haanes et al.:
    Low-level radiofrequency electromagnetic fields – an assessment of health risks and evaluation of regulatory practice. Report from the Expert Committee appointed by the Norwegian Institute of Health, commissioned by the Ministry of Health and Care Services and the Ministry of Transport and Communications
  • Kjell Ingemar Rödin, Anna Aminoff, Marit Nøst Hegseth, Arild Øvrum, Jan Vilis Haanes :
    Public health concerns regarding environmental exposure to inorganic stone dust and noise from the Sydvaranger open-pit mine
  • Marit Nøst Hegseth, Kjell Ingemar Rödin, Anna Aminoff, Arild Øvrum, Jan Vilis Haanes :
    Emerging petroleum activities in the Arctic and associated health concerns in the public.

  • The 50 latest publications is shown on this page. See all publications in Cristin here →